Mining BoT fiesta

like everybody, i missed to level up my professions before Cata launches
now day 2 i tried to mine Fel Iron
and guess what !! an absolute BoT fiesta , its like airline traffic with bots , i spent about 40mins and got 2 mines only, literally impossible to mine

i guess any 7th grade GM can just log and check and execute the ban, but hell no


Regular GM’s are not responsible for banning bots, a specialised team investigates and marks them for banwaves.

For example in another F2P game Valorant & League this is explained in more detail why it is so difficult:

The botting problem is prevalant in all games/MMO’s, not just WoW. If there was a solution there would be one by now.

An ex-dev that worked at Blizz:

You may suggest any methods you may think of through the ingame feedback box but it is not likely that it will be groundbreaking new suggestion.


honestly i don’t believe that , or that you are even trying
same statement about server lag, when someone came out and proved the lies
same statement about many other aspects in game
you always say you are doing effort, you never fixed anything, at least nothing i have seen properly fixed ( pvp, spells, raid bosses, items, UI , lag etc … )

you are leaving everything to AI, i have been playing for about 5 years i have never received a GM answer in whispers you can imagine how many times i reported insults, racism, cheats and bugs,
everything is based on ingame stupid report system which is based on a certain number of reports for the automatic execution to happen ( multiple examples done by streamers on youtube , also experienced that eprsonnaly )

hell , you even launched WOTLK and CATA classic with the same exact bugs of 2008 and 2010 !!! like … !!!

this 1 of few reasons why people buy gold externally, basically the BoT farmers sell gold in websites, and many players like me have to suffer the BoT ingame so we end up buying gold from the BoTTers !!


This is disproved by the recent hotfixes in June 3 patchnotes. Will there be things unfixed because they will cause more bugs? Yes for sure.

GM’s are not required to tell you the outcome of any report you make on any of the above report categories. They thank you for the reporting though. In case of bugs, they are not handled by GM’s but by the QA/Dev team.

This is incorrect and has been disproven repeatedly over at the US CS forums.

Several youtubers have done videos about it yes, some where they asked to be reported and were found to be conclusively abusing the report system and wasting GM time. This is actually an offense yes. Imagine asking to file false police reports and the police discovering this, you would get penalised too.

If you did get an actual penalty, not just a warning popup I meant you can appeal it through ticket. If you do not, the penalty will stick to your record.

It is therefore not considered a false report.

Some players think that some stuff are bugs, for example I have recently answered several threads about players saying they could not use the Death Gate to return from Ebon Hold but it was exactly as it worked in the past, the return gate didn’t got improved until patch 5.4 MoP to also return you to the exact spot you used Death Gate from.

Some bugs does indeed never get fixed, as they break other things. They were bugfix attempts though.

There is no valid reason to buy gold illegally and increase the problem you want to solve.

GM’s are not required to play the game to do their work duties. They are Blizzard GM’s who support all games not just WoW like HS, legacy Warcraft 3 and so on. It is helpful if they play one or multiple parts of the very game they support but not an absolute requirement.

If your case requires a specialist GM they will assign it to one or otherwise a generalist will be the first one to handle the first few tickets in most cases.

sir, i dont read blueposts or hotfixes for a long , for 2 reasons
1- i lost hope
2- i can see with my own experience that the game is bad and no effort is being done to even try.

i don’t think GMs play the game, and i am 1000000% sure that Devs and designers don’t play the game for sure
but i do, multiple expansions almost all patches
if you tell me that you are trying to improve the game through the whole expansion which lasts almost a year while multiple game aspects remain terrible until next expansion and on and on, the team is obviously stalling,
and i believe 2 ex-GMs wrote articles about how the lead Devs know about issues and don’t make effort to fix them, especially when it comes to spending a bit more money
i have a screenshot of a GM telling me after a conversation about the report system that the owners of the game knows but wants it that way, literally said it like this, after i got falsely mass reported and silenced by a grp of friends

i have my own experience in game for half a decade with multiple classes in multiple expansions , imagine how many times i created a ticket and how many times i interacted with the GMs, i can tell you “they are absolutely clueless”

i created a ticket about not being able to buy a token from auction house ingame and a GM tells me to delete my web browser !! after 6 days of waiting for answer, it took about 24 days of tickets and receiving the same copy-paste reply until i payed money to get over it,
i can go on and on, you an imagine multiple accounts , with multiple classes in multiple expansions, its Hell

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The guy in the video who is an ex WoW-dev is wrong though. Why is he wrong? Because this method is also exactly why bots are able to remain profitable forever. In the old days Blizzard DID have people banning bots in real time on the servers and the botting problem was not even a fraction of what it is today.

