Might as well remove bubble from PvP in Dragonflight

I beg to differ. As a Retribution Paladin I am not meant to survive. But a Protection Paladin can easily survive their attacks if they play their CCs wrong.

Not sure how this answers the question about how reasonable a dipellable main deff CD is.

The die fast part was compared to every other class in gameā€¦ not just holy so not sure how this answers anything.

First thingā€¦ both are deff CDs and one can be used for offence aswell. And imo vengance is clearly better then then DP in all scenarios.

If sheild absorbs 30k dmg, Protection must take 150k dmg over its 8 sec duration to have sheilded me for 30k dmg. And then it does not add the dmgā€¦ so in no way is DP ever gonna be better especially as they have the same CD.


When Rets are the squishiest spec why would they not get the Ret down first in every scenario? Meaning the Ret wont be healing others. Also word of glory usualy has a 40% healing reduction in pvp and healing hands another 50% reduced effectiveness (ret only ofc) so the heals will never be big, decent but never big.

We arent talking about Versa hereā€¦ PLATE IS MORE ARMOR not versa. It provides 0 protection against magic, poison and bleeds and thats 90% of all pvp dmg. Yes the % is pulled out of my &/("Ā¤

Edit: Btw an equally pvp geared mage gets the same amount of versa from gear as a paladin. The dmg reduction from versa therefore equal to all, now versa might be a better dmg stat for Ret then some specs, but dmg wasent our main problem now was it?

Bodhi, let me be real with you. If every classes role in this game would be on the same, efficient level as every other class of that role, we would have some hefty snowballing across all classes. Giving specific classes hard limitations is there to prevent snowballing. At the end of the day, someone has to lose and not always due to better play but simply class limitations.

I was speaking of DDs in general. DDs are not meant to be that much tanky, mostly on if they are a melee class they get survivability to some degree.

I named Holy because Holy is supposed to have fair healing and survivability and low damage and since we are still talking about Divine Shield on Paladins, it is relevant since that spec has that skill too.

You clearly donā€™t see the math behind it. Shield of Vengeance blocks 30% of your total HP as a shield. Divine Protection blocks 20% of ALL damage sources for 8s.

Shield of Vengeance is limited to a specific damage threshold. Divine Protection is limited by time but not a damage threshold. Get hit once by an ability with 30% equal to your HP and the vengeance shield is gone and explodes with the amount of damage it absorbed. Get hit once by an ability with 30% equal to your HP and you take 20% less of that damage (so just 80% of that damage) and the protection still persists after that for that remaining time.

They are defensives for 2 entirely different playstyle and encounter styles.

Again, to prevent ā€œsnowballingā€.

Because it would be highly unfair if Plate Armor would block/reduce all of those damage types too. Paladins are not meant to be Man-O-Wars, mate. They are meant to lose in certain situations, like every other class too.

Again, due to fairness. Imagine for a moment IF Plate would also reduce the damage of all other damage types across the board and then add versatility on top of it. Plate classes would be outright unkillable compared to no-plate classes.

Itā€™s not that complicated.

Ok you are trolling, ill let this convo go.

ā€œplate is an poor excuse to bring for us having a lack of defence outside a dispelled bubbleā€

You insntantly bring plate as an excuse several times

I keep telling you reasons why plate doesnt add any real defence.

ā€œwell ofc otherwise it would be unfairā€ and argue something i made no case for.

That you are trolling? yes i go it.

Feel free to believe any imaginary things you like. I am not going to stop you from that.

I was comparing the two dps specs of the two classes if you didnā€™t notice. But at this point Iā€™m pretty convinced that you are just contrarian trolling so Iā€™m not really gonna continue this discussion with you.

Interesting how arguing with someone these days is always considered ā€œtrollingā€ once one faction of the argument gets upset over the other. Very childish.

what the light giveth ā€¦ the light can taketh away at least dispel is more realistic then the stupid shattering throw

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