i know - they’re doing it for stream content. they look bored the entire time. i doubt 2s game 3282 that season at 1932 mmr is more fun than 2s game 3283 at 1936 mmr.
no one said this. why are you being disengenious? i said i will get my set vs rank 1s, which is true. i didn’t say every game will be rank 1s - most will be gladiators, some will be rank 1s. the average arena game at 1850+ mmr starts with the other side running in on gladiator drakes. you calling me bad helps my point - sure, i am bad. why am i bad and playing against gladiators and rank 1s every game? you can call them “oh its welfare drake from X Y Z 1 2 3 season” but thats a cope. i checkpvp them to see if they were a one and done unchained glad and nope, they usually have 4 or 5 glads and obviously the rank 1s have many glads.
can you show me where i say the words “i only face rank 1s” or “i mostly face rank 1s”?
do you understand what the phrase “i know” means? do you expect me to watch every wow pvp streamer before writing a comment? bruh
see there you go again - you guys come in with the heat “this doesn’t happen, its overblown!” immediately followed by “yes, they all do it, but some of them also play high 2s”
so to be clear, since you guys seem to have trouble reading:
- Not every player in 2v2 is a rank 1.
- The 1850-2200 MMR bracket range is saturated by gladiators and rank 1s
- Streamers in particular literally play it as a job, so they often have thousands of 2s games across multiple characters, yet somehow despite being rank 1 or multi glad they always end up back at sub 2100 rating and playing in the 1850-2200 mmr bracket
- The fact that these streamers, rank 1s and gladiators are here have strip-mined much of the mid-range players out of the game.
but there is a cutoff. past 2400 MMR it shifts from being non-stop streamers and gladiators, to mostly people playing the same 2 or 3 comps. They can’t boost this high, so they don’t play there. Rdruid/surv is so oppressive that even 10x glads can’t beat them. Thanks again for proving my point lol
Lets use Occam’s Razor.
What is more likely?
Streamers, gladiators and rank 1s boost viewers for content and other players for gold during down time in solo shuffle queues, that we can literally go to their youtube channels and see the content they make from it (Pikaboo worst offender here, but hes NA), that this is well known, that they favour subs over people from LFG, that they literally speak to them through the stream and ask them what their goal rating is, and that this is all a thing that happens in World of Warcraft purely for non-gameplay reasons (harvesting gold/content) and that the complaints of the people who say they’re sick of it happening aren’t unfounded
They’re all wrong. Everyone is wrong. It doesn’t happen. Everyone is Bicmex and sits at 2700 in 2s. Jazggz doesnt have like 4,000 arena games played every season in 2s, mostly at sub 2300 MMR. Joefernandes doesn’t queue 2s while bored in shuffle queue. Snupy doesn’t have multiple characters sat at 2k rating right now. Neither does Trillebartom. Everyones wrong - only duelists play at 2100, only rivals play at 1800, only elite play at 2400, only rank 1s play at 3k.
Like, come on dude. You both agree with me, you aid my points, then tell me im wrong. Stop lying to yourselves and to me. Its pathetic, frankly. If the only response you have to this is “lol bad, just beat gladiators and rank 1s at 2k mmr” then yeah thanks, thats exactly the point i’m making and you get it.