yes, it’s a new Content-Patch, but it’s still super early in the Morning and yet, Undermine on Silvermoon is barely tolerateable.
Looting takes up to 2 sec, Abilities have 0.5 to 3 sec delays, Players teleporting instead of moving all over the place…All with good Pings (Home 20ms, World 21ms) and no active Worldboss yet.
Please take a look into it, i’m sure in the evening the Zone will be unplayable.
Other People in /1 Reporting the same Issues.
After some Conversions it seems to be a Zonewide Problem not specifically tied to Silvermoon.
Updated the Title to reflect that.
giga lag on Dreanor too.
I AM SO SICK OF THIS, THIS TRASH GAME IS UNPLAYABLE. Every single time after a major patch giga lags for months.
I will just check out the new ride and I unsub and uninstall, I’ve had enough of blizz bs.
Same here on Shadowsong. It’s Lag City right now.
massive lag too undermine
Terrible lag in Undermine on Stormscale as well.
As soon as i enter the zone, the time it takes between ability press and it activating on screen increases by alot, and only in the new zone. In dornogal or anywhere else it’s working fine like always. Blizz pls?
Anyone else experience this?
Yes. Its because everyone is in that Zone now. Wait till next weekly reset when the raid and M+ starts and it will VERY likely be fine as everywhere else.
I played a bit my mage in Undermine today. Feel skill/magic so laggy, cant shot enemies fast
this so stressed
Daily Reminder, Zone is still laggy as heck, even on a Friday Morning at 6:00.
Also updated the Title to conclude it’s a Region Wide problem.
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Maybe the title will help the dev team or QA team see things better.
In Undermine you lag so much its not even funny.
How and Why is this still a thing in WoW?
After so many years in developing patches and zones were YOU KNOW all the people will be questing, you still have this lag problem…
Because to them the cost of solving this isn’t worth it in their eyes. Next week people will be doing m+ and raid and the zone will be less populated.
My pc smooth run every. But when killed mods and try pick loots from corpses. I use “auto loot” from setting.
Loots took load long than sec
This is what we call network/server lag. Your pc can run as smooth as you want but if there are issues with your connection or in this case more likely the wow server you’ll get lag.
That would be true if the lag only happens during Primetime.
But at 6 in the Morning on a Friday?
A /who on Silvermoon (one of the biggest Realms on EU) even showed there were less then 40 Players around (38 to be precise), pointing towards a Server/Setting Problem.
Hi all,
Thanks for the reports and please rest assured the team is very much aware and working on this as a priority.
The sudden influx of players following a content update is always going to be a challenge, and we continue to work on fixes and adjustments to minimize the impact on the player experience.
Hopefully some of it should already be felt now and more so over the days to come.
Thanks for your patience and understanding in the meantime!
Thank you for the Respone. 
It’s really good to know the Problem is known, investigated and already worked on!
Please keep up with this kind of Communication! (:
The sudden influx of players with a content patch should be expected after 20 years. Just to edit this, this is also happening while in zones such as Stranglethorn Vale, Molten Core raid, with no other players in the zone, Chromie time etc
Currently massive server lag on Silvermoon, and I presume it’s because of everyone being in Undermine that is causing it, it’s well known that many players in the same zone or spot causes server latency issues.
I remember this especially considering a YouTube video like 14 years ago when Swifty got himself a permaban for zone disruption (which was later overturned) by grouping up in the same spot with his fans, which led to that the server crashed.
Most likely a relatively similar situation here, except that it’s simply high server lag.
Thanks for this much appriciated update!