Mechagnome Appreciation and Celebration Thread ⚙


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I only need the shield then I have them all…have the low Rez hypertech buckler one…but need it for my warrior!

Also I think elements of some WOD mail is good for hunters. Whirring belts, shoulders with Tesla like orbs. The weapons from BRF are also good for the scrapyard look, especially the polearm.

Tinkspring attaches a big, whirring mechanical fan to her arm.
Tinkspring frantically waves around.



Kyrel nervously searches for a POWER-OFF button


[beep bleep meep pip plip]

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They do have a vibrate setting…

lol who the hell came up with that?

Good to see more faces (this is Pax on my main boy). Eventful trip to SoO this afternoon, got this lovely new helmet, FINALLY after so many months got the blue colouration of blackfuses tech staff and tamed myself a blue robot scorpion!

Big mechanical waves to all /run partymode[Jazzhands:ON]

I’m sure I saw you on that char in Mechagon earlier today, or in Boralus… can’t remember which :upside_down_face:

I’ve got myself a scraphound called Sentry on this, still need the Mechagon gun though

It’s Jollt btw

Probably boralus, I haven’t been to mech on him in a while. Was just running my 8.3 dailies and visions and had time spare so thought I’d chance SoO. Still want those mythic skin shaman shoulder tho…I have the normal colouration set that my hunter can actually use but I want a rusty version!

They made male noems playable. The normal variety is horrible, but the mechagnome version is more than acceptable. I would have preferred being able to choose the level of mechanization (cyborg arms but not legs for instance) but if they keep their promise of adding more customization over time in Shadowlands, who knows.

I’m really counting on this too. Some people seem to be of the impression that allied races aren’t getting any customisation update but I don’t believe that…

Did someone say my name?

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[carefully closes the cellar door and very slowly vanishes into the shadows]

They did say they’re focusing on the core races first. Which seems reasonable, imo. They did not, however, say they’re giving more stuff to the core races only.

Hi keekers

36 replies. 10 are non mechagnomes. guess mechagnomes aren’t popular at all (compared to their nemesis vulpera)

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Nobody cares about your crap posts. Take your usual toxicity elsewhere


The envy is strong in this boring human. You should upgrade, and get rid of that stuff. It is not healthy.


Greetings Retributor.

I’d like to thank you from taking time from your busy schedule of watching He-Man reruns and signing copies of your bestseller “Deus Vult for Dummies.” As you can imagine I’m starstruck.

Thing is this thread was never about proving popularity. It was very clear it was intended as a space to share tips, stories, mogs and ideas for those already invested in MGs or those curious. No claims to popularity there. Simply a way to help like minds find like minds.

It was very clear that trollish bore was not welcome, although I can’t stop it. But it’s clear it makes you that guy.

And you just had to be that guy.

I’m not sure if it’s because you think it’s genuinely clever (it really isn’t) it’s wanted (the post made it clear it wasn’t) or you’re cultivating a forum persona (personally I think you lack the charm to pull it off) but hey, thanks for stopping by. Your posts in this thread will be ignored by me unless they’re on topic , and I’d advise everyone else to do the same. Get in the spirit or get out. This is no place for your unique brand of woe is me negativity.

Everyone else, I’m parsing the idea of (for EU folks) looking into setting up weekly Uldir heroic runs for the weapon mogs as they’re a sweet fit for MGs and gnomes alike. Given our ilevel and corruption/essences it shouldn’t be a massively time consuming task or hugely challenging. What do people think?