Melee pressure getting nerfed or not?

i know - they’re doing it for stream content. they look bored the entire time. i doubt 2s game 3282 that season at 1932 mmr is more fun than 2s game 3283 at 1936 mmr.

no one said this. why are you being disengenious? i said i will get my set vs rank 1s, which is true. i didn’t say every game will be rank 1s - most will be gladiators, some will be rank 1s. the average arena game at 1850+ mmr starts with the other side running in on gladiator drakes. you calling me bad helps my point - sure, i am bad. why am i bad and playing against gladiators and rank 1s every game? you can call them “oh its welfare drake from X Y Z 1 2 3 season” but thats a cope. i checkpvp them to see if they were a one and done unchained glad and nope, they usually have 4 or 5 glads and obviously the rank 1s have many glads.

can you show me where i say the words “i only face rank 1s” or “i mostly face rank 1s”?

do you understand what the phrase “i know” means? do you expect me to watch every wow pvp streamer before writing a comment? bruh

see there you go again - you guys come in with the heat “this doesn’t happen, its overblown!” immediately followed by “yes, they all do it, but some of them also play high 2s” :confused:

so to be clear, since you guys seem to have trouble reading:

  1. Not every player in 2v2 is a rank 1.
  2. The 1850-2200 MMR bracket range is saturated by gladiators and rank 1s
  3. Streamers in particular literally play it as a job, so they often have thousands of 2s games across multiple characters, yet somehow despite being rank 1 or multi glad they always end up back at sub 2100 rating and playing in the 1850-2200 mmr bracket
  4. The fact that these streamers, rank 1s and gladiators are here have strip-mined much of the mid-range players out of the game.

but there is a cutoff. past 2400 MMR it shifts from being non-stop streamers and gladiators, to mostly people playing the same 2 or 3 comps. They can’t boost this high, so they don’t play there. Rdruid/surv is so oppressive that even 10x glads can’t beat them. Thanks again for proving my point lol


Lets use Occam’s Razor.

What is more likely?

Streamers, gladiators and rank 1s boost viewers for content and other players for gold during down time in solo shuffle queues, that we can literally go to their youtube channels and see the content they make from it (Pikaboo worst offender here, but hes NA), that this is well known, that they favour subs over people from LFG, that they literally speak to them through the stream and ask them what their goal rating is, and that this is all a thing that happens in World of Warcraft purely for non-gameplay reasons (harvesting gold/content) and that the complaints of the people who say they’re sick of it happening aren’t unfounded


They’re all wrong. Everyone is wrong. It doesn’t happen. Everyone is Bicmex and sits at 2700 in 2s. Jazggz doesnt have like 4,000 arena games played every season in 2s, mostly at sub 2300 MMR. Joefernandes doesn’t queue 2s while bored in shuffle queue. Snupy doesn’t have multiple characters sat at 2k rating right now. Neither does Trillebartom. Everyones wrong - only duelists play at 2100, only rivals play at 1800, only elite play at 2400, only rank 1s play at 3k.

Like, come on dude. You both agree with me, you aid my points, then tell me im wrong. Stop lying to yourselves and to me. Its pathetic, frankly. If the only response you have to this is “lol bad, just beat gladiators and rank 1s at 2k mmr” then yeah thanks, thats exactly the point i’m making and you get it. :+1:

Rank 1/Glads at 2000-2100 cr were a thing for the first two months of the season but not more. Once they injected plenty of free mmr it was not a thing. When I played for enchant I had to beat Bearly and Joefernandes indeed but I believe they were boosting/coaching someone not playing their main team. I met them also once not more. Last month was so inflated though that there were literally no glads or rank 1 there up to 2400 mmr. From good players I met Aryash who just came back to the game and helped his friend to gear a char.

Anyway I don’t believe that up till 2400+ there is a thing that meeles are gatekeeping someone or otherwise. It’s just a skill issue. It’s not that someone is stuck 1800 on Warlock in any bracket because meele pressure is overwhelming. Do you port Colossus Smash? Probably not. As I mentioned recently we play a lot of wargames with better players and I can see the gap between us. That’s why I think that early season is the most fun and the biggest chance for improvement. Playing against all these rank 1 gives you chance to learn something and to challenge yourself to beat some of the best players. At the end they are humans like you and they also make mistakes.

Yeah. I just absolutely hate the whole “its bad now, return in 60-120 days.” thing.

Like… no? I wanna play at duelist mmr, against duelist players… now? Why can’t I? Because Blizzard capped MMR at 2400 or whatever, so the glads and rank 1s don’t bother queueing and just play at duelist/rival mmr all day?

If they just inflated MMR right at the start, it would be significantly harder for streamers/glads/rank1s to permanently live at 1850-2200 MMR for literally like 5 months straight until MMR is so high that it starts at 1800.

Sure - and I have beaten a lot of them before. But when you hop on just to play some chill 2s at 1900 MMR or whatever on your alt you’re garbage on and queue into Joefernandes playing with a 4x gladiator holy priest, it kinda knocks the wind out of your sails. I’m trying to figure out my damn rotation and this dude is parsing on me while pre-bladestorming all of my CC. Very pog I guess? What did I learn? To not play alts for fun at rival MMR for the next 5 months, because I don’t want to just chain lose to Joe and other glads.

At least play an alt. These guys will be like “damn, my 4th rogue is too high mmr now… let me log my 5th rogue and continue.” Eh? How about you play on your 4th rogue and climb to your actual MMR? Or how about try an alt? If I get Joefernandes trying mage at 1900 MMR idgaf. But getting a rank 1 on their main playing in voice while streaming? nahhhhhhhhh.

boy i do hope the op thunderson is doing alright, the post havent seen the op since once on 208 mark nor much since it were made and its went past 360 mark of just about everything except answering him :joy:

lord almighty give him patience try find the answer his looking for one day! god bless him

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Thanks for asking, i’m doing fine. I have watched the thread going off rails a bit but it’s ok! :smiley: Carry on guys. I’ve been preparing for Redbull Freestyle battle competition for a while now. That’s quite important for the moment. I’ll read these all carefully.

