I’m done with you You’re being ignorant or just not realistic. Whatever suits you.
Exactly you didn’t want to answer that you boosted another horde.
Thank you for proving my point. keep throwing your toys out the pram, you surely will get merc/faction transfer
Like wtf?
Ehh I get 500 honor per hour playing alliance AV yeyy getting overgeared so fast
That guy you are citing is troll, many people said to him that his vanilla numbers are only naxx numbers in reality, mc,bwl were horde dominated and aq was equal, dont let him troll you
I wonder, where you arguing for blizzard to do something about the unplayable state of the open world from P2 onwards on nearly all pvp servers for alliance? No? In that case you don’t get to complain now. You’re only feeling a fraction of the inconvenience the alliance has been living with since 2019.
I dont care personally for what happend in p2, i lived it and it’s in the past… The question now is what to do about faction balance? Merc que or increased honor gain is not the way forward but the OP seems to be too ignorant to understand that all these options do is further entice people to play horde and increase the gap between the two factions.
What do you refer to? What was unplayable?
You got half of it right there. I’d call it setting.
Initially mostly night elves, inspired by Lord of the Rings understanding.
I had a phase accepting horde, see this character, but didn’t like the Garrosh / Sylvanas storylines (the plague R&D in the Barrens and Tarren mill, culminating in WLK), so now that I know, I make a binary choice. (Sadly, night elves are pretty much the losers of the alliance, losing all of their territories over the expansions, if I’m following correctly.)
I also want my characters to support each other without playing excessively much, so single faction. (Lack of cross-faction mail.)
I’m stereotypical in that I don’t PvP much.
It’s part of the setting. I want to be out in the enchanted wilds, hunting. I want to fix problems, supporting my friends by helping them rejuvenate. I want to protect my friends from big bad hulks by keeping them safe behind my shield.
One big element in faction choice is being able to play the content. For me it’s about finding groups (there are troublesome phases, even now), but it could involve playing with friends, or being able to enter the dungeons. These are two sides of the coin in the current discussion.
The open world on PvP Servers. Ever tried to play on a PvP Server where the other faction is heavily dominant? You’ll be outnumbered 4/5 to one and will get ganked constantly while questing, farming, at summoning stones, near vendors, near flight paths, near graveyards.
That’s a lot more serious then long-ish BG queues, and blizzard has done absolutely nothing about it. Since Phase 2 (when they introduced honor but not battlegrounds) the PvP Servers have been heavily skewed in favor of one faction per Server. There are almost no balanced ones left, and the vast majority are horde dominated.
- Reroll to Alliance faction or 2. Ask for free faction transfer.
Game is working as intended.
I remember having extremely hard times with my alt (as it was level 53+ by that time) before they release BGs.
But that took like only 2 weeks more or so. Then Ali moved to BGs for much better honor gain (again frustration for the horde to be forced to farm outdoor during Q times… here we go again???)
But still, that’s nature of the PvP server so no - I really didn’t complain. This is something I expected to happen when chosing PvP server.
What I couldn’t expect are the Q times. In 2006, I had much different gaming experience. Sure it evolved over time, we didn’t have battle groups in the first phases I believe but still, it was much better.
It’s the nature of people to go to the “stronger” faction and that to cause ques for certain aspects of the game.
You are not forced to endure que times, you choose to do so by refusing to level an alliance or boosting one.
So. You choose faction because of que times?
Aha. Cool. cool.
No i choose my faction based on the availability of the aspect of the game i enjoy the most, in this case PVP so i levelled an alliance to 70.
I leveld an orc warrior to 60 in classic and hated the que times. so i took responsibility for my poor decision, MY DECISION, and changed it. and now i enjoy normal que times and still play horde every now ad then
Its like “you choose horde because racial” joker.
People dont get some other grew up with horde. Probably even the majority.
Throw it all over for nice que bg pop.
such big brain
No i choose horde because my friends where there who enjoyed PVE mostly.
When i realised PVE was boring after first clear i tried to PVP and que times made it not enjoyable so i levelled an alliance.
It is an argument because it was well known years before Classic release that horde will be overpopulated as it is in retail since years.
in 2006 playerbase was not nearly big as it is now.
There’s nothing more to say.
Roll alliance or leave Classic.
So you said all the guildies, RL friends bye just cos you wan’t better Q times? Jesus Christ, like you literally admitted that this is the only thing that motivate you to play Ali. And that’s really wrong game design.
Maybe you don’t care about other people, we all have our relationships, that’s fine.
But you just can’t, for the Christ sake, to expect EVERYONE to leave just for better Q times?
None of my guildies do PvP, I want to raid with them too! Fkin period. No faction change. Not an option.