Me providing feedback about profession system overhaul, as a returning player

I’ve sadly pretty much given up professions. I loved them in earlier expansions and had fun making stuff to wear myself or to sell. However, the changes in Dragonflight completely confused me and I’ve so far made one item in TWW - a neck for an alt. Even that was confusing. I can no longer make an item and send it to an alt. I have to do a work order otherwise it’s soulbound. It seems to me to be a really pointless change.
I guess it’s one less thing for me to worry about now but one more enjoyable thing gone from the game for me.


Yeah, the professions were just a lost cause for me. As soon as I started checking it out, I started hating myself for spending any amount of time on learning about it; it just felt so pointless and convoluted.

I got the gist about the crafting orders, but I doubt I’ll ever get into that properly. It’s just so meaningless and unintuitive with the artificial complexity baked into it all.
It just made me numb to it, yet the PvE progression still pushes it, so I can’t ignore it. I really hate it.

Hasnt bothered me much. I in guild as well as communities and the people there provide free crafting, you only have to provide the mats. Ofc I help in return with my crafting(give and take principle).

My only real gripe with the system is that you can’t reset your points(i believe it will be added in the upcoming patch) and there is no catch up mechanisms if you start/switch your profession late.

I despise the knowledge system. The general overhaul to the UI and the work order system is nice, with the exception that public orders should be able to set quality AND be required to provide the materials.

We are nearly at the end of S1 and I’m still having to do a list of things every week to progress my knowledge.

It’s too much, it takes too long and I really pity anyone trying to go back to a previous expansion to do this. I didn’t like knowledge in DF and little has improved in TWW.

Maxing a profession is meaningless now. The trees for knowledge are too big and require too many points.


Don’t make your source of entertainment a second job. It will just ruin it for you.

Or maybe Blizz should listen to the feedback and scale back the knowledge points required.

That, I can certainly agree with. Professions with 700+ Knowledge points are by far the most egregious, considering you get maybe 10 to 15 points per week after the initial expac launch.

I think the best solution would be to gradually speed up the rate at which you gain points per week, so that people who enjoy the exclusivity still get their five to eight weeks in the limelight, but otherwise knowledge should be pretty much done by the end of S1 (six months into the expac, give or take).


You preaching to the choir. Having a voice that Blizzard listens to is something every posters here desires. But it seems that if you want something to change in Wow, then your best chance is to convince a streamer that your idea is a good one. Streamers are the only voices that matter in Wow.

I’m not someone who prescribes to the ‘only streamers’ get to give feedback.

Please show me evidence to the contrary? I really would like that to be the case.

Because things that people have been vocal about on forums, social media, reddit etc have been changed. We have blue post responses in some cases updating the changes etc or ‘we’ve heard your feedback’ etc.

I’m not interested in streamers, they are just players with their own opinions. Nothing wrong with them but I do not need an advocate.

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Blizzard saying they have listened is not evidence that they have. That is exactly what they said when they told us we wanted a mobile diablo version.

Clearly the last M+ changes were not listening to the forum. It was pandering to the people who sell boosts. The large changes to classes at the start of the season were at the behest of one of the leaders of the world first chasers.
Both of these changes were responded to with total derision, which is yet more of an indication that it was not what the forum asked for. The guild banks that lost large amounts were ignored. The twinks issue has had no feedback at all. It is a non issue. The toxicity in M+ has not been addressed. I have reported some very egregious breaches of social conduct with absolutely no response.

They always ask for feedback in the PTRs, and then show no evidence of listening to that feedback on release. I have lost count of how many times this has happened now.

A simple google search will show you posts asking why streamers get such attention from Blizzard.

And as a finale

This made me smile. It was the very next post that caught my eye after replying to your statement.

It’s clear you firmly believe that. I don’t.

I am providing evidence. You are providing nothing except religion.

According to a Google search, I have already died from multiple diseases.

You are saying knowledge points need to scale back and Im saying it is just fine as it is.
Which feedback they need to listen?

I don’t see any of that as ‘evidence’.

You don’t seem to be able to accept agree to disagree. I’m not digging through 20 years of forum posts where we’ve had blue responses to issues or blue posts in response to the things the community is complaining about in various places.

So if you don’t want to believe it, that’s fine by me. I have seen it. I know it happens.

I’ve basically given up profressions aparting from skinning a few things just because it’s there.

I was never the most dedicated crafter. Usually I’d level it later in an expansion and make some gear for alts (which were usually leveled later too).

I think in BFA when Benthic items were so readily available and good that my alts got those instead.
In SL I didn’t do much with alts for a long time.
So my professions haven’t seen much effort since Legion. But the current system puts me off even attempting to get back into it.

Legion had profession quests which along with the Class Order Hall gave some good content for alts that wasn’t just repeating the main campaign again.
This is how they should have continued to make professions interesting. With story and questing. Factions like Thorium Brotherhood with spefic crafting recipes and lore / quests.

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I agree.This would have been amazing.
I wonder who asked for a milion(I exaggerate for effect)knowledge points, paths and no way to sell on the Ah many of the crafted things …I for one did not!

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