Mathias and Flynn❤️

I suppose because it’s a fantasy game where people can escape reality so seeing something like a gay couple ruins their image on the game (Not that I have a problem with that) that’s just what I’ve heard from some people that have a vendetta against gay people.

She can join too :eyes:

i have to say this kind of thing never really bothered me or interested me in the slightest… guess im just just not that into the lore overall… after all isnt it bad writing when character completely change their views and opinions in one story to the next just to appease a group of people who never seem to be happy?

You’re at the wrong event sweety.

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There’re plenty of sources outside of this game for such endeavours.

They probably have in Goldshire, just not a ‘dungeon’ that you would put in-game :wink:

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[Toy foam sword] or something like that

If it upsets someone that much they can pretend the books don’t exist.


Tbh, im seriously cosidering flagging that other topic, as it seems to have turned into WW3

I agree!!! Baine and Zekhan would be soooo perfect together :heart_eyes:

Baine in the oven please I hate that cow


I’ll have what she’s having with a side of loyalty.

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Dont count out the Tauren…as far as I can see they appear to be the only ones procreating normally!

Think about it. You see kids sometimes but where are all the babies?? Nobody in WoW ever seems to get pregnant except Taurens (there was a quest with a Tauren in labour in Mists and of course baby Moozie in Legion).

In a way being gay is as weird and abnormal to the races of Azeroth as straight sex resulting in a pregnancy!

blizz shouldnt be forcing any kind of relationships in wow. they are horrible at writing those.

Honestly at this point it just feels like they are forcing in relationships into wow to score some pc points. Changing existing characters to lgbt. while there was nothing like that about these characters before. Its like saying dumbledore is into men years after the books and movies and it having no relationship with the story at all.

If they are going to write a relationship then should write one properly

They literally didn’t force it though.

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Ssshhhh. Reason never worked with these. It’s either going helicopter Karen or tokyoooohoteeeeel I don’t care life is lame.


Just like the whole " TYRANDEEEE WHERE ARE YOU" in legion did not feel forced right? Blizz sucks at writing relationships and shouldnt do it at all

Why wouldnt reason work, i’m not a homophobe. i just think blizz sucks at writing relationships

Wasn’t that just Xavier mocking him? Like hello…It was a joke.


When Lorthmar and Nathanos will happen ?

Lorthmar is already involved with Thalyssra. Keep it moving.