Mass reports for creating a hearthstone event group

Thanks but the main point of this thread is to raise awareness about an issue linked to the hearthstone event and mass reporting. It’s not possible to describe this issue without mentioning an account penalty, so I have made sure there is no details that could help identyfying the affected person.

Since thread title might have been misleading I have updated it now to “Mass reports for creating a hearthstone event group”.

If this won’t speed up identyfing the present issue I would at least love to see a discussion about improving this automated penalty system.

If your LFG group is reported for an “Inappropriate Name” I would expect the group name to be checked against a list of keywords. If it contains anything inappropriate then sure, let the automated system take care of the penalty. If not, and the number of reports is high, then let human assess if penalty is deserved.

Based on what I have witnessed there is no such check, just a report counter. “If more than x reports then apply y penalty.”

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