Mathias and Flynn❤️

I ship it ! I wish we could see representation ingame on the Horde side ! An amazing read , keep your homophobia outside of Azeroth please. ( or invest your energy when a heterosexual relationship is included)


Don’t like romance in general so doesn’t affect me either way but I read a little of the preview and I am interested in the story, just hope it comes out on Kindle too at some point.


well, they are no Anduin and Wrathion but sure…



Liadrin and Geya’rah.

Nice bait!


Does any of them have a partner?

All these npcs got their lovers, when is our characters gonna get to do some loving? :rofl:

Goldshire don’t count! Pls no!!

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Well, rule34 says so but until I don’t read an official post, I don’t believe that. Seriously, an orc with a blood elf ?? What about a gnome with a worgen? XD

It does. Or you can install Total Rp 3, which tells who is your loved one.

Dragons are polyam, 100%. You’ll need to add Baine here.

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I mean the orc is butch and the elf may appear weak but she’s strong.

As far as character goes, they’re at the same level of strength to make a power couple.

Well this is certainly a more refreshing approach than the other topic.


Baine’s into Mayla Highmountain. And she seems into him as well.

Thought Id add positivity to the forums honestly people are so mad at pixels in love :joy::heart:


Wranduin is a hate crime and if it’s made real I may actually spontaneously combust

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I honestly don’t understand why liking a person (or character in a game) would change just because they have a different sexual orientation. How does that make any sense?


How many threads you need about this same crap?

Jainecgos happened, so it’s not as if it would be the first time a human and dragon paired up. Not sure what their status is meant to be at this point though!

my main issue with Wranduin is that it’ll literally be an abusive relationship. Anduin despises Wrathion, wrathion is why Anduins dad is DEAD. I genuinely just hate this ship, even though Anduin and Wrathion are both real handsome boys, and the dragon-human relationship isn’t the bad part… it’s more the whole abuse thing that kinda gets me going “no thanks”


Twiluna + Twilestia is best ship

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