Memorable RP Moments of 2020

After a hard day of work, it puts a smile on my face to see plenty of great moments of RP that happened throughout the year. A couple I wish I was there to attend myself.

One of my favourite moments would come from the last campaign this year I’ve hosted back in late-October, one concerning the Death Rising events but in Westfall. A couple guilds and individuals coming together for a short and awesome time, where my favourite moment would be us holding the last bastion of hope in Sentinel Hill until reinforcements from the capital arrived. With DC being born in Westfall, and the massive amount of immersion from the campaign, it did make for one epic finale and strong highlight for my own character’s story in RP.

Another one would be hosting my last storyline as an officer in the Nightfall Brigade back in June, which I co-organized with an awesome co-officer (you know who you are) to bring forth a dramatic blue-on-blue storyline inspired by the Scarlet Pamphlets that were found in-game. Betrayal by allies who the guild shared the battlefield with, ending with a victory that had no one cheering at the end (at least In-Character). NPCing as a team-leader who continuously grabbed their lackies’ weapons and started using it all as projectiles was really fun for me and the attendees of the event.

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Too many to name. I already know that I will miss some out in this post. They include:


  • Zangarmarsh campaign of PCU. Was one of the best campaigns I attended and will never forget. This character fought in his ancestral home against traitors and old foes. The Adventure with Arcaraan, Vortel (miss you so much), Trautfizzle, Cao Hao, Anna’lyssa and Kalinrea through Blade’s Edge is none I forget.

  • Silverpine/Hinterlands campaign, especially the parts I fought my sworn IC enemy but good OOC friend Folien, a very good clash it was and I’ll never forget.

  • Coldfront campaign in Grizzly Hills, especially the finale at Vordrassil. A huge battle it was but quite epic and engaging, heated in a good way. Can’t ever forget it.

  • The Stratholme campaign with good friends of Lordamere Rangers, Holy Order of Lordain, Broken tower and Bloodied Goats. Was quite fun to have my Paladin fight in his old home, against Scarlets.

  • The campaign in Dragonblight, albeit not going as planned due to Blizzard not announcing prepatch was a memorable one. Great clashes and relations made through it, especially for my Cleric Nelly.

  • The prepatch campaign of Hombrelob brought many together. I’m glad it happened, led me to DM hugescale events, even for a full raid group one night. Not one I did before but a nice experience.


  • The Shaman/Orc RP we had with Grugs, Sokronal and others through events, related to spiritual unrest plot. Was quite good, thanks to them for hosting those events.

  • The great clash of Holy and Unholy at Caer Darrow, one of the best RP PvP I ever attended, thanks to Cotter and Morsteth.

  • The events of Past the Span community, especially Faire of the Seven. Was my first RP PvP to be hosted, couldn’t have been done without help of officers, and went very well.

  • The event chain in Stormheim by Juniper, a favourite zone of mine and a great friend hosting a narrative. Can’t ever forget it.

  • Two events I hosted for the guild I was in, Red Venturers in Swamp of Sorrows. Became memorable for myself. One being dwelling into Temple of Atal’Hakkar and the other a vision of First War.

  • The adventures we had with Stormwind City Sentry so far.

And series of personal, smaller scale RP like: Nelly with Nils Lindholm, Naros and his Squire Ophelia, Kump and Akamito even if it was just one day, My Necromancer and Nyssi, and many others.

I missed many here I’m sure. Thanks to all who were a company, and looking forward to more in future!


Me getting curve while also getting the “Best RPer of AD 2020” award would be a good highlight. I’d name all my highlights but it’d take too much space.


Meg turning undead and joining the grim gest. Simply the best


Any moment where people went ‘‘oh god pls make this dwarf cretin leave’’ was a win in my book.


I’m struggling to think of what RP I’ve done this year, but my guild’s 8.3-related campaign in Feralas must be up there since people seemed to quite like it. First time using DiceMaster and a whole different way of doing events.

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Well just two days ago I ran an event set around the race to defuse an atomic bomb headed for Orgrimmar, which culminated in the public execution of a man disguised as Greatfather Winter.

So I mean - that was definitely memorable.


Megnarosh, Xotrios & co joining the Grim Gest. Innoma’s death at the deaths breach.



I think the most memorable rp monent was the big PCU christmas event, 224 insane people all roleplaying.

It was awesome, but very, very tiring for the brain.


I still feel it, lad.


Mine is probably a sequence of events in early 2020, starting from Lunar Festival where Nerathion was feeling very irritated about the Horde presence in those festivals, which led to a couple of violent altercations.

I hadn’t really thought much of it later, until it was brought up by Path of Glory in [A/H-RP] A Warning to the Alliance (and the absolute dread feeling every time Clovus DMs me out of the blue is always very exciting). I was pleasantly surprised to see many old faces returning in the following events in Ironforge and to get to RP with them again.

And to close it off, my involvement mostly ended with Feralas, but I at least got to terrorise Clovus’s pandaren.

In short, I like the pseudo-political RP events that actually feel like they’ve spawned as consequences, or are however mildly influenced by them, and I’m glad Path of Glory supplied that. Shoutout to the Highborne as well, old masters in politics and all that taking care of my politically dumb eco-terrorist elf. :heart: xx


This year marks the first time I was able to RP a character from its happy beginning to its sad end.


Thanks to everyone I had the honor of RP’ing on him!


It was during the campaign, Cold front part 2 (I think so).
Our Captain, Blonzy Coinblade was slain by Grugs during the massive battle, it was very chaotic which made it an excellent battle. All of a sudden when we got near wrapping it up I heard the First Mate at that time, Mak’dor, yell for Goldsail, informing her that Blonzy was decapitated by an orc Sergeant.
Obviously, things got nasty as we retreated, trying to get his body and make our run.

In the same evening, Goldsail called a meeting with the whole crew, the body was on the ground as Goldsail gave her speech of how she’ll avenge him. This truly did make me smile when everyone yelled “For the Captain!”

Exactly on the last day of the campaign, we named Goldsail the Captain and made Davy the First Mate whilst changing Mak’dor’s role from a First mate to a Quartermaster.

She might’ve been the captain but she also had her own little side quest to hunt Grugs down and kill him for what he did. Even to this day, they are both pretty much fire and water.
So special thank you to Grugs for being my rival!



Ruaah-har-har! Your head is next, Captain Goldsail! :muscle:
(Rivals make emote fights much more interesting therefore I must thank you, too …)


I started RP in WoW this very year, so with the possibility of being cheesy I’d name all IC moments I had as the most memorable!

To me, the highlight would have to be Cold Front Campaign, as it was the first truly massive event I was part of - and very specifically, the follow-up battle of it where the Horde, the Alliance and Loyalist forces all got to witness the sky breaking above Icecrown together during their battle, setting the stage for the new expansion in a roleplay context!


All the campaigns I’ve been to this year were amazing, to be honest.
Death’s Rising at the end of September and start of October probably had the most character developing moments for me, with a really close call where I just about almost killed Lyth off because he got cocky and took an axe to the chest.
I haven’t had as much casual RP during the second half of this year than I’d have liked, so it was mostly the events I’ve participated in and hosted that stand out, and I also tried some new stuff out that I’ve never done before so I think overall it’s been a fairly successful and productive time.


I’ve had a great year for Pandaria-related activities. My most memorable was the huge meeting in the Temple of the Jade Serpent, shortly before the N’zoth pre-patch.

Winning the most recent Celestial Fist tournament was also long overdue!


The Tosslespark trial


The Grizzly Hills campaign, where the Scarlet fiend Father Esarus got defeated by my dwarf will go down as one of the most epic moments in rp for me.

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