Mechagnomes welcome

Even knowing that mechagnomes are not as much loved as vulperas i want to thanks to blizz to put the efford into developing one of the most underloved races in wow. As a gnome main and any gnomes mains will tell you, you can go quests and quests without seeing a single gnome community. Gnomes really deserved a whole entire arc like this since in terms of personality they are very simple race, unlike goblins for example who ( basically gnomes) tend to get corrupted very easily, they got a very well defined goal(greed), so it’s so much easier and interesting to write about.
Mechagnomes I admit that it’s a bit too simple for a new allied race, but since there was so much under love for gnomes before i think they needed this rework, there is new amazing looking hair styles I want since gnomes usually have hair styles of old man mad scientist sort of thing, my character doesn’t go on that type, blizz with mechagnomes explored one side of them that fits perfectly, the crazy young stylish hair which is more prominent in female gnomes but they also added a couple on male side which is why i will reroll mechagnome when they come out.
That was it guys i just wanted to share this thought with all of you.


And now your race will get the reputation of being the tank elitist stereotypes ( due to mechagnomes racials ) :smiley:

Play what you like, I am glad we got mechagnomes instead of another color of elves.


And it fits mechagnomes personality from rustbolt resistance, gnomes from gnomeregan usually are very cowards and won’t fight anyone bigger than them body to body(which is why i find warrior gnomes more of a joke type of thing) but gnomes from rustbolt resistance are tough guys and learned to be fearless they do body combat anyone and anything for the sake of protecting their land.

The lack of negativity in this thread is appalling. Must be because of those ridicoulous new years resolutions.

I spit on those.
Gnomes were the joke race before it was cool. Mechagnomes are a waste of space.
Luckily, they dont require much of it.


hmm… could they become dk’s once shadowland releases? “mechanized midgets of death!”(kinda weird)

btw if you folks were to create a mechagnome, what class would you choose and why?

for me it would be a rogue or warrior, not because of the racials, but the cybernetic + magic kinda don’t fit my fantasy of them.

They missed the ball on not making them druids
robo animals would give them a chance vs the foxes.


Thank you that you wasted a slot instead of adding a race which may attract other players to play the alliance. With Vulpera we may even lose the majority of furries. Haven’t you learned anything from your Kul’tiran try? Thank you, but no thank you.


Hunter. Mecha pets + engineering as a profession = guns, gadgets and robot minions. Perfect for a mecha gnome, if you ask me :grin:


Don’t even need to wait for Shadowlands. With a pre-purchase, you can make allied race DKs, including Mechagnomes, once 8.3 lands.

I’ll be race changing my main (this monk), and will create a DK mecha-gnome alt.

Mechagnome / Vulpera should have never happened in my opinion ! Vulpera should have been what Tusskars are to WOTLK , and Mechagnomes should have just rusted in that weird island…


I actually expected you to create “Still a Mechagnome Loyalist” thread, you too didn’t like it apparently Bubble :smiley:

Let us welcome our brand new extremely interesting and appealing race then.

Cyber robocop yea :smiley:


to be fair many races look lame without gear


Probably a rogue, can you imagine ? Being ganked by a mechagnome then he tbags you with his big metal diaper. Glorious.


I really love the hairstyles they’ve given the mechagnomes. I just need to make up my mind what class I’m going to level mine as

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Vulperes are very small. I love big furries.

Why is this place so silent, cmon! Where are the Trashgnome fans show yourselves.

We love Trashgnomes I will race change all my characters to Trashgnome 3<

Edit : Wait? There is none? How? I expected it to be the most popular race WoW has ever had, was I wrong?.. Where is the hype, only 10 days left.

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It has been 8 hours still not a single post, cmon Blizz spent 1 year on this masterpiece race.

I plan on making a mechagnome DK because cyborg zombie warrior is pretty badass. Check them on the PTR if you disagree with me.

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I am thinking of race changing my Druid to Mechagnome as soon as the patch comes. The robotic theme mixed with nature sounds cool to me.