Mentor System requirements

What an interesting selection of achievements that Blizzard have chosen for this. I’ve had the Seeker title now for nearly a decade so I guess I’m now qualified to tell everyone about every aspect of the game.

I think that this system would be more useful if there were different categories that people could choose to be a mentor for. If I need help with pet battling then someone who loves pet battles is who I need to talk to. I think that I would struggle to find that person using the system as it is described now as the ultimate pet battler may not have the achievements to join the programme. Or there will be too many mentors and I’ll struggle to sort out the good advice from the bad or the trolling.


As a frequent reader on the forums, I’m more worried about some biased opinions that a new player might get.

Imagine talking to your mentor and hearing stuff like:

  • Oh lol you rolled Alliance, that was your first mistake. It’s a dead faction. Go Horde!
  • Oh warlock sucks if you want to do dungeons. Maybe play a better spec?
  • Don’t play Arcane. Fire is soo much better.

That’s really not things that a newbie should hear. Yes it will inevitably happen. Some random person without too much in-depth knowledge will make exaggerated statements and newbies will be biased from the start.


Got every of them, but i think requierement is way too low to be honnest.

Actually Keystone (+10) is pretty easy because of the fact that this season is a totale meme, Rivale is Okay tier i guess for most of the people, LFR or Normal N’zoth … eh … not fan of it, 3000 quest seem okay but would raise it to the next one (5000 or more ? Dont remember)

I will use the system but i’m afraid it’s gonna be full of trolls seeking for recognizion, it’s should get report system where bad mentor can be inspect by some pro and deciding if they can still use it or no.

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While I have all 4/5 of the achievements I couldn’t be mentor, just because I didn’t do 3k quests on any character.

Does that make me any less knowledgeable? I highly doubt it.

I neither think that all these achievements make a good mentor, nor do I think that a player can’t be a good mentor without them.


highly disagree with this part. if it should get reviewed it should be reviewed by blizzard staff and not another member.

You don’t need all the achievements - you can be a mentor with your 4/5

thats the whole point tho, but you need the 3k quests.

edit: i d argue that any of the requirements make a good mentor overall.

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I was speaking about them, or atleast GM

No and there shouldn’t be, FFXIV should be proof of that, their mentors are more useless than a chocolate tea pot.


Just to add to my post above about a different way to sign up, I’d also add distinctions for more specialised mentors.

So all you need to be a mentor is to satisfy above post. The mentor channel is intended as a newbie first stop shop. It’s not for theory crafting or questions about comp, spec parity etc.

However if you qualify to be a mentor and additionally have stuff like Gladiator, Keystone Master or some high keystone average, AoTC, some pet battle Achi etc, you get a {Dungeon Coach} for example before your types in the channel, indicating to others in the channel you are a good source of advice for more specialised questions which people should take into whispers with you.

This way if a general mentor makes a comment and say two {PvP Coach} post contradictory information, it allows people to sift through information in a more informed way.

Just an idea to assage fears about uninformed mentors. Ideally I see it as a two tier system. General helpful souls who help with the “turn in on and off again” and then you have the specialist software wizard types.

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Depends how you answer. When i got such questions in the past i always said what spec of that given class is the meta atm with as to why. I also keep saying that unless you do very high of X it doesnt matter and youre fine with playing whatever you like as it isnt that much important.

Its an achiv that is literally next to meaningless. Also there is no 5k one. Not for regular quests. You mean world or daily quests (2 seperate achivs. As far as i know the daily quest counter takes world quests into consideration tho but not vise versa).

Like you could have started in Legion or by all means WoD and not have the 3k quest achiv while still having done all meaningful content and be a very experienced player already.

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For every single expansion. Do you remember how confusing some of the old raids and dungeons can be if you don’t know how to progress and have to backtrack it?

Usually I would agree here but the upcoming system is flawed and in its infancy stage. How can anyone measure “knowledge” in this game anyway? What if I want to know something about hunter pets but never played a hunter despite having all requirements to be a mentor? Or about mounts, toys, quests and finding the right mobs in TBC because the quest description either makes it not clear or the map positions are completely somewhere else?

It would have been better to categorize the mentor systems in specific sub-interests. Dungeons and skill-usage are just one side of the aspects and I personally believe Blizzard could have done a better job with this.

Considering the achivs in themself are still character tracked they could have easily said “ok if you have done this and this on class X you can be a mentor for class X and we mark you as such” and it would have been fine. That goes for Class questions.

In regards of old quests: Any experienced player should be able to research such questions quicky through wowhead and co and give a proper answer should he lack xp on it.

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You don’t need to know everything. You just need to know where you can find that information.

I don’t think a mentor needs to know every class or every quest or dungeon. They just need to be capable to point people into the right direction (which is usually wowhead comments). Once you taught someone where he can get his info, he’ll be set for all of his leveling.

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Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he can eat every day.


thats kinda my gripe with it. even if you ve done 3k quests, heck, even loremaster, i highly doubt everyone can remember every single quest.

everyone can look up a quest on wowhead real quick and give a detailed answer within seconds. it just comes down to pure savvyness.

i d rather teach newer people where to find information and help themselves than dripfeed them every quest they re stuck on. (of course i dont mind helping with quests but it just depends. if someone just asks me every other quest what to do then :woman_shrugging:)


Would be hilarious, if everyone is super worried about getting proper mentors right now and in the end it turns out everyone is just asking in the advice channel for gold anyway.


10g per typed letter. Im a generous god.

Unless you meant new players asking for gold (i think you did right?). Well…infinite ignore list says hi.

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Personally think the requirements for the most part are fine, although the Raid and M+ ones I would certainly say should be HC (for raid) and +15s instead.
Sure, lot of people buy these or don’t have them and are still eligible and knowledgeable, but it’d make it more… Relevant? Believeable? Not sure what word to use but yeah.

Just a shame the system can and will be abused by trolls or other unpleasant people, but when has a system not been abused by a few bad eggs.

There’s one for 10k world quests.