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the prodigal son returns! i am glad you are doing fine :smiley:

After playing a few SS games now in new season:

DHs need a huge nerf, like who thought it was a good idea to have them doing that much damage?

Enhancement shamans damage needs to be nerfed.

Rogues need to be hit with a huge nerfbat to their ability to stop people from playing. You can’t have gouge, silence, kidney shot and blind on one class and neither of them sharing DR. Shadowmeld also needs to not permit them to garrote silence.

Every game so far has had a rogue and DH in it. This is just ridiculous.


shuffles magic, so many prefer it over arena, its quite hard now find even worse exp dps than self from lfg that everyone is queing shuffles all day and nothing else

in this light and like op were asking “what is the future of healing” would like to see some blizzard answers in practice on it, i dont really care if the ww bob is having fun in his game currently spamming shuffles, he makes too meager % of the playerbase to matter as whole or in any picture

Ok, so rogues haven’t been in every game so far now.

But DHs have been in 100% of them. Seriously.

Should have nerfed them yesterday already.

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it cant be fun healing shuffle dampen vs dh or rogue now, heck rogue dont even care about dampen he just snuff ppl out on opener if they dont press, i wonder if evis bug is fixed yet on reset. all the dmg that they were missing since 10.2, all shadow bonus from talent on evis

You said that YOU don’t push further than 1800 because YOU spam play into r1 players and streamers at 1800 mmr. I don’t believe that you do, so…prove it? Not a difficult concept.

The actual amount of streamers doing this at a certain times really pales compared to the amount of overall players at these ratings.

There is no gatekeeping.

Every game ? Wait. Where proof ?

Well watching only one or two for a few minutes already invalidates what you said, I believe it is not too much of a task to double check your information when it can be done that quickly.

It is better to do that rather than talk bs.

I never said “they all do it” you even quote me, it’s not written, and you manage to imagine that meaning. All I said was that I am not saying, by my previous post, that the bracket is devoid of boosters. That certainly does not mean “they all do it”. Actually, at some point after playing against and with those “R1 gatekeepers”, you do know who is boosting, and it’s not the majority, believe me.

No, it is not. I am not going to stay there and argue about that myth for hours. You claimed the way to your 1800 tmog would be against R1s and Gladiators mostly. Unless you literally only ever do it day 1, it is a lie. Prove that you tell the truth, or don’t try to spread that illusion more than it already is. That’s it.

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Everyone does but saying you are not at elite or duelist because of it is delusional and arguing in bad faith.

I really wanna see you play 2s the last 2 months of the ssn and show me the glads and r1s at 1800, because to me it looks like you are scared to find out your true skill level that’s why you only queue early season to have an excuse.

Guys guys the Gatekeeping Gladiators at 1800 he’s talking about are the 1x Glads from SL S2 that haven’t even been above 2100 since 4Head

watch it dplover, if i see you this week i will call you keeper of the gate

you shall not pass! :man_mage:

Don’t worry I’ve been hearing that Shadow is broken…

…in the sense that absolutely nothing works.

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it seems sub evis got fixed even tho its not on latest hotfix notes, i guess that makes them truely broken now then in sense of meaning :slight_smile:

Not what i’m saying.

I wanna play the first 2 months of the season, though. Not the last 2 months.

I don’t care what my true skill level is. You guys somehow all get the point - “it feels unfair to play into people 1,000+ skill rating higher than you, and it sucks how deflated early seasons are” but somehow also think its purely a cope. Why? Most of the playerbase feels this way btw.

Rank 1s force gladiators down, gladiators force people like myself down, people like myself force 1800 players down, 1800 players force everyone else down. For like a whole month no one is climbing. If the best reply to this, like I said, is “come back in 180+ days” then yeah thats exactly the point im making. 180 days from now I will be bored of World of Warcraft and probably not play for awhile, so I like to play now when everything is hype.

I also don’t like returning late in the season and being behind on gear.

To be honest, it’s rather uncommon that I face streamers and rank 1s in 2s but I did face a lot of multiglads (not rank 1 players but not df s1 shuffle rets either) at around 2-2,2k when I pushed for duelist which gets kinda frustrating at some point, especially when you do often play lfg without discord.

Imo the solution would be to inflate 2s (and maybe 3s) a bit and add some form of rating decay for people who are above 1800 and aren’t actively queueing. Right now a lot of people just buy a boost, get their rating and then sit on that rating and refuse to queue again instead of “giving the MMR back” once the carry is over. With some sort of decay they’d be forced to (at least to some extend).

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100% agree. It isn’t about being gatekept, its about queueing up 10 games and 4 of them have a multi glad or rank 1 or streamer in them. If you’re someone playing an off-meta comp or maybe you’ve just never been 2100 before and this is your push, it is extremely tilting knowing that you’re playing against people who should be 1,000 MMR higher, but aren’t, because Blizzard didn’t change the MMR value correctly and so your solutions are:

  1. Grind thousands of games to become good enough to consistently beat people who have a decade more arena exp than you
  2. Stop playing and log your meta comp alts
  3. Come back in 180 days when the season is inflated

Why? Im playing right now. I am at rival-duelist rating, at rival-duelist MMR. where are all the rival-duelists? Oh they’re “end of season rival-duelists” and they’re 1500 rating right now? Yeah… okay then. What a fantastic system. I wonder why Arena participation is so dire…