Maximum Realm Capacity Increased – 28 August

Same here on Golemagg. Jumped from 9k to 8k.

I might get to play tonight!

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about 3000 in this last 40 minutes

Imagine what happens if all these people don’t quit before phase 2…


Yes. So merge. What’s about merge that makes them so terrified ? They prefer to ruin the release and to make obscenely overcrowded servers and hours-long queues rather than take the risk of the possibility that a few merges would be necessary in a few months.



i’ts seem everybody jumped 1k, but now i don’t move for the queue. jump 1k but now i’m stuck in the same position

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It isn’t hard to understand Blizzard’s argumentation that after the hype is over, the resulting overcapacity of servers may backfire, leaving lowly populated communities. Allowing the newcomers, however, to wait in half-day long queues is absurd, and will result in less active players and more negative feedback, only strenghtening the vision of people leaving the game. I am sure somebody in HQ will get smacked for that disasterous launch.


Probably shouldn’t completely ignore the rest of the post in the quote.

We’ll just keep phase 1 forever, right. :slight_smile:

I find the layering less an issue, than the risk of empty servers or merges. When EA merged servers, I lost every single name of my chars, I made them pre release, paid money for it and boom, some late comers got them, just because they were lucky with their server.

Never did I touch these games again.

I also don´t want to see players from other realms on mine, like at BFA. It is of urgent importance, that we keep the amount of servers at a small number.

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Why would they be afraid of merging but not of splitting ? Splitting looks like a much more daunting task, breaking community apart instead of merging it.

How exactly “more server” isn’t a solution ?

I would just like to have some play time per day, its impossible to play with these queues, this should be fixed… like right now :confused:

Honestly this is Really Bad.
We took day offs from work, so we play.
We are on queue for hours waiting.
We pay for the game :smiley:
Ty Blizz


They’ve done the exact same thing before, they let ppl even out, then increase caps.

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When you say deploying now, can we expect servers to restart following the hotfixes in the coming hours or days?


Like, since launch i only played till level 7 and that’s it.
I come from work and wait hours on queue while doing other stuff at Home, when i can finally play i can only play a limited time because i got work the next day obviously.

They had hundreds of them for some 9 years without any merges. That is why it is difficult for me to see why that is suddenly a complete disaster now. So bad that it is worth creating queues in the hundreds of thousands per region.

Don’t get it either, merge would have little to affect on players compared to this. Maybe it’s on the technical side but than again, private servers do merge

Merging results in multiple characters with the same names, which causes upset when people need to change. Can also affect guild names.

Because a lot of people are already invested in the server they picked. More servers will reduce the queue a bit as people new give up, but the best solution would be to offer transfers from full servers to new ones.

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Well I think It is possible to reach out to communities that for phase 2 it would require to split the current base and reach out to gleaders if they guild want to move or not. idk im just bored standing in a que so I came here :slight_smile:

btw ppl came here the whole day crying for more place in the current server and didnt want to reroll for another. So no justice here

When it will be aplied? Still in queue today for 6 hours.

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