Missing Twitch Drop - Blazing Hippogryph

  • I can confirm my Twitch and Battlenet accounts are correctly linked on the management page.
  • I can confirm I have watched the necessary hours and claimed the Blazing Hippogryph.
  • I can confirm all previous Twitch rewards were successfully claimed and obtained.
  • I can confirm I have waited 48+ hours (Twitch says “2 days ago”).

Despite meeting the above criteria, I have not received the Blazing Hippogryph.s

Update: logged on again now, and i now have it. thank you. dunno if anything got fixed or if it just took more than 48 hours (probably closer to 50) good luck everyone.


My Twitch and BNet accounts are linked; i have received the Ethereal Portal reward without issue.

I have watched well over the required number of hours for the Blazing Hippogryph reward.

I have been able to ‘Claim’ the Blazing Hippogryph reward.

I have waited over 48 hours, i believe that i’m at around 60 hours since i ‘Claimed’ the Blazing Hippogryph reward.

Despite all of the above, i am yet to receive the Blazing Hippogryph reward. I have obviously logged out, back in etc many times over the 60 or so hours since meeting the criteria.

Twitch and BNet accounts connected, watched +4hours and claimed the Blazing Hippogryph - all criteria met.

In fact all connections and criteria met with no changes since the first twitch drop 5 months ago when I did eventually receive the Feldrake mount.

Recieved the Etheral Portal within a few minutes of claiming but now waited over 48 hours for the Hippogryph to arrive.

There seems to be an issue with the distribution of mounts with regards to the Twitch drops, I seem to have no problem with Toys/Pets arriving - but never did get the Swift Windsteed mount despite meeting all criteria at that time either.

i can confirm that that my accounts are linked and that i have waited
more than 60 hours, claimed the Ethereal Portal 8 days ago with no problems.

someone please fix this

Hi its has been 2 days I still have not got my Blazing Hippoghyph. I have claimed this in twitch and my account is linked

The same for me, been 50 hours since I claimed my Blazing Hippograph. Can confirm my accounts are linked. Received all other Twitch drops with no problem

  • I can confirm my Twitch and Battlenet accounts are correctly linked on the management page.
  • I can confirm I have watched the necessary hours and claimed the Blazing Hippogryph.
  • I can confirm all previous Twitch rewards were successfully claimed and obtained.
  • I can confirm I have waited 48+ hours

I have not received the Blazing Hippogryph !

EDIT: I just got mine!

I can confirm my Twitch and Battlenet accounts are correctly linked on the bnet acc management page.
I’ve claimed the drop and have waited 48 hours.
And i’ve gotten all the previous drops after various amounts of time.

It’s been 42 hours for me that I didn’t receive Blazing Hippogryph. I’ve insta gotten all the previous drop rewards. I disconnected and reconnected my twitch and bnet accounts, tried logging in to twitch and bnet acc on a different browser with no browsing history at all and finally logged out and logged in to the game but nothing works. I opened a ticket as the last resort.

Hi! I have not yet recived my Blazing Hippogryph

I can confirm my Twitch and Battle,net accounts are correctly linked on the management page.
I can confirm I have watched the necessary hours and claimed the Blazing Hippogryph.
I can confirm all previous Twitch rewards were successfully claimed and obtained.
I can confirm I have waited 48+ hours (Twitch says “2 days ago”).

i have waited 48 hours and my account has been linked correctly and i had no problems with any other rewards, still no blazing hippo for me.

its time for Blizzard to realize their spaghetti code is broken.

My post, changed character :slight_smile:


  • I can verify and confirm that my Twitch and Battle.net accounts are linked on the management page.
  • I can verify and confirm That I have claimed the Drop on Twitch.
  • I can confirm that I have waited 48 hours.

All other drops were succesful.

  • I can confirm my Twitch and Battlenet accounts are correctly linked on the management page.
  • I can confirm I have watched the necessary hours and claimed the Blazing Hippogryph.
  • I can confirm all previous Twitch rewards were successfully claimed and obtained.
  • I can confirm I have waited 48+ hours (Twitch says “2 days ago”).

Despite meeting the above criteria, I have not received the Blazing Hippogryph.

  • I can confirm my Twitch and Battlenet accounts are correctly linked on the management page.

  • I can confirm I have watched the necessary hours and claimed the Blazing Hippogryph.

  • I can confirm all previous Twitch rewards were successfully claimed and obtained.

  • I can confirm I have waited 48+ hours

I have not received the Blazing Hippogryph !

  • I can confirm my Twitch and Battlenet accounts are correctly linked on the management page.
  • I can confirm I have watched the necessary hours and claimed the Blazing Hippogryph.
  • I can confirm all previous Twitch rewards were successfully claimed and obtained.
  • I can confirm I have waited 48+ hours (Twitch says “2 days ago”).

Despite meeting the above criteria, I have not received the Blazing Hippogryph.

Hi! I have not yet recived my Blazing Hippogryph
I can confirm my Twitch and Battle,net accounts are correctly linked on the management page.
I can confirm I have watched the necessary hours and claimed the Blazing Hippogryph.
I can confirm all previous Twitch rewards were successfully claimed and obtained.
I can confirm I have waited 48+ hours (Twitch says “2 days ago”).

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  • I can confirm my Twitch and Battlenet accounts are correctly linked on the management page.

  • I can confirm I have watched the necessary hours and claimed the Blazing Hippogryph.

  • I can confirm all previous Twitch rewards were successfully claimed and obtained.

  • I can confirm I have waited 48+ hours

I have not received the Blazing Hippogryph !

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I have also verified im linked and claimed the mount but suspecting it may have gotten stuck when i claimed the lil KT pet from prime gaming and already own it.

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Hey, I have still not received the Blazing Hippogryph Twitch drop mount.

  • I can confirm my Twitch and Battlenet accounts are correctly linked on the management page.
  • I can confirm I have watched the necessary hours and claimed the Blazing Hippogryph.
  • I can confirm all previous Twitch rewards were successfully claimed and obtained.
  • I can confirm I have waited 48+ hours.
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