Mental health and roleplaying

There already enough threads already to talk about that matter, let’s leave this one as one that talks about mental health.


That’s absolutely horrible, and I’m so sorry that you’ve had to endure that. Know that if you ever need to talk to anyone about what’s going on, I’d be happy to listen. I know that we can’t help the thoughts we have, it’s just about how we deal with them.

OCD is a nasty one. It’s characterized in media and by people as a whole as “I need to make things clean or I’ll be uncomfortable” but it can be something like “I need to make sure my house is locked to make sure that nothing is stolen and everything’s kept safe”, which, as a standalone thought, is rational. What isn’t rational is feeling the compulsion to check your house five times or more after having already partially made your journey to wherever you’re going.

Honestly, those of us with mental health conditions have thick skin already. It can take us twice, thrice, or more times the effort just to do things that people without these conditions do regularly. The least people could do is not rub salt in the wound.


Thank you, I really appreciate it.

This, pretty much. You don’t know who is behind a screen, so I always do my best to be kind, because what else is there? You dont know what the other person is dealing with.

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You can’t really blame a person that doesn’t know the experience of it, I’ve Cluster A and attacks of paranoia and you can’t expect everyone to understand since their opinions are based on people that don’t have those problems , which is normal.

I think that sometimes you’ve to explain yourself about your problems with the ones that you share the time but it can really end up to a complete mess, I’ve suffered a few times since I felt the need of just talking with others OOC about things I did or daily life and I can agree that some people will take it in the wrong way and make you feel bad for it, for me it even reached a point that I wanted to stop rping since I felt that I wouldn’t have a place under my mental conditions.


I dont blame people who dont understand, I’m thankful that they dont. I blame people who when they have these things explained to them just dismiss it, or even worse, make a joke out of it. I’ve certainly had a few occassions where I’ve asked someone to stop making suicide jokes, for instance, and it’s just never occured to them it might be upsetting to some people.
I agree that explaining can be very helpful, and my experiences are by no means typical, I ended up losing my guild to this person because they decided they knew my diagnosis better than me.
I know the feeling about not having a place :frowning: I’m sorry you’ve had to go through it as well.
Can we all agree mental health sucks donkeys?


I’m sorry to hear, sad truth of how petty people can be on the server… where you’re supposed to have fun and RP, instead of being pulled into toxicity and petty arguments whenever you aren’t serving someone else’s agenda.

Last time I had such experience, I hadn’t even mentioned about mental health issues… people knew I have smooth daily life but was on holidays still. But when I got angry about someone trying to micromanage my char’s choices through OOC misleading and forcing RP outcomes on my char (without rolling or asking etc.), I had them respond that I’m “probably someone with many OOC issues” and I’m “coming off as a dramaboy” (for calling them out on their behavior?).
Sure, I was angry and once stuff builds up enough, I can criticise quite harshly (without slurs or clearly offending words though), but my emotions were valid for my boundaries had been violated. Even more so, they could’ve been able to predict from previous experience it might not go well with me, IC or OOC, yet they did it anyway.

But then, is having a strong emotional reaction (or response), especially if negative, a mark of mental health issues on its own?

I use this about myself occasionally in joking manner, but never about others unless I can trust it goes well with them. It can come off as inappropriate as I don’t have OCD, but I can still obsess sometimes about people “playing according to same rules” instead of someone setting themselves above rules while imposing them on other people, for example. And that’s based on previous negative experiences mostly, but letting people know is one way to learn if they are willing to do so or not(?).

Yeah. Still, there’s a difference between a person who is willing to listen, learn and understand how it is for you and a person who dismisses your whole experience and blames you for being difficult. Not that you’re justified to explain yourself more than necessary though, the risk of being attacked for it is still there.

These tend to happen sometimes, but then, better alone than with the wrong people. Even if the guild was nice, one bad apple can affect the whole bowl unless others are willing to see your side of it.

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Just remember guys. Please please please be careful WHO you tell about your disorders and the likes. Some people will use it against you or tell others / spread it around etc. For the sake of your own safety and health, be sure you can trust the people you tell.


luckily it was on classic, so it didnt totally ruin things for me. I havent been back to classic since, though. didnt want to tell the others because well, he said / she said etc, I didnt want to cause more drama. it was easier to just draw a line under it and leave. it’s a shame because the other guildies were super nice. I still dont know what that other person told them.

That’s a shame, although understandable choice if you were worn out by it already.

Know that you still have every right to stand up for yourself and what’s right for you. I hate the “all confrontation is drama” culture nowadays because it’s natural to have conflicting views sometimes, then sparks will fly too.

Guild master and officers should be there for you in cases where you’re mistreated, to solve the matter for whatever their judgement may ultimately be. If you join a guild, you have every right to be there and treated with same respect as anyone else in the guild.
Just leaving gives quarter to lies to flourish, but then I can’t really criticise as I’ve done the same sometimes. Or well, first tried to solve the issue with one causing me trouble and those involved, then talking to officers and if that wouldn’t help, I’d leave. But the officers would still be informed so if the person got reported by anyone else, it might just bite them back sometime. Those who choose to believe the liars, will believe them, then. But when your side of it is out, you’ll know a bit better who will be worth your commitment and trust.

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the trouble was I was the GM, i gave the guild to this person and left because i needed a break and was having a terrible time that day, and when I came back after a few days was basically told ‘you’re not yourself, come back when you’ve sorted your stuff out’. really put my trust in the wrong person. I’m very wary now as a result.

Ouch… they must’ve been exhausting to interact with, could imagine even toxic. Someone who puts you down really doesn’t deserve your GM title… but what’s done is done. Good news is, the guild as it was with you being GM will not last. If it does, there won’t be healthy atmosphere for long. Such is effect of toxic people.

Really dismissive. WoW isn’t supposed to be work, even as GM you’re allowed to have days off.

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That’s really bloody awful to hear. And also that’s not their call to make at all, they’re in the wrong there. A good friend would make sure that the decision you want to make with coming back is right for you, and double check/ask “are you sure.”

Honestly that just strikes me as somebody who thinks they’re hot :poop: just because they’ve now got a WoW guild. Which is really sad, honestly.


it was pretty terrible tbh. ah well, all in the past now and I’m building up a guild I love ^.^ definitely a good decision mental health wise to move away from stormwind for me xD

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I don’t often post on these forums. However, this thread made me wan’t to give my opinion on the current times and how i deal with the stress of it all. I will keep this short.

This year has indeed been a hard year for many of us. There seems to be so much going on in the world right now. I like to keep up on current world events and it’s stressful to watch it all unfolding. However, i always make sure i have time to do something fun each day. I also always keep in my mind the fact that one day this will pass and only be a memory of difficult times.

However, if someone that you know is having a hard time dealing with stress or mental health issues then simply giving them time to chat can help. I have found in the past that being a shoulder to lean on can really help someone that you care about who is having a hard time.


As someone with severe GAD, this was a nice post to read. I’ve had my fair share of mistakes that I regret today, but most people here are actually very nice.

Keep being great, people! You’re loved, even if you don’t think so!


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