Memorable RP Moments of 2020

The holidays are upon us, at least for what we can manage in this time of a pandemic. Last year when I made a similar thread I did not expect 2020 to go through so many struggles as it did. It was a year I’ve personally struggled with, but a year we have (in a few days) overcome amidst every roadblock ahead of us.

Soon to be 366 days of 2020 done for, with it plenty of days of RP too will pass us by. Amidst the pandemic, RP did help forget it all and just enjoy this play-pretend fantasy world we’re part of. I’ve organised events and RPed plenty of characters, many of times I was at the tip of my seat looking at my screen in full immersion. Personally, I’m still deciding what I would call my most memorable few moments of the year!

So, Argent Dawn, let us share memories as I ask you all:
What was (one of) your favourite moment(s) of RP during 2020?


The trial of the traitorous Zulian, Makkoa, atop the heights of Zanchul. The Zandalar/Troll community came out in huge numbers and tensions were through the roof.


For me, it was the Felled Tree back in March. Giving an impromptu speech and Q-and-A in front of a lot of familiar faces was something I was incredibly nervous about, but I pulled through it and got to spread some over-zealous Goldrinn rhetoric in the process.


Death’s Rising Campaign this fall with The Light Watch Order, Greyheart Enclave, Stormwind Investigation, and a bunch of others. It was our guild’s first campaign after the Tirisfallen folded and it happened so early that we weren’t even the Forlorn Order IC yet, but it was such a formative campaign for our guild and we met some great people.


Death’s Rising in Plaguelands was my favorite. I got so many enemies I can’t even speak off.


There have been a lot of good ones this year, but I think the most memorable was when me (on my pandaren, Meng), Aerilen and Sinquija all used prisms to disguise ourselves as pandaren. Since we were RPing Horde warmongers, we went to Feathermoon to sell the nelves poisoned food and ended up forgetting to re-apply the illusion/prism so we were exposed in the middle of a crowd of bloodthirsty elves. Suffice to say, they weren’t happy and we ended up in a big chase.

Great fun, had a blast interacting with Saleysea when we did it again at a different location the next day.


This year was a year of unremitting violence for Sathrynn. She beat and blinded a rogue Nightborne with her bare hands, melted a Night Elf druid’s face clean off with her enchanted gauntlets, stabbed a Frostwyrm through the underside of its mouth in Orgrimmar…

But overall I think it was helping the Remnants of Ilvanesta to take down a Necropolis over the Ghostlands -and- kill a lich. It was gloriously epic and some of the best fun I’ve had in RP.


My favourite 2020 RP moments were probably joining a campaign in Ghostlands, betraying inconveniencing the Azure Dawn by providing strategical information to the local blood elves and then being betrayed by the said blood elf unit during the final confrontation! Was really fun, brought a fair bit of conflict and Coldshade is suffering from the consequences of that act to this day.

Other than that, it’s also been fun uniting with friends to kill a Lich! The build-up to that was great, and the conclusion to the mini-campaign was real fun.


I think it was the death of my first character in the Order of Oronaar, Yzir.

He was quite short-lived, but apparently had some impact if I look back at it now. The situation was fitting though and it created some nice follow up RP.


This year I ran the biggest campaign I’ve ever run for a bunch of guilds and even more independents from across the Kaldorei community to defend Moonglade, Winterspring and Felwood from a Lich and his undead horsemen. There were twists, betrayals, laughs, way more bears than one campaign can handle, and an ending looking up at the shattered sky in Icecrown as the lich took his last breath, and we took revenge for his dead lover. I couldn’t have done it without the attendees, my guild or my frankly incredible co-dm and I absolutely loved every second of it. Hopeful about running more such things eventually because it was a true highlight of my rp career


For me it was Redridge Shadowlands pre-patch campaign ran by Homblerob.
It was really epic and memorable.

Definitely the hangover-esque story that was my dwarf Dulnus

From having his hairline torched (combover can’t save you fyi) to falling in love with a fellow alcoholic of a gnome to having his grand send off in the sands of southern Kalimdor, he was such a blast to play and I only hope those he interacted with got a good time out of him.

I got back to WoW after some years back in the late summer so I don’t have a whole year to draw on but it’s been really fun so far!

Had a fun expedition on my Night Elf that tied into some of the pre-patch stuff, culminating with a showdown in Northrend, and witnessing the shattered sky - which I later got to report on IC at a Sisterhood meeting, sharing information like that (and hearing different news from others through similar means) about ongoing lore events is really fun.

