Mentor System requirements

Gief a Karma system. Like when you were helpful the player CAN give you a praise. And permanently remove those from the mentor system that try to abuse such a karma system

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that means payed personal must overlook it - a big no no - much costs for Activision

The requirements are low. doing a +10 is veeeeeery easy always been. Having rival is also veeeeeeeeeery easy

Would be a solution, but how would they monitor who abuses it when they can barely do so with any other issues in the ocean of problems the game and community has.

Karma system is nice when and if they can make it work.

Yeah, expecting work from them. What was i thinking.

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True, this is pretty hard to judge could about people capacity and who could be trully helpfull

This is a crazy one :eyes:

Check the conversations the player had with the people that gave him/her karma points. When they reach a certain amount ofc.

Bold of you to assume they properly check convos, speaking from past experience not to mention plenty of others with similar experience.

Again Karma system would be nice, but doubt it’d work because Acitvision Blizzard is too lazy to properly monitor things and an automatic system does not work.

cough cough

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Fair. I should’ve scrolled up abit it seems.

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Newbies don’t need advice on pushing high lvl mythics. Newbies need advice on how to move and fight, how to do quests (find things etc.), info about professions, tips and tricks, how to gear for leveling and where to get gear, where in the world you find different things, how to use different resources to find info yourself, how to find friends, guilds and communities, how to get along with different people (sort of in game player culture), info about travel, tips for different fun things to do, someone to chat with while adventuring by themselves, someone friendly person to chat when facing meanies or getting other troubles, someone to help them with system (interface, functions like making ticket or what do when /stuck, how to queue etc.), tips with add ons and macroes and perhaps sometimes someone just going over and playing with them for while (on their terms, not the experienced ones!).

At the point when you need information how to do high lvl mythics you are not newbie anymore and while that kind of help is always needed and aprechiated in this game, being top end instance player does not guarantee the slightest that person has knowledge, skills or patience to help a new player in their first steps of playing wow.

That achievement though is the only one that proves even little bit that person knows something newbies need to know. Rest of them can be purchased as level boosts (in game store) or mythic/raid/vision boosts (from your local spammer).

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does it tho? cause i highly doubt that. most people i know just walk from a to b without much thinking or reading quests.

the 3k quest or loremaster achievement doesnt really say much about a persons actual knowledge but more about how many quests he has done and time hes spent, thats it. it doesnt hold much value to me at all whatsoever.

i mean, everyone who can use google can tell a newbie whatever they need to know in the end. :woman_shrugging:

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Let me stress: i said only one that proves even little bit. Because it is not commonly purchsable like rest of them. At least that person walked them trough, if anything else.

So why then have any of these achievements at all? I strongly think it should be just purely global new player channel, where everyone can join, where everyone (who think they can help) can offer answers to newbie questions and which would have more serious punishments for trolling. No tags, no special tittles, no benefits, just pure channel ment for helping people.

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well yeah, only because it isnt commonly purchaseable doesnt mean it proves more than a bought achievement in my eyes.

imo there is no way of proving how much knowledge someone has quest-wise. no achievement measures up to that.

thats pretty much the perfect solution.

Introduce karma points only new players can spend
Allow people with big karma earned use breast slider

Result: we turned most toxic veterans into guardians of Azeroth
Cause tities > titles

And when you see a Nelf with enourmously big breast you would know somewere behind it a very gentle noble soul :grin:

P.S. I am gonna knock myself out


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Need room for that big heart, after all.

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I really there will be some form of “quality of control” there. With the current requirements. Both the kindest and the worst troll can get a “mentor” status.

And giving it to some troll who will mock and make fun of the new players…

Tbh these requirments are kinda on the low side.

People that should be mentors should be above avarage, most of the current req does not really need any deep game knowledge meaning while not intended the mentors might not be that well informed and give bad advice.

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Honestly, the main problem isn’t the achievements required being to low or high, none of that tests the character of a person which the whole mentor system is about.