Melee are no longer allowed to melee in M+?

I think it’s over done a little this time around. I don’t mind having to run out for mechanics, but certain fights you’re basically just constantly running out. Some of the worst offenders are in the Nokhud Offensive, but it’s pretty bad in every dungeon with quaking and thundering on top of the normal mechanics.


4 days in and 17 of the top 20 people here are melee

Do you even think before you post?


Melee’s have it much easier so far, compared to ranged, hence why the top raiderio is decked out with double and even triple melee comps.


The best people will play what’s strongest, not what’s most fun.

Do you even think before you reply?

Easier? How is it easier if there are packs where I can’t even stay close and DPS? I’m literally just standing just out of range waiting for all the thundering swirlies. mob mechanic swirlies, quaking, circles etc to go away :joy:

Come back to me after you’ve done NO on a +10 as melee.


Clearly i do. I even included statistics, ie facts to disprove your drivel.

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nonsense. m+ is even more anti melee than SL and so too are the raid bosses ive seen so far

and i’ve not even mentioned the floor effects debacle


i can type in caps if it would help?

I swappped from balance to feral,have no issues at all,carefully stepping aside if there are frontals

what about having to move away? what about quaking, what about the multiple layers of coloured circles what about spinning attacks etc etc etc

if you haven’t noticed a difference between feral positioning and laserchicken positioning, something’s not right :frowning:

basically what about playing? 90% of your “moving away” is just 1 step on the side.
less than this is tower defense.

you can move just one yard to avoid a twenty meter circle of death around a mob?

that’s impressive, no wonder you can’t tell any difference between feral and boomy.

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what 20 mt circle of death? in what universe?
the amount of time you have to move out of mob range are very tiny and correspond to major mechanics.
the rest of the time it’s just a matter of position yourself correctly and no, stacking on top of each other all the time isn’t that.

did you not do any m+ or raid yet ?

So basically me asking if it’s not a bit over done because there’s an annoying stacking of mechanics and a few trash packs that are incredibly anti-melee, is completely negated because the best of the best players can do it?

That just makes it even more of an argument to balance it around the 99% instead of the 1% :joy:

Nice, devastation is the class of this expansion and all I see is yellow and purple.

What the APPLES is this company doing?!

i don’t think content should be balanced around the 0.1%

content should be reasonably balanced for all classes and specs at all levels.

excellent quote from a bm hunter.

the irony is ironic, lol

irony squared?

Yes, higher than yours.
My profile is public, you can check yourself.

I play mm…