Method player tells the truth

You can take my comments as you like, it wasn’t troll post it was the view I got from reading the posts to the thread.

With your objectivity levels being severely diminished, it would appear that you sir are the troll here.

Keep trolling son.

That comment is the epitome of troll. Yet I am the troll here? Ok, good luck with that.

Except they were never even going for world first, which was already posted on Twitter before Classic launched. So they weren’t beaten by anyone.

Why are retail players so mad about people enjoying classic?

Says someone who has a personal experience with at least heroic raiding, m+ dungeons or 1800+ in BfA? :slight_smile: Oh …

Some people just need to be reassured that they play the “right” game and need to bash other games to feel better.

You forgot to add the word some. I can also ask why some Vanilla players have been so mad about people enjoying WoW ever since TBC launched. It goes both ways sadly.

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Well… :tipping_hand_man:

Retail = harder instanced content
Classic = harder outdoor content
Salty = people who only play one version and sh!ts on the other, shooting things they only know from hearsay cause again, they dont play the other version

And yeah Imagine if Retail didn’t have good Boss mechanics, realistically where would it be if that was removed?
In the exact same position classic would be if you removed compelling outdoor content from classic

Who cares? If you want to flex your epeen i wouldn’t choose an mmo. MMO’s are about pvp drama, socializing and grinding


So is it a bad thing that players are able to complete raids with LFR / PUG groups these days?

It is however patch 1.12, well 1.13 to be more precise.
Many classes / talents / skills / raid encounters were fine tuned a lot from 1.1.0 - 1.12.2.

This is to be expected.

More people get to experience the raids they’ve not probably ever seen / cleared.

“No! Blizzard bad, hardcore guilds good!”

What I don’t understand is why people (like him) feel the need to even pass comment on such a thing and effectively crap on people enjoying something?

It happens everywhere all the time now. Someone can harmlessly say, “That was fun!” and almost immediately someone will snipe in “lol ur wrong so easy no accomplishment”. It’s as if people are miserable and get a kick out of making someone feel bad.

That comment he made is really in bad taste and just makes him come across as rude and condescending.


Something something retail kills don’t matter because lfr exist something something this is classic community biting it self again

Classic fans hated on every accomplishment of anyone , if it was done in retail , and now they demand respect ?

May God save their souls who actually has that experience. Nothing but boredom and the feeling of wasted time.

That’s called making excuses prior so you have an out…so they can claim exactly what you’re writing :smiley: If you’re not hitting world first, you’re not really method anymore - you’re just a regular hardcore raiding guild :smiley:

I always love it when people make stuff up.

All I know is, Ive never played wow and classic is only reason Ive tried it and Im having a nostalgic blast.

Classic is not about difficulty, its about adventure/server community/world pvp, things retail really lacks nowadays.

They’re just salty cuz BfA is a ghost town… x)

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