Meaningfull choices are bad game design

If nothing works, they’d probably go with blanket nerfs on covenant abilities and conduits and call it a day.


RPGs are ufortunately for you not just about gameplay. IF all you want is raw gameplay. Where only thing what matters are numbers and mechanical skill then you should be playing mobas or CS:GO.

no but they are susposed to be balanced :stuck_out_tongue:

imma just go necrolords and say heck it :smiley:

Well, I intend to level 4 characters at the same time to have each covenant. I honestly don’t worry about the dps affecting stuff, and will choose based on “coolness”, because otherwise I’d be really unhappy when the nerfs start.

Tbh overall they all have really cool parts… xD

venthyr looks the coolest for my class… but its Ability… is beyond useless in a PvE Setting.

I thought Maldraxxus was almost an automatic choice for an undead :smiley:

yeah but Necrolords cloth armour looks terrible :frowning:

but i’d say for priest its Kyrian or Necrolords effectively. Kyrian looks like its gonna be BiS… but its weird as a Shadow priest to play Kyrian XD

venthyr gets the ability which reverses enemy spells, all dmg spells heal their target and all hjealing spells Damage their target xD

Did you read my post at all? I completely disagree with the OP, but I don’t think that meaningful choices should negatively impact gameplay if possible. I am not a good player and it would be completely hypocritical (not that it stops a lot of people on these forums) to complain about

When I’m not at a level where it matters to me. You see to be oddly aggressive in your comment, and I’m not sure where you got the idea I don’t think RP is important if you read my post(s) fully.

Meaningful choices are important to making a good RPG, but a compromised should be maintained between gameplay balance and RP elements if said RP elements cannot be implemented fully without scuppering gameplay.

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People are already being left out because they don’t have enough raider IO Score.

I assume you already collected the mounts that comes with completing all dungeons on a +15 level.

Because apparently this game is so easy that they need to start forcing players to make the wrong choices, while at the same time increasing the difficulty.

People do not take kindly of mistakes in their groups and you already know that.
But hey let’s increase the amount of mistakes and wipes, because people want to play “fun” specs.
Not completing a dungeon in time, wiping in raids is so much fun that people should be enforced to do that daily apparently.
I am sure guilds love bad builds and not being able to progress, because their players don’t have the right builds.

Which Activision Blizzard sponsors, with MDI teams and raiding teams.
They want people to watch theirs shows and not being influenced with the decisions, their best players make.

Talking about very a stupid idea.

Best option for anyone right now would probably be wait untill the best builds come out than play the game, apparently.

While others are meanwhile, stuck with wrong choices you can now make the right ones and know exactly which Covenant to chose and Conduits to farm.

Btw for anyone defending this system, have the decency to not complain if you are left out because your build is not good enough for the content you are doing.

For me RPG choices are something I do in single player games not something I would do in a MMOG.
It’s fine to play “fun” specs. But when the Guild they are in isn’t progressing because they lack serious players that have the right builds, they complain.

The irony …


Yes. So you shouldn’t make mistakes, you shouldn’t deliberately make a bad choice. But that’s not the same as saying ‘bad choices shouldn’t exist’. Currently, in WoW, a Fury Warrior is closer to an Overwatch character than an MMO character. All Fury Warriors use the exact same skills, the exact same talents and more or less the exact same rotation and gear. The game prescribes how you HAVE to play, the game plays you by making you conform to it, it doesn’t let you decide how you want to play it. Literally nobody cares about what you’re doing, as long as you’re pulling your weight on the charts. If you excel, players will care so they can copy you.

I really hate this insinuation that if players are given a choice, they will deliberately gimp their characters. They will not. Covenants are another layer of playstyle. The same thing you choose when you make a character - do you want to be a ranged class, a pet class, a melee class with focus on huge hits, or a melee class with focus on DOTS and CC.

If covenants are a problem, how are classes not a problem? Why can’t I swap my class at any point in the game? In Allods online, you can swap your class, and when you do, you can manually pick your new gear. All that matters is to keep the same quality of gear for each of the pieces you already had. But they have a system where you get bis almost immediately in the endgame and then you just upgrade those items.

From what Ion has said, swapping back to a covenant is a matter of doing some quest, it’ll probably take 20 minutes. Maybe they’ll ask you to do the emmisary for them.

Also, if there’s more avenues for players to stink, this already encourages good socialization, because the players that don’t stink will once again be more of a rarity. There will be an incentive to be in a guild, to have an extended friends list, it’s a good thing overall. We should have even more of this - bring back gold cost to talent respecs and have it go up with each respec, bring back mixing of specs to create an unique class. I love all of this stuff. The more places the game gives you to mess up, the better it becomes. I can’t understand why people booed Diablo Immortal when they’re up in here insisting WoW be simpler than the average mobile MMO.

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Where did you get that information? Every Sim I see is miniscule at best.

Lol that is NOT a good indicator off race difference. That is gear, player and circumstance differential.

Eh we are talking races and not classes are we?

FFXIV is the same. You can level all jobs on your character, so you don’t need alts. There’s still different gear for ranged/melee/tank/healer though.

No, we’re talking classes:

In Allods you don’t have to level the second class. You just need an item that lets you swap classes, and then you manually select the new gear you want on your new class. It has literally zero downsides. The item is pretty exclusive, you can’t swap classes all the time. But I don’t get if covenants are such a giant problem how come having classes isn’t.

There’s 2 problems with covenants - the progression, metered by weeks, and the fact that covenant progression isn’t account-wide. Blizz doing these progressions has never worked, it would be okay if they weren’t metered. The inherent catch up is… stupid, it encourages you to not play for a month or so, until you have enough catch up stored. Might as well just remove the metered progression and let us level up covenants like we level up our characters smh.

The timegating is needed, because this is the same system as Legion artifact weapons. They can’t let some players reach max rank within the first week, because it’ll be impossible to tune the bosses properly. Personally idc if someone wants to trivialize the raid for himself and end sub until next patch, but for some people that race matters.

If you have everything unlocked from the start, as you should, it becomes a matter of learning how to use all the options available to you. It’s just as much about sinking time in the game as it is about paying attention. There’s many options available in covenants (that’s what makes it a good type of choice to make, unlike anything in bfa), so it’ll take weeks until a meta settles anyway and the metered progression becomes immediately useless.

If you mean removing the whole progression then yes. If you mean removing only the timegating, then no, it’ll turn into a mindless grind to unlock everything asap and 1 shot the bosses. AP grind at its worst.

None forced them to it.
There’s a difference between having A as your only choice as in Overwatch.
Or having A,B or C as in the case of each talent role.

Because a dungeon running out on a clock timer is pressing you to squeeze as much as you can of your character.
None wants to fail that dungeon and downgrade the key.

This is a design flaw introduced by Activision Blizzard themselves and none else.

They will.

I believed that players would not be scrutinized by their Covenants.
Before Dejarous corrected me and told “yes they will.”

People are already being left out for better classes.

This can be blamed on their side as well, for not balancing classes property.

Fair enough.

Let’s see if changing conduits will be as easy as well.

If I want to be in a guild I will look for one.

Than remove Cross realms.
Problems solved.
You don’t need a extensive mathematics sheet when one simple decision solves everything.

Lack of players will make people less picky when forming groups.

Because the game punishes time wasting with lack of progress.
There’s just too many tasks to perform.
I would argue SL is a expansion you should be extremely careful picking your main if you don’t want to left in the ditch.
