Microsoft buys activision/blizzard

I don’t think WoW will ever be cross-platform since Microsoft respects fanbase. Look what they did to Age of Empires II and IV. They listen to feedback and even invested in 20 y.o. game. They release regular quality dlcs and balance patches. I think we can feel safe about WoW and cross-platform was rather related to Diablo and Overwatch.


guess even with this change they keep the gametime cards still going? in the store i mean

Phils’pencer - ‘I challenge, Mak’gora!’
Warchief Ko’tick - ‘For the BOARD!’
Phils’pencer - ‘Y’barra… dustbuster, charged up?’

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Not to say a told you so but go digging through my post history and I called a Microsoft hostile takeover months ago.

Ybarra was the man on the inside.

People need to start taking stuff I say seriously.

I’m listening - what else does this strategy hold for us, messiah? :laughing:


On one hand I’m kind of happy from this acquisition. Diablo has been released on consoles yet it didn’t affect its playability on PC and hopefully no one will come up with another brilliant idea like the auction house in D3.
Yet on the other hand it kind of worries me for some reason. I can’t really explain this, like a certain era is coming to an end. Been playing Blizzard games since original Diablo came out, it will be kind of weird to see MS sticker on it. :smiley:

With hopefully a better era to come. Blizzard hasn’t been stellar with any of their games in the past few years.

Blizzard wasn’t always part of Activision. It’s gonna be the same thing probably.


I think I’m a lot happier about the MS acquisition than I was about the Activision take over. Yes, I still feel a bit of disquiet about it but all we can do is wait and see.


Need to define what is version and what is technically a different game just with a same name as other game :stuck_out_tongue:

Omg this is great news i love microsoft,they have a powerhouse of devs,and their games are allways polished has fk!

Bye kotick,bye ion,go ruins games to other place!

Microsoft, should take over their business now…
The games blizzard produces these days are beyond poor, unfinished and expensive.

Just image, Microsoft being the king of game makers…
It’s like they are conquering all!!!

I just hope, we get a better version of wow this time like wow 2.0.
Definitely, the next expansion might be the same sorry show like SL but if Microsoft teams are hired to develop the game then blizzard as got the sufficient talent and man power to push their game in terms of quality.

The last and the most important thing, Microsoft must do…is replace the existing story writer’s of wow…


I wasn’t expecting this for sure. Is this a good thing for WoW? Maybe…it’s too soon to tell. Let’s say that’s interesting for now. :slight_smile:


so with ms now running the show will support for todays cutting edge hardware be properly supported sli crossfire is all but gone of course but todays cpu/gpu/ram/and ssds are far beyond the limitations of the game code and Microsoft advances in HoloLens and other hardware i think the code may get something of a well needed face lift (i know models have been getting retouched before now but still some are a little clunky by todays animation capabilities )

just my opinion will its going to be a waiting game i guess

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