Melee are no longer allowed to melee in M+?

ok i take it back. just irony, not irony squared.

not that there’s anything wrong with bm, as my alt will attest :wink:

I have no issues whatsoever with doodging swirlies and spreading for quaking, survival > dps,although only one thing was annoying when the rest of dps were ranged and they didnt want to move for affixes so i had to run to them for that
On other hand,I found chicken more annoying to play after blizzard cut our balls and removed cast and move thingie
And the new affix more annoying than any swirlies or frontals,i wish they made icons bigger,really hard to see anything during big pulls

then how come you haven’t seen the huge circles of death around many mobs ?

to dodge swirlies, it helps to be able to see them.

when they’re on top/underneath a dnd, a green healing circle, a blue healing circle, etc etc, its just shiite.

this is not a new problem, it developed on throughout SL without bliz caring and now its what we have in lagonflight - a hideous impressionist mess of floor visuals.

If im the only player that has this problem then i guess its not worth fixing.

cause there arent any?

how about i give one example? ruby life pools

What mega pools? The only mega pools is the elemental explosion, and that’s after he’s dead.
Everything else is a tiny puddle that can be avoided with minor movement and proper positioning.

how many examples would i have to provide to persuade you that " there arent any" is incorrect?

as ranged I feel I loose way more dps than melee, due to having to move all the time, I cant even imagine how it feels for any caster that do not have any abilitly like Hover

I play both Arcane Mage and Unholy DK, and Melee is many times more easy. Ranged has to move from swirlies too, which means they can’t cast. Good melees knows how to get uptime while moving from swirlies etc.

Also, quaking interrupts casting spells too, a long with all the aoe casts that locks you for 4-6 sec, which no melee bothers to interrupt.

Open up your eyes, go play ranged and praise yourself lucky to play melee, cause it’s so much easier.


you do realise when ranged move they can still hit the boss, right?

and i do play ranged. right now only my fire mage and bm hunter are 70, but last expansion i got 2k as bm, destro/aff, and ele.

I do appreciate your reply, but we seem to be playing different games.

also you seem to be suggesting melee can interupt quake? and as for knowing how to have uptime, im pretty confident my 95%+ logs show that i know how to play reasonably well.

Havoc with Eye Beam exists :wave: oh and feral with convoke.

The point you conveniently avoided is that ranged generally lose more dps for movement than melee.

The problem is not heavy movement, the problem is being forced out of melee range. Where most ranged either have dots ticking or some instant casts to still deal damage, melee simply stand just out of range looking at the mobs, being unable to even interrupt casts.

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Still waiting for an actual one from you dude. So far, none.

It would be a small essay if I wrote down everything but I’ll use one dungeon as an example.

Nokund Offensive


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These are not just frontals or swirlies that can be dodged but actual long casting area of effect that the mele HAVE to stop their damage, move out of mele and wait until it’s over. As for other dungeons I won’t bore you with the details but two notable bosses are the worm boss from SBG which people already complain is a boss that takes a long time to kill, more often than not because the mele in the group have very little uptime due to the inhale mechanic and standing in the safezone. The last boss in court of stars also often results with two dead mele and one ranged + tank soloing it after 50% hp. Then in general there’s a lot of cleaves/frontals which target random players rather than the tank so you have to be super careful.

Not saying ranged doesn’t have its problems with a lot of movement, dodging swirlies, lot of long range frontals and the obsession with things shouting and interrupting casting as well as quaking. I think both are pretty even with the crap they gotta deal with just that mele feels more memorable as you really have do go afk for a moment rather than be able to dish out limited damage. At the end meters come out very similar and mele are still very much needed because dungeons are very interrupt/cc heavy.

End of the day why do we suffer when we could just reroll hunter? xD


I am playing with ultra graphic settings,i dont fully look around, as im watching interrupts and my rotation (not used to feral) yet i manage to move out from swirlies/frontals and bladestorms,thats not biggie at all,im not denying that it might be annoying however it is quite possible to doodge everyrhing

So basically 3 major mechanics from bosses that last 3 seconds and are 2/3 at worst in the full fight and cut dps of everyone who isn’t a bm hunter, and 2 mechanics from trashes with a 10yd max range, both in packs where there are hard cast mobs that don’t easily move and separate enough to simply change target without losing uptime?

Melee are soo punished.

wait, you’re serious?

Yes, he is. I know you reached the giddy heights of 2k last season but ranged are punished more in terms of pure numbers by movement / mechanics.

I know melee think the world is ending if they can’t connect for 3 seconds once a dungeon but try to be objective.