Me providing feedback about profession system overhaul, as a returning player

Blizzard saying they have listened is not evidence that they have. That is exactly what they said when they told us we wanted a mobile diablo version.

Clearly the last M+ changes were not listening to the forum. It was pandering to the people who sell boosts. The large changes to classes at the start of the season were at the behest of one of the leaders of the world first chasers.
Both of these changes were responded to with total derision, which is yet more of an indication that it was not what the forum asked for. The guild banks that lost large amounts were ignored. The twinks issue has had no feedback at all. It is a non issue. The toxicity in M+ has not been addressed. I have reported some very egregious breaches of social conduct with absolutely no response.

They always ask for feedback in the PTRs, and then show no evidence of listening to that feedback on release. I have lost count of how many times this has happened now.

A simple google search will show you posts asking why streamers get such attention from Blizzard.

And as a finale

This made me smile. It was the very next post that caught my eye after replying to your statement.