Mathias and Flynn❤️

Exactly like what will it disable your ability to do in game?

And what benefits do you get on putting your energy into hate?


There is a lot of negative luggage there, that’s certainly true.

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Personally i am not a fan but i dont go out of my way to express my feelings about it. Is that accceptable or am i gonna get cancelled for this reply


100000000% accepted

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Is not about the perception change.
There are many shows on tv that have gay chars and nobody cared . Same for black people .

Come mind modern family , umbrela accademy , mr robot , how to get away with murder , etc.

Is more with the fact that is a forced stuff like this in wow . That never needed tbh .

And this moves if anything have an hate efect instead of an acceptance of the facts .

People hate now gays for ruining a beloved franchise . I always thought gays wanted to be equals not specials - after all this is what started all , not being equal .
Equal is if you are a good actor you get the part , not if you are gay since we need one to make it .

Same above for the story , if it was writen nice would made more sence than a throw out like that because , well , reasons .


This is 100% acceptable.

We are allowed to have different ideas and ideologies this is fine and should be encourge considering the sheep mindset now-adays.

People want respect but forget to give it when it comes to others belifs.


Well i don’t like many things in life but i don’t go out of my way to spend time and energy on it explaining why, that is the main reason. I rather spend it on things i like, agree with and everyone can be happy that way

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You won’t see representation in game on either side unless Blizzard wants to get the game banned in Russia and China which I highly doubt.

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I dislike romance in the game, be it gay or normal. It’s a war game, not a novel for teenage girls.


That other topic is very much about I can’t like them any more because the character is now bi/gay.

Will devs show us in the game how these guys stuff each other?

What i said .
If they wanted they could of make 2 new chars from start gay and half of the issue will not be here .

No, did they show us how Jaina got stuffed by a dragon?


i can only wish

I mean I’m good if we don’t have to endure a Thrall/Aggra or Tyrande/Malfurion ‘GO’ELL/MY LOVE’ type quest to highlight their relationship in game.

I still have PTSD from both of those :laughing: :rofl:


Some might even argue that would be fair!


with that being said, i want a dungeon with sylvanas in shadowlands


Well let me tell you, you’re never gonna get it.


u can’t remove it from my head! :sunglasses:

And that is where it will stay lmao

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