Metamorphosis needs to be returned to Warlocks

Warlocks are basically mages that went full EMO. But they are not demons themselves.

Usually warlocks think that they control the demons but it is the opposite, the demons are the one whom are manipulating the warlock.

Warlock is a cool themed class capable of commanding demons but they always get screwed somehow.

It was the same for Hearthstone, Hearthstone Warlock legendaries were always like “Hit 3 damage to enemy, remove 4 card from your deck, hit 5 to yourself”. Blizzard like trolling warlock players.

WotlK, Cata, MoP and WoD. That’s 8 years where they could in fact become demons and you dismiss it like this?

You cannot become demon, you are born as a demon.

Warlocks are just manipulated by the demons because they were just mages that went full dirty.

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Tell that to Illidan and NPC Warlocks that turn permanently into demons :roll_eyes:

Illidan is being called half-night elf mongrel because he have become a demon. Partially :unamused:

meta is gone and ya’ll need to accept it, warlocks should remain as casters that use demons to do their dirty work not jump in and do it themselves


If warlock are demons than polymorph should have not work against them, it says sheep humanoids, beasts and critters yet on my mage i can sheep a warlock but not its pet.

You can sheep me even thought I am Undead

I havn’t played warlock in a good while, but I have played them a fair bit in the past (I even multiboxed them at one occassion) and I did mainly play Demonology. Whenever I think of the Metamorphosis form I always connect it to warlocks because it’s what warlocks always had in World of Warcraft and I was too young/not into games when I was younger so I never played Warcraft III and as such I never connected it to Illidan’s demon form (just an explanation why I connect the ability to warlocks since there’s a lot of Warlock VS DH discussion and where the ability belongs). Today I’m a bit torn since I both miss the ability but I also think that demonlogy should be more focused on pets and empowering their pets; that their biggest source of damage should come from their pets, but I must also admit I was sad when they lost their Metamorphosis because it’s what was iconic for me and I enjoyed it as an ability, it affected the gameplay in a good and fun way and it was always exciting to hit the Meta button because you could tell the difference immediately in both visual and power wise, and removing the ability removed all of that without compensating for it as well, and that was a loss for demonlogy in my eyes.

I, too, think that both classes could have a Metamorphosis but there needs to be obvious differences between them. What kind of difference I’m not too sure about since, as I said, I havn’t played warlocks in a while but I did like the idea Varagar had. Summoning pets and empowering them but having a cooldown that sacrifices the pets to empower the warlock instead, and the Demonic Tyrant model sure looks like a model that could fit that image. I don’t know, it’s fun to play around with ideas. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Undead are just humans that were dead.

Undead are immune to polymorph to my knowledge. Its just game that treats players as humanoids despite being something more than this. Thats why Warlock in Meta is considered humanoid and not demon.

I almost puked seeing Lichborne PvP ability: “Become Undead” :roll_eyes:

There is various different kind of undead, there is humanoid undead like all deathknights and there is mindless undead with no soul.

in what world is being an imp mother the class fantasy for locks lmao?

and on topic now, meta for demo is never coming back and the fact that such an interesting game mechanic got pruned from warlocks to be given as the most boring cd to demon hunters is laughable.

i don’t understand how people can main that sht show of a class lmao. adding dhs to the game has been the worst mistake blizzard has ever made. i guess you gotta keep those double digit iq monkeys paying for a sub interested somehow.

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Also, in D&D and Neverwinter nights 2, the warlock class can also turn into a demon. One of the most powerful spells is “Word of changing” that basically gives you meta:

nwn2.fandom. com/wiki/Word_of_Changing

You utter a powerful word that transforms you into a fearsome horned devil (cornugon) for 60 seconds per caster level.

  • Changing into this form should disable spellcasting. But, only the quickcast shortcut key is disabled while transformed. Warlock invocations may still be accessed through the quickcast bar, but the bar must be turned on by the menu icons.
  • The Warlock cannot use combat feats such as [Knockdown], [Improved Knockdown], and [Whirlwind Attack]. Mode activated from the modal bar [Hide], [Power Attack], [Flurry of Blows], etc… are still available, but NOT if used from the quick-slot bars (can only be used from the modal bar).
  • The transformation also disables all worn items and equipment, making them inert and removing their effects on the wearer until the [Warlock] returns to normal form (c.f. - [Polymorph Self]. The regeneration granted by this form allows the warlock infinite healing, making it effective in modules with limited rest opportunities.
  • Note that the Warlock retains her mental stats while shifted into this form. However, all racial modifiers, abilities and penalties are disabled.
  • The Warlock is considered an Outsider while shifted, thus some spells will not work on her. Some enhancement spells must be cast before shifting (e.g.:[Enlarge Person]) and others from other party members (e.g.:[Jagged Tooth]).

So don’t give me that turning into a demon is a demon hunter thing only.

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Kanrethad begs to differ.

You know, the guy behind the green fire quest line, and arguably the strongest warlock on Azeroth atm.


Demon Hunter should just have been a tank spec given to warlocks.

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except that it is, also this isnt d&d or nwn so thats irrelevant

we have a infinite source of salty tears from sad little people like you to keep us going, so cheers :beers:

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I’m sure like 75% of demon hunters don’t even know that they’re using a “borrowed” spell warlocks used to have :laughing:

It’s not a counter argument it just represents my point of view.

Actually it’s used by your followers.

It’s part of WoW, whether you like it or not. Mobile access is a part of modern times. Or do you want blizzard to remove the app so you have to log in on your PC just to do missions?

Was not my intention, but if you insist at least use a code line if you can’t post the link

How to do code lines

The Ultimate Forum Guide (Codes, Trust Levels, FAQ)

Anyway Metamorphosis was a demon hunter ability in WC3. It became a warlock ability in WotLK. This is a joke by the devs referencing DH meta being the original one.

i’m sorry for whatever happened to your mental well being if you get enjoyment out of maining that 3 button class.