Merge Realms?

I can provide proof.

  1. create a character on Dragonfang
  2. play
  3. cry

mergers are never going to happen tho…

I may be mistaken. But in 14 years i can’t remember that servers ever got merged, specially not during classic

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That’s no proof

Well proven. Scientists all over the world use this method all the time to prove their theories.

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dude if you scroll a bit through the forums, you’ll see how many are crying about empty Dragonfang. I’m not the only one fighting this battle. and honestly I am glad that this thread gets bumped by you and more people will see it

do a simple search in the forum by the word Dragonfang. you’ll get your proof

The problem with (unrestricted) paid transfers is that they inevitably lead to players transferring to servers where their faction is dominant. This is how retail ended with every server being alliance only (horde only).

Merges on the other side may work if Blizzard is willing to be extremely cautious about faction ratios when merging. But that can happen only after population has settled and layering is disabled. Now is a bit too early because the hype us still high, a lot of people that came just out of curiosity or to experience the launch are still here. As I said, IMO the right time to do it would be after the pop settled enough for layering to be removed, i.e. when pop and faction ratios are more stable. That would ensure that servers will remain healthy for longer period.

That’s still no proof.

okay, thanks for your time sir

Get statistics from a reliable source. Blizzard in this case and I’ll believe you

and your evidence of them being healthy, where is it sir?

the only evidence we have is here: https:// wowpop. appspot. com/

I don’t need to proof if they are healthy or not. I never made such a statement.

okay, take a look at those numbers. if you state the contrary, you say that they are healthy

I don’t state the contrary.
All I said was that your proof wasn’t proof.

and my link to proof is still no proof

It is not proof of the people on those realms crying about it no

Coming from an addon which does not work (properly) anymore. Says nothing, nada, noppes.

The only real indicators we have are the Realm pop markers as given by Blizz (low, medium, high and full).

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you are all talking but don’t even play on these servers. watch Dragonfang during peak hours and you’ll see the LOW marker