May the odds be in your favour

I wish thé community good luck for the great vault tommorow !
May you have at least one tier piece in it
Alea jacta est :game_die:



I will get a ring. I always get rings. I played in S1 and I had every ring available from M+ between ilvl220-226, including 2 of the same ring two weeks in a row but 3ilvl apart. After 9.0 I didn’t play retail at all until 9.2 but already got a ring from the Timewalking weekly last week and a ring from the Mythic weekly quest this week.

I only did 1 M+ dungeon this week (tbh I just don’t enjoy it), and that will give me a ring. In the unlikely case I don’t get a ring I will get a pair of bracers.

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Not yet it isn’t - not until I have decided on a loot spec and clicked the steps.

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Ngl, that’s a tad creepy :joy_cat:


Yea indeed :joy: “guten prank” is the go to when the world is boring or painful. Thankfully did elden ring take away some boredom and gave my life some pain instead :joy:

Which one’s the real puny though?! I’m so confused

i will probably get an item for my legendary slots or slots i already have decent items in as usual…

Next you’ll want to wear her skin…getting major stalker vibes from this!

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All I hope for is that I won’t get feet.

Ring with worst stats i need.
I can smell it from here.

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So weird…why would you even put time into doing this

Definitely not the one writing in green text.

Green reminds me of fel → not good at all :smiling_imp:
Oh, don’t mind my green eyes. Felweed did that, I swear! :herb:



No tier for me, some day I will get to enjoy two set! Today is not that day.

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Got legs.

At least I’ll get 278 tier legs later.

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I did send the imposter “Punyelf” into the void. Were he/she/else can think about the consequence of trolling! Thanks for summoning the warlock council don’t forget to leave a review on yelp (Warlockcouncildostuffdotcom) :stuck_out_tongue:

Got a 265 weapon off the 4xmythics weekly and a 252 ring in the GV - both massive upgrades so im happy for once

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What you got?