Memorable RP Moments of 2020

Far too many things happened this year in RP to simply pick one, so guess the big ones that stick out was the Siege of the Banshee Loyalists’ Necropolis, the PCU campaign in Zangarmarsh, Parata being given a head-band by one of their closest friends to remember them by, and her then later fighting in the Mugambala against a Warbringer to settle a dispute about faith, getting owned in the process and losing a hand, as well as getting a new view on the Zandalari Empire from the aftermath of said fight.

There’s a bunch more that I could mention, as well as probably others that I’ll think of right after sending this message but can’t mention them all and I already said more than just one, too.


Oh yeah also Tyrinar dying. But always coming back.


A very based moment that made me realize my troll looked damn great with an eyepatch. Was dope to rp it out and I look forward to more.

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This year I’ve fleshed out and roleplayed mainly Eriol, and some of my best moments have been spent roleplaying with Hildagard in their first campaign at the Plaguelands, where he started to make a name for himself for his valour on the battlefield and his stumbling around blindly against fences and other people - and then, the Westfall campaign, where friends were made, things, were discovered, loved people lost, frostwyrms killed and Eriol fell on Dawncastle nearly killing him.


Killing my character Elyza off, first as a human and a few weeks later as an undead. She had a good run, dating 27th of February 2015 to the 22nd of June 2020. What started of as a character I made as piratey NPC (a favour to a friend of mine who has since quit the game) slowly developed into what I consider my best & most important character I’ve made on this realm.

It all came to an end when Elyza and her group were waylaid by Baron Morsteth Blightreek & his Grim Gest in their escape from his evil lair, trying to secure his necronomicon. They failed, Elyza died and her body was taken away by the Gest.

Fast forward a few weeks, and the Grim Gest and the Holy Order of Lordain are locked in a faux battle in the ruins of Caer Darrow, while one of Elyza’s closer friends and her allies finish the job and burn Elyza’s undead body with the holy blade Trollbreaker. Sadly, they only managed this after Elyza, corrupted by the twisted magic of the Gest as she was, killed her lifetime partner Coby Quills…

Here’s a very brief album I made of the things that took place over the past five years.

General 2015 Stormwind City RP; Hallow’s End (which Elyza always considered important, a fact she impressed upon her friends whenever she had the opportunity); the hunt for the heavenshards during the Infinite Dark initiative ca. 2016; joining up with the Holy Order of Lordain; the death of a father figure, Brother Vaklu; her times in Kul Tiras; being a pawn and spy to the Grim Gest; and finally her end.

Bonus pic of her killing Coby to the shock of my pals =D



Wait a minute. . . .

The Battle for Rosewood Monastery -

my favorite night of the Ballad of the Seven Fjords plot when Sinye’s father, his thirty-odd men and women, as well as Sinye’s hired mercenaries and two of her non-combat companions would stay behind to face a horde of twohundred undead … all whilst Sinye and four adventurers climbed to the top of a mountain to receive a blessing of a lightspawn. I’ve never seen this much death, tragedy and camaraderie in one night - it was delightful!

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For me I think one of the most memorable moments was the foray into Vol’dun after the war was over. There Desartin felt betrayed when some of his friends abandoned him to face the San’layn without their help, and instead he got help from an unexpected person who helped bring the final confrontation to a good end ( and which ended up with destroying a troll ziggurat in the desert).

Another good moment was the Shadowlands pre-patch campaign in Dragonblight where I mostly tagged along with the Lionguard, who were such good sports as to have me. Memorable moments were battles against the Loyalist, most notably against the tauren Kwomoshinel, the undead knight Folien, and last but not least, the duels with Lily Blazepest. And one of the best parts had to be during the final confrontation of that campaign, where in the midst of all the chaos Desartin was suddenly dragged off his gryphon by Jastor Trautfizzle ( and subsequently had his fear and paranoia of goblins reinforced even more). I had a good chuckle when that happened.


Most memorable RP moment was likely the evening my old character spent talking to @Kump half a hoof into the Shadowlands and death after falling in battle. Not a day after the battle in which Kump fell to a similar fate, partially brought upon him by my character.

The two chilling, meditating, discussing philosophy and their respective histories first. Then agreeing to find a way out and uniting what was left of their power to commune with others through mere visions in a desperate effort to signal a chance to be brought back, before either of their bodies would be burnt or buried.


I remember it quite well, and loved it.


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