I see so many people around being frustrated and wanting to quit the game. Honestly I get the point and I don’t enjoy this very much either.
Seeing how Alli has an easy honor farm and is overgeared in BGs where you have to wait even over 70 mins… what leads mostly to 1 mark and few honor. That’s just sick. It wasn’t AS BAD in pre-patch, wait times were shorter (around 30 - 50 mins), but there was 200% honor gain which made it somewhat playable.
You can’t really reroll after the time spent, we are not 15 years old to reinvest time. We got our friendly community since Classic and rerolling should be NEVER AN OPTION due broken/outdated game mechanics. Developers should always look after justice/satisfied customers.
I just see 2 options - either introducing Mercenary Mode or giving the horde permanent 200% honor gain buff.
*Mercenary Mode goes against #nochanges (but Ali enjoys Seal of Blood, right???)
*Horde-Exclusive 200% honor gain permanent buff may not feel as fair, but we still have to spend a lot of time in the game and are very limited (if you have only 2 hours of playtime, you barely play anything anyway…)
This is getting serious, people are really pissed off.
so you roll overpopulated faction and then whine about queue kekw
thread number 5406764546
Ah ofc. First reply from Ali. You think I knew something about over-population when I created my character on August 13th, 2019? That’s just BS. Not to mention back in 2006, Ali was overpopulated…
This is not an argument at all.
Private Servers have shown what works and what doesn’t. Buffing the dominant faction just makes everyone reroll there so anything that benefits Horde is out of the question.
One side faction transfers and enabling faction based server queue are the only things that truly work. Giving an arbitrary buff to alliance players doesn’t solve anything by itself because the horde is seen as the superior faction, and people would rather wait for hours in queue and whine instead of rerolling.
Pick your poison
If horde gets these, what will be the incentive for anyone to play alliance?
Ganked 6x per hour instead of 8x?
You’ll get 100% horde servers because of the benefits. Hello Flamelash.
Change all PvP servers to PvE. So alliance players will level, stay, and play some PvP.
Why do PvP server people even care about battlegrounds? (Just kidding.)
So from August 13th 2019 you didn’t level an alliance character to avoid this all situation? Did you also use a boost on horde?
I don’t get what you mean. Ganking is a problem?
You play Alliance just because you like the lore and got community there? What’s the other reason? There shouldn’t be something like “superior” faction. At least I don’t feel this in the arena matches.
Yeah they should just change all servers to pve if they implement that the idea of PvP servers was to have world PvP now it will be Impossible with Merc giving horde a 95% horde pop advantage due to massive exodus to re-roll horde it would devistate the game and this is what Merc will do
Why would you level an alliance character? My community picked horde, it is easy as that.
Really don’t get the “reroll” argument. That’s maybe valid for people playing game alone with random guys. I reconnected with guys I played 15 years ago.
On Aug 13th 2019, you had character creation opportunity 2 weeks before release. I knew where to play and with who to play.
Also I have to repeat, in 2006 alliance felt more superior and was overpopulated PvP wise.
“felt” completely anecdotal.
If you didn’t do the research to realise that horde have longer que times then alliance and your main factor for playing the game, this includes your friends, is PVP then you all made a terrible decision with an abundance of information readily available.
You’ve had since then to reroll an alliance character so you can enjoy both aspects of the game like i did. i now play horde on my warrior with some mates and play PVP when i feel like it on alliance.
The fact is your just too lazy to level another character, and your friends are by the way.
What did you do with your boost? if you boosted an alliance reply to this post on it.
And… you should probably read this: We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC
Thank me later.
“your fault for rolling le wrong faction epin pogswag poggerino kek double you” response 5406764546
Jesus Christ, what kind of research you want do 2 weeks before game is released? Community is set. Period. You don’t transfer all friends, guildies to other faction /basically deletingall you toons or changing another server. This is just ridiculous and will only work for solo players.
Unlearn this BS argument for good, pls.
The post is wrong, he cites Alliance as being the dominant faction with 54% representation which is in fact just a number of active raiders.
Using the wow census addon you could see that the actual A:H ratio was reversed, and right now we are heading towards 3:2 ratio in favor of Horde due to 58 boosts.
This is consistent with TBC pservers that didn’t implement restrictions for Horde players
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Nah that guy is clueless he even uses vanilla Population as an arguement
Exactly as you said “community is set” so you knew prior to even classic starting and then you had 2 further years to see that que times for horde where in the region of 18-50 mins and you thought it would improve with TBC???
You’re a joker 
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Wtf. You can’t really be serious. Guess joker goes to you.
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Sure if it helps you sleep at night being completely ignorant to the facts in front of you and in front of you for a further 2 years.
Again, what did you do with your boost?