Hello there!
I am creating this topic to raise awareness of an issue with the just released hearthstone event.
As there is a great interest in the event, there is way more people signing up for LFG event groups than you can invite.
Apparently some players report groups that did not invite them for the event so that they do not show up on their LFG list or just out of grief.
My friend just got a 7 day silence penalty for creating a group named “hs sw portal 00:15”. She has appealed this penalty but she can’t even post on forum for now.
This appears to be the same situation as described in another thread:
I would hope that somehow this post will raise awareness of the issue and I wonder how many more people are in the same situation.
Thanks but the main point of this thread is to raise awareness about an issue linked to the hearthstone event and mass reporting. It’s not possible to describe this issue without mentioning an account penalty, so I have made sure there is no details that could help identyfying the affected person.
Since thread title might have been misleading I have updated it now to “Mass reports for creating a hearthstone event group”.
If this won’t speed up identyfing the present issue I would at least love to see a discussion about improving this automated penalty system.
If your LFG group is reported for an “Inappropriate Name” I would expect the group name to be checked against a list of keywords. If it contains anything inappropriate then sure, let the automated system take care of the penalty. If not, and the number of reports is high, then let human assess if penalty is deserved.
Based on what I have witnessed there is no such check, just a report counter. “If more than x reports then apply y penalty.”
It doesn’t matter what your “main point” is, talking about bans or appeals on these forums, is not permitted, and by doing so you, especially after being made aware, you risk getting banned yourself.
Your post includes talking about a ban which is not allowed. Mentioning it in any way is not allowed.
There are many inappropriate names that don’t include swearing. The reason you were banned is that they wanted their group to get people. Open a ticket and complain, abusing the report system is a bannable offense.