Melee are no longer allowed to melee in M+?

ranged just arent though ranged can manage their movement an d boss uptime far more easily. just sanguine alone demonstrates this

and while 2k might not be a major achievement, it might be harder than you think to pug 2k with unholy, bm, ele, etc.

What can I say, you asked for some examples so I gave them. I’m not here saying mele have it harder than ranged just pointing out that both types of dps have their own problems, walk a mile in each others shoes etc.

Though since my post a lot of those AoE casts are now timed to happen less frequently along with those nasty random frontals from the bird packs so it’s nice that some quality of life changes were made to ease up on the issue at hand.

Funny how this post has turned into melee vs ranged, while it was only about melee because that’s what I play :eyes:

Both can hate the extreme movement required in M+ these days, it was enough reason for me to stop playing healer in SL already.

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Right, because every person’s experience and skill on the planet is relatable to the top 20

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I rerolled to Rogue, as Mage is more or less dead spec in m+.

Tripple melee is a thing now in m+ and i’m loving rogue, it’s so much easier. 400 ilvl and 2000 rio so far.

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