So you’re just going to post something purely theoretical and not back it up in any sense. I guess it’s time for you to admit that Morsteth here is just more capable than you in this arena
Not sure you have ever run a guild on this server either but I guess for the purpose of the argument it’s easy to say “ahhh actually I secretly ran a secret guild it was so epic but you wouldn’t know all the members go to a different server”
Damn another easy forum W for the PCU gamers. I don’t think I will respond much further until you hit me with that 15 online /who circa now
I won that competition about 130 players ago. A group of ailing Horde guilds circa WoD tried to do an anime team up to run the Rotgarde off the server using the typical OOC tactics because our characters were unfriendly (IC, being evil Forsaken soldiers) / our rules regarding ERP made them nervous. In fact, Grim Gest were treated in much the same way
In many ways, these big dogg gamers have only themselves to thank for the PCU’s birth and they will get to enjoy things get better and better until this server finally shuts up shop
Curious post from a proud contributor to the various very competitive WoW RP-themed tumblr pages
Look, I don’t care about derailing this thread to turn it into an ego contest. You can believe me or not. And yeah, you might be right: probably Morsteth is a better guild master than I am. He dedicates a lot of energy into that project. Does that make him stand out as some sort of exceptional guild master? Not at all. From what I see around here he’s good with his guild, just as many other guild* masters. That’s about it.
Yeah, sure. If you feel the need to say this it’s because you feel an urge to pat yourself on the back. I wonder why.
He is one of the best. When we met it was like two ancient greek philosophers-kings meeting in the forum. Some have actually described Morsteth as a “Titan of the Mind”
Staying on topic, this is the stuff that makes me uncomfortable. It’s the constant one-uppance and “monopolies are good and here’s why.” I get that it’s entirely sh!tposting but it paints an incredibly unwelcoming image for the server; not that we tend to get many new people anyway.
the PCU engine is actually powered up by the dark energies formed from rumorspreading/background discord trash talking activities that anti-PCU people do on an obsessive(and funny enough terribly non-subtle) level.
some say the enemies of the PCU are what partially power the PCU itself
You’ve made this exact post before making this exact point before and my reply remains the exact same
People aren’t necessarily here for your personal comfort and are probably much more invested in responding in favour of their community
Also I think this is basically one of those posts that sounds nice but in practise doesn’t pop off. You mention new players - how many are you personally helping out right now? It’s very easy to LARP a saint on the forums but much harder to get out there and work those miracles
Every time someone mugs us off or does some goofy altpost in one of our threads we get closer to the big PCU guild. The people reading this probably think it’s a joke but it actually isn’t even
Keep posting and keep throwing coal into the dark engine of the PCU
I don’t see why guild leaders can’t be proud of what they have achieved, there’s little enough to smile about in the world these days.
But again, many players mistake a small number of PCU personalities as the PCU as a whole. They must be doing something right otherwise there wouldn’t be so many accounts that are part of the PCU. Why can’t people just be happy for them and move on with their own game/RP instead of this constant effort to rip them down?
@Perroy, I don’t know much about the history of horde RP guilds on this server, so I’ll take your word on what happened in the past. You and I will never be friends, but it does make me happy to see so much active RP going on via these forums. I just sometimes want to see a bit less ego, but that could just be because I’m from a different generation.
I suppose the replies to some of the posts in this thread do prove that the AD forums will never be the friendliest of places, but then, they never were.
Very strange question to ask; any answer wouldn’t be enough for you because you’d have every means to say “that’s just crap”, because I very much doubt you’re invested in my free time. I wouldn’t call finding your posts rude and nonconstructive “LARPing a saint”, it’s more just preferring the forums being a place for actual discourse instead of licking your ego.
Not a single one of your post has been constructive and you offer nothing to this community while we continue to create RP for the working man every day
Mogi only focuses to solve the symptoms. He didn’t search for the root cause…
I wish to to hash out why the fence-posting at this point won’t work but I don’t enjoy constant forumposting myself(i can only start my FGC combos for so long). I wish we can speak in a voice chat conversation so I can both receive and give reasons why your posts are effective right now, Mogi my brother.
Lazily following this thread here, as I’m sure many are.
Seeing as though it’s yet again turned into a PCU vs anti-PCU argument, I’ll participate.
The first time I had heard of Perroy was probably before the PCU. It was during Cataclysm that I joined the Queen’s Sovereign Guard or whatever that Undead guild was called back then. It was actually created because the Rotgarde went inactive for a while. I didn’t hear anything bad about the man then.
Forward a couple years later and suddenly there’s a lot of drama surrounding the PCU. Last year when I organized the Search for Perenolde the PCU people were good sports, fine roleplayers and generally nice enough people. I myself was inexperienced with throwing campaigns and the messy end was all my own fault.
I honestly don’t know where the hostility towards them comes from. What I can understand is that one individual, or even a small group, with a lot of leverage over the community might be perceived as threatening. Hell, it might even be a bit scary. But unless they’re actually harmful, what does it matter that they’re thriving?