
I’m with you on this. I have a wee army of Goblins, I adore them

Like Maghar, Nightborne and Highmountain. Mechagnomes got very detailed arms and legs. Love them.

I still hope for the tinker class one day, so this might expand goblin lore a bit while doing the same with gnomes maybe.

Agreed :smiley: I quite like the ones in New Home, maybe they would be a possibility? Or they might just be a bit too twee :thinking:

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I think what you actually want, is for those parts to not prevent transmogging.

No. I want to not feel like barfing at the creation screen

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Why are you playing a human male then?


Hah you just wait people we the mechagnome and gnomes are becoming more and more populated on player base I see lots of more gnomes nowadays…

Altough i would have liked to see a gnome race based of off mimiron but these mechagnomes are also amazing


Mechagnomes are amazing. I will always champion them, but I will admit I couldn’t resist the OG gnome new customisations so I have reinvented Pax a bit… we’ll have to see what the AR updates hold, but if the gnome ones are anything to to by, should be goooooood.

I’ll still scrap on the forums over MGs though because reputation and all that.

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Ah, mimirons gnomes. It’s inspiring how gnomes are overcoming the curse of flesh.

Mecha Chromie, it has a nice sound to it and I’ve seen some mechanical drakes being built by gnomes recently.

Imo all of the allied races are bad and vulperas are the worst. Maybe kultirans are fun for some time but thats it I kinda hate them all.

It’s ok, we hate you too. <3

Well… i was on your boat and kind of still am. Without the right transmog they look hideous. I used to call them mutilated gnomes, cause that is what they are.

Anyways, i found a transmog combination on priest that looks magnificent.

So, my sugestion is such: Use a kilt/robe to hide the legs. The arms are alright, but you need a transmog that fits with the color scheme of the arms. So, brown, gold or blue. I actually love my mechagnome now, but if you don’t cover those legs they are gonna look off.

My opinion is that Blizzard should remove the leg restriction for transmogging. Surely they can put on some pants. They can leave the mechanic feet showing.

I would also like to see full mimiron type customisation options for them in the future.
The fact is, they are here to stay wether we like it or not. So, it’s more productive to improve them than ask for a removal that can’t and won’t happen.

I really wanted the snake bois instead, but maybe next time.

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Here is my priest alt as an example. This is not the awesome mog i was talking about cause i will only be able to get it when i can solo Antorus. But, this set fits very nicely too.

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Well that was the dream of king Mechagon, but prince Erazmin did state that they now prefer to improve themselves without losing their soul, which he blame on the full mechanization.

I for one think I look like charming, actually.

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Usual routine is to create one, give it all kinda gnome tinkering junkpunk transmogs then race change the g***damn thing because they are hideous.

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As if your posts are any better


You look FABULOUS! :heart: