
No, I think you’re correct, complete forgot about my grind for the KTs.

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Mechagnomes were a mistake.

I wonder who in the dev team thought this was a good idea?

Regular gnomes are rare enough, was there a demand for these abominations?


You don’t anymore at least, thank god. Just came back to the game after a bit of a break and heroic worked for me to unlock them.

And you are beautiful.


I would say let’s add hairstyles and faces that the normal gnomes have. Why only those few options? It’s literally the same model and should not be a big deal.

I wanted the option to go full mecha (my dream mecha gnome like the ones in wrath of lich king), not just the forced parts.

Even the max level armor for them shows a little flesh.

Let players choose full mecha or part mecha.

Oh and support more transmog options.

P.S. I usually only seriously play as gnomes, but even mecha gnomes disappoint me some.

a part of their kingdom is a massive scrap yard, what did you expect?

They don’t really deliver on the fantasy, I think. And it’s difficult to see the appeal over a regular Gnome.

I mean, the fantasy is to be a fully mechanized Gnome, and not just have robotic arms and legs.
And it also doesn’t really vibe that you’re this cyborg gizmo Gnome from an island of science and engineering, and then your class choices are Mage, Priest, Warlock… Again, the fantasy is a tinker class, and when that doesn’t exist, what’s the appeal of a Mechagnome? You can roleplay with Engineering, and find some appropriate transmogrification, but besides that…

It’s different and its niché, and some will like it. But it feels like missed opportunity.

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Yeap, that’s a disapointing part. After all of those years waiting, seeing them in Wrath of Lich king etc pretty prominently… we end up getting hybrids only. Hybrids who can only use a small amount of transmogs too.

Why don’t you just play a gnome?

those are the only good mecha gnomes. the ones we have are really just diaper-junk-gnomes

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i like them


I main gnomes, but yes their lack of leg transmog options does give off that look sadly.

At the moment at least, I don’t know why you wouldn’t just play a gnome over a mechagnome. I don’t hate them or anything, but their customization/transmogging capabilities are so limited compared to regular gnomes that the head start in levelling just doesn’t feel worth it to me. I don’t see them being something I’ll go out of my way to unlock until I have absolutely nothing else to do.

(I also still need to actually level my first gnome, so that probably takes priority :grin:)

I like my Mechagnome


Human players don’t get to call other races bad

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When you put the heritage armour on them and match up the arms and legs they look amazing.

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I’d like to be a Mechagnome with just one robot arm, not Darth Vader.

Ok nvm I’d love to be Darth Vader. Mechagnome Vader not so much.

I was hoping playing a Clothie mecha gnome , the robes hide the legs so i thought they would do the same for the arms.

Why does every other races get sleeves but not the mecha gnomes >.<

If you want to play a gnome, then play one. I mean you have to be mentally unwell to do so, but hey

wow one transmog set that hides their ugliness is so cool amazing