
Well the recent civil war of the mechagnomes should say enough woudnt you agree?

King mechagon litterly tried to bring the mechagnomes back to mechanical purity… but we put that guy were he belongs in the yunkyard :stuck_out_tongue:

One question though what mechanical drakes are you referring to?

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Replace Mechagnomes with Setthraks as it always should have been.

Personally I find the Mechagnomes to be the least appealing of the new race choices, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder :slight_smile:

The Steamscale Incinerator mount alludes to having been created by Gnomish hands, suggesting gnomes are capable of building robot drakes and dragons capable of flight.

I’m not one for store mounts often but I had to have it, it’s perfect for a Gnome.


Oh but they are…:stuck_out_tongue:

Who would care what you and your other personalities thinks about me.

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Noone needs to care, we can hate you without you caring. <3

plate Transmog for mechagnomes is hard but once you find something that works its somewhat rewarding in its own way i guess.

I used to find them appealing at least for killing when I see them on open world but I don’t see any Trashgnomes anymore.

I acquired N’lyeth, Sliver of N’zoth to kill them but their numbers are far fewer than I foresaw… I used to see at least a few of them every month when they got released, now they are literally nonexistent hence I can’t torture them anymore :frowning:

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gnome players are scum, easy

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