And people still botted, people botted for PvP and all sorts but it wasn’t just dealt with in 6 month waves like today where the ban has absolutely zero effect because they make so much profit before they get banned they can scale as much as they want. They get banned and they are back in business the same day.

Banning bots only works if you can make it hard enough for them that it’s no longer profitable for them to run these bot farms, and you can only do that if they get banned before they break even.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but the bots have made my leveling with jc/engi alot cheaper:P

Only spent a few thousand getting both up to max cata level.

Sure, there are downsides, but i dont mind these “upsides” :stuck_out_tongue:

man a GM literally told me that the owners of this game don’t care
after a long conversation about the report system, hacks and bots
he literally said " the owners of the game want it this way"

and look at it, 2008 game launched with the same bugs 14 years ago !! what we talking about
and they greatly reduced the amount of GMs ingame, so Bots now are only dealt with if people report ingame, and you need a certain amount of reports to be considered
and people used that to attack each other ( happened to me personally ) and more stupid aspects …

do you think the owners care? as long as this ST…D community pays for the game , Blizz is going to keep milking them with garbage bugged 15 years old content ! with aka classic

the management is absolutely embarrassing , feels like kids are making decisions not investors, but w/e

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You can pretty much miss out Fel Iron……go mine rich thorium to 350 and then jump straight to cobalt in northrend………

nah a waste of time, i managed to get gold if you know what i mean and leveled my profession in peace
not gonna spend 2 hours to farm Mining worth of 500g
cause Blizz has a 6 month policy bot ban
what a joke of a company


Each to their own

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That costs money to hire them. Besides bots bring a lot of suscription revenue and ramp up RMT market, including WoW token. From a CEO perspective, botters are part of business plan.

They do ban them, but only after those payed at least a month. Blizzard even recently, after being bought by M added restrictions in Season of Discovery to AH and gold sending via in-game mail if new accounts wouldn’t pay second month of suscription. That was done most likely to block stolen new accounts to be used by botters, but also to extract double profits from usual botters after ban waves. This didn’t worked as bots used mail feature called “pay on delivery” and can still send gold that way.

Yeah, i paid 9k to get engi 0 to 525. It would probably be over 40k if not for the bots :grinning:

Also bots cause the price of gold to be kept down which benefits everyone :+1:

I can’t believe this. People are so deluded that they are actually in favor of something that goes against Blizzard’s TOS.

This is like saying, “I’m glad counterfeit money exists because it keeps prices lower for everyone.” Just because it appears to benefit some people doesn’t make it right or acceptable. Counterfeit money undermines the economy, just as bots undermine the game’s integrity.


So 13 € a month from every player… sorry i mean player and bots, is not enough.

THere is like tons of bots milling herbs on each realm some of them crafting like 12+20 hours per day and parked in groups 2-3+ AH botting and its hardly possible to make some decent proffit from that allready time consuming proffession. Cant post screenshots sadly.


you guys are mad about bots out in the wild that get banned every now and then. You should check some AH bots that are at the AH 24/7 having done over 250000 auctions and tens of millions of gold which you can all check in their achievements statistics.

same for fishing bots with tens of thousands of fish botted. I mean it doesnt halt with the tracking just with the companies practises going in too late.

Since tbc clasic at least.reporting bots does nothing. Still on the same route after half a year


Hiring people to ban bots = lose lose.

Lose money from salaries and from subscription.

Instead, its better to not hire people, and ban the bots the cheapest way possible, or try to profit from them

This is not a game for them its not old Blizzard. Its just a way to earn money. Anything else is irrelevant. Every time you ask why game is like this = money

Then they get people like this MVP Who is job is to excuse everything Blizzard do and never admit their greedy reasons and low effort. Because admit = less money.


So true…