
You play a human in a fantesy game, maybe you’re just dull.

Mecha gnomes are at least a unique look, only thing special about you is welll… you


I feel like alliance got shafted with the allied races. I love void elf. But vulpera was way better compared to a reskinned gnome.


Be quiet. Nobody plays gnomes including you. Just be quiet.

For you, maybe. I’m much happier with the Mechagnomes we got, than the fully robotic things we’ve seen in WotLK. It would be nice if we had an option to be fully robotic, if one so chose, but I understand why they didn’t do that: the robotic mechagnomes were pretty hell bent on following their programming. That’s not a wise thing to do for a playable character.

A lot of us do, thankyouverymuch. There’s an entire community of Gnomies, too. Lovely bunch.


nobody=exageration of the 1% of total gnomes in wow. thank U very much. not very intelligent for a mechagnom

So, what you said basically translates to: “Not even 1% of total gnome players play mechagnomes in wow, including you”?

Because according to the WarcraftRealms census, 4% of the alliance are Gnomes, 1% are Mechagnomes. We’re pretty much on par with Dwarves (and Dark Iron Dwarves) and Pandaren, pretty close to Worgen, Void Elves and Draenei, and are more popular than Lightforged and Kul tirans.

Get your numbers right next time.

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Mechangnomes are of the master race!

That particular poster is rather notorious for not doing numbers good. Ask them how many Developers they think are Horde. Not Main Horde, but actually -are- Horde, As in actually physically are Horde. We questioned them till they clarified it, they actually think there are Horde races working at Blizzard HQ, and they apparently make up 96.4% of the Dev team.

They went a bit silent when we asked them how many Dev’s worked at Blizzard HQ, for 96.4% to be a viable figure, and have stayed silent ever since…

Hence…Don’t take anything they state as in any way connected apart from the vaguest of ways with ‘truth’ or ‘common sense’

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Ya gotta 'troll 'em humans, mon. Ya gotta.

I’m beginning to see a trend - people dont like the little races! :grimacing:

don’t be too sure about that. considering some of the people in positions of power and authority around the world, people are obviously listening to ones with the minds of troggs.

it’s good to see people still believe miracles might happen I suppose

that’s more like it

IMO kultiran and mechagnome should have been for the horde. As I see they praising these to races alot.

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its ironic. mocking the junk+fat meme races alliance got

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I would love to see the Horde to get a low effort race as well in form of one of the Goblin-reskins! Sharing is caring!


Nightborne. Highmountain Tauren. Mag’har orcs. Zandalari Trolls. Those all took less effort to make than Mechagnomes, none of them have anything really special about them. Just sayin’.

Transmogs for Mechagnomes are prob the hardest race to use transmog on.

Casters with a dress works as it covers the Legs / feets.
Their Heritage Armor.

The Heritage armor legit makes you look like Clank from the Ratchet & Clank games. which is awesome!, as these games were my childhood games :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

dw they will get their legs and arms soon. just think about how fast blizz was in making new worgen models

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Didn’t you do the same with your paladin? Nothing left to see of human “beauty”.

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It’s about taste. I prefer cyborg gnomes over fox people every day.

But also as goblin fan I feel kinda screwed. All the allied races expanded the lore of the main race. But not the goblins, they got nothing. Cyoborg golbins would have been awesome, Or Hobgoblins. But nay, we got nothing.

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I bet alliance players would still complain if the horde got the mechagnomes.