Mathias and Flynn❤️

I honestly think half the reactionaries are less concered with whats between their legs are more concerned with the politics of it all, be it real world or blizzard directly.

Keep in mind, J. Allen Brack said not to be political on their platforms, while wearing a pride pin, and in his most recent WoW video on youtube mentions pride and social justice.

Well, what is it, Brack? Can we be political or can we not? Because if we can’t, they maybe they shouldn’t either. Lead by example.

Most of the people I see upset are less upset that its gay dudes and more upset Blizzard want to hammer home some sort of message / inclusion quota.

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Why is sexual preference political?

Why did Brack say ‘Don’t be political’ while wearing a pride pin, and then in the latest video why mention pride and social justice right next to each other as if they were linked? It doesn’t matter if we don’t care and don’t see it as political, many people do thanks to irl stuff that happens surrounding it all.

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I don’t see sexual preference as political. :woman_shrugging:t3:

The outrage is ten times worse when it’s a same sex relationship involving men.

But all the haters can join that other discussion.

I mean it think its because they have this “couple” featured in two books so far ,being irrelevant characters that they are, and there’s people who are basically fujoshis make threads about it.

Also the authors political inclinations i assume?

Two different authors no?

Here in lies the issue. I plain do not care. I really don’t. This being said, some people do, for whatever reason they have. I don’t care about that either. The issue however is highly political right now, like many other ‘issues’ that, if people were honest, just aren’t issues.

Like the whole gay thing? Don’t care, if everyone is of legal age and consenting, do what you want.
What do I dislike? Pride month. If LGBTQ etc people are ‘born that way’ as we are told, why are they proud of it? I mean, I was born straight white and male, but if I were to say I was proud of any or all of those, people would screech at me.

I don’t like hypocrissy, and to have a full month to be proud of who you are as long as it isn’t heterosexual makes no sense to me. People that died for the country get 1 day a year and an hours silence at best.

That are carbon copies of each other politically yes

I guess we’ll agree to disagree.

Unless you live in a country where it is illegal to be Homosexual, then no this is never going to be political.

Do you consider representation to be political?

I consider the gender or sexual orientation of two characters in a game to be so far removed from politics.

Read what i said mate. I agreed it isnt an issue for me, that I just dont care, that doesn’t change that it is an issue for others.

Ok so you think these characters are like this and are featured in 2 novels purely by coincidence, that noone of this was intented with a motive

I think homophobia is an issue for some.

I think you need to acept that this is at least failed normalization because of pure incompetence.

Much like people who push drag-kids as proxy for other things

I think you need to accept that some will hate for the sake of disliking the nature of the relationship.

And thats another problem.
So, I can say I don’t like pride parades, but it’s not because of what they celebrate, depict or do. It’s that I disagree with a month long celebration for being born a certain way. If you’re ok with pride parades, I can’t see a logical reason why you wouldn’t be ok with celebrating a race or being straight for a month either, after all, equality demands equal treatment.

I completly understand that, the point is that, when you hyper focus and put these things on a pedestal and scream to world about it, it’s human nature to be against things that are forced.

Also what do you think this achieves? Is this making anyone less homophobic?

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You are free to like or dislike whatever you wish. I’m not telling people how they should feel :woman_shrugging:t3:

You’re having a real issue catching my points.
Thats the 3rd time, so I’m forced to assume it’s intentional that you miss the point I’m making. Good to know.