Mechagnome Appreciation and Celebration Thread ⚙

/10 chars

I searched the internet for “how many posts needed to determine popularity” but I didn’t really come up with anything useful. Where does one find such information? Also, and this will be completely mind boggling I’m sure, it’s not necessary to post on your mechagnome character to discuss mechagnomes. Which you should be aware of, you managed to post on your roid monkey after all.

You have them confused with yourself it seems.

One race isn’t meant to be the exact opposite of the other. The only relation is being released at the same time.


so tempted xD

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:wave: :hugs: :smiley:


10/10 for that name!


Fun Mechagnome Fact of the Day

Did you know that Mechagnomes have access to a huge portion of Mechagon City, free of mobs and filled with friendly NPCs? This space goes from the Tinkatory all the way to the Robodrome. Not only cool for exploration, but no other AR gets such a huge space free for them which is perfect for RP!


His posts in any thread - even his own threads - will be ignored by most. :laughing:

If he is, it’s not a good one, and he’s seen as a joke, so I guess if that was the plan - he succeeded.


I made my Mechagnome this morning but it’s not yet showing up as a character to post as on the forums. I choose hunter because I think the race works really well with mechanical pets and even guns (which I normally don’t like as I prefer bows). I don’t play hunter a lot so I’ll need to do some research into finding suitable pets, although I do quite like the starter pet.

I love the 40s style hairstyles and, much as I like the candy colours of regular gnome hair, I think the muted colours work better with the Mechagnome aesthetic.

The options for legs feel a little lacking but there have been some great suggestions in this thread and others for additional options which I’d hope to see added at a later stage. Even if options were unlocked via special Mechagnome-only quests, that would be a nice idea (but please no rng drops!). There could be an augmentation specialist npc in Rustbolt or the Mechagnome-only areas of Mechagon who you could go to to change your limbs - which would make more sense than a barber shop!

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Hunter is a cool class for MGs. My content main is a MG Hunter.
Pets - it depends on content. If you’re not doing serious PvE content, there’s a huge variety of mechanical pets you can pick, it’s just a shame they’re all cunning and have the same ability, that’s irrelevant outside of serious content.

I do/did mythic plus on him (bit harder as my laptop fan has broken so I’m having to use a workaround which I don’t have unrestricted access to) so I need at least a ferocity pet for lust and a dispel pet. My own for these are a bumblebee (it’s a drone, geddit?) And a crane in a rusty colouration.
The rest are mechanical. One robot chicken. A robot sheep and the blue skin of the mechanical scorpion.

Regarding cool mogs for hunters outside of the HA. The SoO hunter mythic set is golden with blue glow which suits a golden customisation. The “off set” shaman pieces work well for a rusty customisation as they’re the armour Erazmin wears.
Additionally warlords of draenor has some good pieces. Parts of the mythic hunter set in BlackRock foundry have rotation gears on them, but some have skulls so you need to pick and mix.
Weapons - guns for ranged. Throne of thunder drops a cool rotating thunderstick which works surprisingly well in various colours. You can get a decent model easily in legion dala from the engineering vendor, small but decent. Uldir drops much higher tech pulse rifle looks. Mechagon has the ray gun appearance, and mohterlode drops a scrappier version. If you’re able to get Mekkatorque kills in BoD, he drops a nice gun as well. Several gladiator weapons look good too- I think deadly gladiator it is? A handgun with 6 barrels, rusty colouration.
If survival, bit trickier. The staves from Mechagon are there. BlackRock drops a mechanical polearm with whirring gears. Uldir drops awesome spears. Mechanar in TBC and Shadow Lab drop a couple of more dated spears that are appropriate. Two handed swords and axes are more limited, WoD has a couple of scrappier models. The Argus LF sword mog in gold somewhat works for a golden set due to the rotating parts.

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The gun Mekkatorque drops is absolute win for any tech theme. Still farming for it, along with GMOD.

That blasted gnome has all the best goodies…

It sounds like a good initiative, and I think you’d be able to get people for it without too much trouble. Would I be able to tag along on a human or VE though? The appearances unlock account wide after all. My mechagnome won’t be anywhere near 120 soon and I’m not remotely as good a hunter as I am a paladin or rogue. Not saying I’m great at those either, but at least they’re geared for Uldir level I should think.

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The perfect gun suited for the heritage armor can be found in the mythic mechagon dungeon, just for you interest.


Absolutely. No need to attend on MGs, it would be for anyone interested in Uldir mogs for any reason! I’ll post up when I have an idea of a regular time and day I can make. It’ll be later than most raid times as I play later than most but I can imagine clearing won’t take hugely long either. Keep your eyes peeled!

In other news…
I really wish they’d make alt coloursets for the HA in chrome and rust. The mobs literally wear the chrome one! Why only mag har getting this benefit? Hopefully in future blizz add this option!

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“Prepare for oblivion!”


Considering Bethesda games, Oblivion maybe slightly bugged!

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truly a mystery

Oh. I just love those mechagnomes.
They are the best toasters ever!
mmmhmm…fresh toast! :bread:

I thought I was a fan. I was hoping their improved aerodynamics would compensate for their worse size/weight ratio. But alas, regular gnomes are king still as puntable races go

Don’t forget the myriad of other functions we have you know. We have it all built in baby!

And if you ask really, really nice, we can even burn a little pattern into your toast slices.


Mechagnome master race. Exterminate the Vulpera.