Method player tells the truth

Eyyyy It’s the Retail trolls back to say hi again! I see you got bored of playing Retail once more and went to say hi to us here at the Classic forums!

Retail Trolls present:

Now, if you’re done being bored, scram.


if your whole point of Classic was to do the raids and nothing else matters, than you shouldn’t have even started playing lol, for me Raids are 1% of the whole experience. And people are still happy about their achievements no matter how top of the top players perform.


The gap between 55 and 60 is less than you think. The gear required to do MC is dungeon gear, there is no HC mode so you can, for the most part, spam the dungeons. A level 55 character has access to many dungeons that award some of the best gear, such as, BRD, ST and DM. Mainly BRD, that is enough for anyone to get enough fire resist to clear every boss in MC. As for stats there isn’t a decisive factor between being lvl 55 and lvl 60.

Man, this hits the spot like a cold beer at the end of the work day. <3

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Enough with this big duck contest. Classic is what it is, if you want to raid mythic+ you’re free to do so. If you’re saying classic raiding is hard, you’re wrong.

Why are people so inclined on defending classic/BFA? Insecurity?

This is what so many Retail players cannot understand. They’re too used to playing a game in which end-game is the only content worth doing and everything else is an obstacle to be rushed through or skipped. Some cannot fathom an era of WoW when the journey mattered just as much, if not more, than the destination.

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That argument applies to both retail and vanilla. Gear check bosses have always existed in the game. The thing with vanilla is that, every boss is a gear check boss, due to the lack of mechanics. For example, a gear check boss in retail right now is Mythic Ashvane. As a dps i have to be able to do mechanics that require me to stop attacking the boss. The challenge here is to do the mechanics and make sure I lose the minimal amount of damage on the boss, or else we wipe because we did not dps her hard enough. In Vanilla, just have the gear and cast frostbolt till the boss dies, but getting the gear is what you would call hard.

Current WoW: Gear is easy to get, and bosses are hard to do.
Classic WoW: Gear is hard to get, and bosses are easy to do.

Nobody with raiding experience will claim Classic raids were harder than what came after.

People who think that is why we find Classic worthwhile misunderstand the whole thing.


Well if our guild killed first 3 bosses in MC with 1.3(or whatever the version was) talents and shetty green / blue gear and 28 people in raid no addons… Later on we fairly easily killed all the mobs to Majordomo. Ragnaros took a few evenings of traning IIRC.

So it’s not a big surprise that people can pretty easily clear MC nowadays with 40 people and likely some better pre-raid gear and 1.12 talents.

For me vanilla raids was a good way to spend time with a nice group of people and then also excitement of what loot is gonna drop. Retail loot is like “meh… not titanforge only xxx ilvl this time” … classic loot: “omg finally tier2 shoulders” or something.

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These threads got sad weeks ago, stop being so obsessed with having the “best” game.


Oh WoW, a pro player that spends 15+ hours a day playing games, says classic is so easy for him. We should all stop playing it… If you would be spending that much time in the gym for example, you would easily bench press 150+ kilos. So what? Does that mean that the average man can do it? No. It’a exactly the same with classic. Average player has 30 years, job, familiy and 15 hours per week to play(if he/she’s lucky). So no, it’s not a piece of cake for everyone.


summarised your argument for you guys

nuh-uh! :crazy_face:

Who actually cares what some random kid has to say people?! F*ckin’ guy is obviously in love with himself…

Best to let such people live in their own little bubble and not take them too seriously.

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I’m level 40 in classic and I’m 4/8mythic in retail. I play both games and like them equally. Just because I said the replies to this were idiotic, that doesn’t mean I only play retail. It means the replies to this were idiotic.

  1. I really don’t think a lot of people that got back to play Classic did it cause “endgame was harder”, but more because wow atm feels more like a moba instead of an rpg.

  2. It is funny looking at all this Heroic retail raider using Lorgok to laugh at people that play Classic. He is probably laughing at your HC kill screenshot too, don’t feel too good guys.

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People still have the delusion that classic is hard?
It was “hard” when people keyboard turned and didn’t know to put new ranks on their action bars etc.
Classic’s difficulty is called time sink.

And yes, truth be told, some LFR bosses are actually harder than T1 bosses.

It was a troll comment, regardless of what you play.

Still a retail troll.

Who cares if classic is hard?! why has it suddenly become so important if something is difficult or not…

If people want to post their Ragnaros screenies let them.

I can’t believe how few likes and rt’s a member of method, who is currently playing a red hot MMORPG actually gets…that’s before we even talk about how salty and jealous he sounds. Soundly beaten by a pserver guild

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