Maximum Realm Capacity Increased – 28 August

1k jump on Mograine

Yeah, is it aplied already ?

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They were in late vanilla though. Battlegrounds were cross-realm based on server groups. Everyone hated our server because we were mostly matched with PvE and RP servers and smashed them…

Hotfixes don’t require restarts.

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These are none issues

It’s a gradual increase to prevent crashes. I’ve jumped about 1000 3 times now in the past 30 mins.

That’s why they were forced to create the merging system to begin with, because a lot of those realms started dying. This way they can spread it out properly.

yeah its working so well that i really don’t see it or they haven’t applied it yet, cuz at this rate i’l be playing classic in a month or so

This very situation is likely to cause many people to quit. Who wants to wait in a queue for five hours? I am doing it… but many will not.

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None issues?

Some of the queues are so big because of people’s names, having pre-picked them. Character names are important to some people.

Sound like a perfect business plan

Thank you! This is the post i was hoping to see sooner or later :)! I have had a blast so far in classic!

since launch i have only played for 4 hours while being awake for 32 hours and in constant queue :slight_smile: i feel truly amazing every minute in queue worth of it Kapp especially today being in queue for 7 hours > getting dced 5 minutes in game > back to 17k queue . hope they will fix this mess soon

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For BGs yeah not for actual merges however.

And this situation only exists beause they, precisely, don’t release enough servers. As you said, they can just allow free transfer. Don’t see why they don’t do it.

Also, new servers nearly immediately jump to “full”, so it shows they DO work, it’s just that Blizzard so grossly underestimated the amount of players that it is not enough to absorb all queues.
Which seems even more of a reason to add more servers, as there is simply too many people to fit into existing servers, even after making them bigger.


Most of those people are not able to play on their servers anyway

However If you ever do get to login the servers are so rammed full that just trying to kill a few tigers or whatever is a major challenge due to all the other people needing to do the same thing.

You tell us that you have increased the player limit for the servers compared to vanilla … Like this is a good thing … If vanilla was designed around a server with 3k players (random number) and the game mobs and their spawn rates were set accordingly, increasing the number of players is obviously going to cause a problem. You have to question the IQ level behind these implementations and knee jerk corrections because of “unintended consequences”. You changed one thing about vanilla (the player limit) and managed to **** the game. I shouldn’t be surprised after 15 years of failing to learn from your mistakes. Reduce the player limit on servers and add more servers. Queuing to log in for more than a few mins is unacceptable. Having to form a virtual queue in game to kill a named mob is terribly sad.

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Nah it’s pretty scarce tbh, not having any problems with too many ppl. Layering is pretty balanced.

They can just wait a week or two.

You said “there won’t be server groups”. Why not ?
It’s not like a server group is different from having a single server with a single community.