The Death Rising campaign was the first proper campaign I participated in and I had a blast, being around pretty much every night and at almost every pre-event(s!) officer/strategic meetings as well. Ironically enough felt a bit burnt out on the character after just that much RP but it really was a blast and something I remember fondly.

Looking forward to making many more fun memories in 2021, and hopefully helping to organise and provide some for others as well!


The Shadows Rising troll RP campaign most likely. Especially how the first event was basically a chill market to unite citizens of Zuldazar together, and suddenly out of nowhere my character gets shanked by a cultist, and behold - chaos ensues. The rampaging brutosaur was also a nice touch.

Also, the trial of Makona. Probably one of the most tense big-scale events I’ve participated in, and hey, I had a chance to do based lawyer RP!

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By far the most memorable RP moment for me was the period when Lintian and the Fallen Leaf were trapped at the Shrine of Seven Stars, besieged by N’Zoth’s forces. It lasted for two months, from the moment the assaults started and until the last LFR wing was released. It was a harrowing experience for our characters, but one event series (organized by Chieun, kudos to her!) was particularly memorable.

While at the shrine, we heard a voice in our heads — “Witness the rotten future you’re fighting for” — and were pulled into a vision that lasted for days (in real time, so our characters were in a coma this whole time), composed of our characters’ wants and fears. It was a vision of a future Pandaria where Shuang, our guild leader, became the Empress and turned Pandaria into a closed, xenophobic country that expelled almost all foreigners, installed a secret police, instituted strict border control in towns throwing citizens without identification papers into jail, and waging wars to eradicate the hozen, the mantid, and those mogu who refused to pledge themselves to the Empress’ rule.

We explored this “what if”-Pandaria, learning more and more about it along the way while having to hide from the authorities, as we were wanted for allegedly impersonating the Empress and her advisors and for prison break. Eventually we were brought before Empress Shuang herself and started asking her questions about how the Old Gods were defeated that the power behind the vision struggled to answer, which caused us eventually to be violently expelled from the vision.

Here is, incidentally, art of Empress Shuang:

This event had lasting implication for the Fallen Leaf, as it made us rethink our goals and loyalties. Shuang soon went on to proclaim making her Empress as the Leaf’s official goal, while Lintian’s reaction to the vision was basically “Are we the baddies?”, which caused her to leave the order the night the new goal was announced.


Probably the swamp-campaign and everything around it. We’ve created that guild around this time last year, with the intention of rallying a few dozen people to be part of that villain-guild “Brotherhood of the Swamp” to be later hunted down by the Alliance / Horde. The goal was to get them all killed from the start, and many people jumped on the boat with their murderboner.

Needless to say - Was damn fun. Especially because the Brotherhood showed no ill intentions before the campaigns until months later down the road, when their “army” grew to a decent size. The first campaign that was meant to be the one where the Brotherhood gets finished and was lost by the Alliance. So the DM team and me were forced to create a second part, which was even bigger and included the Horde.

The atmosphere of the first campaign was definitely something you’d get from a Vietnam War game. Thick foliage, movement in the bushes and trees, distant screams, the feeling of always being watched and knowing the Brotherhood used a tunnel system to move were daily business for the Alliance. Part two was leaning more towards action than horror, a nice change of things.

Met many good people during those times and we’ve all grown into one big community. More campaigns are coming 2021, and I am sure they’ll be as much of a blast as the other events and campaigns together. Shoutout to the homies. <3 Gang.


Joining Frozen Paw, where some of the best Shaldorei on AD can be found!

Had plenty of adventures with them, while I might not of been around as much, was always fun to dive in with them! and taking those 1 rolls on the chin like a champ and having some PTSD! i mean, almost getting torn apart by scourge can do that, ya know!

Our trek though Duskwallow Marsh was defo memorable, a big warband behind me ready to fight while I casually chat to some terrified guardsmen to explain we were here for scourge stuff. fun times!


I echo this, thoroughly enjoyed the events and off time roleplay I had when I was about with this. I’m hoping to interact with you guys more in future, so if you do make anymore open events/campaigns count me in if I’m about!

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Everytime kaitylinn says something.


Zangarmarsh campaign (which was the first campaign I attended after joining PCU) and sudden, unexpected death of my gnome, Tolby.
His plane made a glorious ball of fire in Outland’s sky.