Mistweaver buff request

I dont understand why you are getting so annoyed at people who want mistweaver monks to be a stronger spec.

The reason it frustrates me is because people ask for buffs without knowing why they want buffs.

They play like garbage and scream “buff MW” because they are bad, not because the spec is.

If all hps/dps was the same, is RoP really worth choosing over the other healers?

This is a trap that even good players/guilds fall into all the time. So many people are obsessed with which spec/class is “best”, and they often think you need a certain setup or a specific healer to do X boss, but that’s wrong. In 999/1000 cases, you just pick the best player for your team. That’s it. That’s literally how little it actually matters for most of the people who play (even for people in much better guilds than mine). The game is not balanced around you having 20 of the best classes or specs in your raid, it’s balanced around those 20 people knowing what to do.

Having a Mistweaver in your raid will not add wipes to your count or slow your raid down. Like yeah okay, some specs like Shaman or Disc are for sure stronger than Mistweaver, I am not debating that. But any guild outside of the literal top 25/50 ranks, will benefit far more from having a good Mistweaver over an average shaman. Even if you’re at a point where you have to compare a good mistweaver with a good shaman, it doesn’t matter nearly as much as people think. The better your guild is, the more it matters, that’s simple. However, the majority of the people on these forums play at a level where your class composition or X healer doing 5% more damage/healing is completely irrelevant. Even in my guild, which is only top 600 or something, we just pick good players over mediocre ones. Sure, we have specs that we prefer as well but we will never turn a good player away because he plays “the wrong spec” unless it’s complete garbage.

So, Heroic players (which is fine, Mythic does take a lot of time so I don’t blame people for not doing it) they come in here and whine for buffs while doing content where classes/specs does not matter nearly as much as they think. If it barely matters until you’re in the top % of guilds, why would it matter in your Heroic raid that almost anyone can complete? Most of the people who are whining, are literally neglecting even the most basics things about playing the spec.

there is a reason people are choosing the other specs over MW monks.

Even when MW is the best healer, very few people play them. This is evident from WoD where MW was extremely strong in the later tiers.

Yes, we are really mobile, but a druid is almost as mobile as us. In fact most druids are night fae so they are probably as mobile as us. So we aren’t even the only most mobile healer

Sorry, but this isn’t really fair. You are comparing Night Fae Druid to Non-Night Fae Mistweaver, when MW Night Fae is comparable to the other covenants.

Mistweaver has been historically bad since I first started playing it in Emerald Nightmare. But now we’re finally at a point where our spec is legitimately good and a real contender against the other healer specs for the first time in years (outside of a tier or two) and people ask for huge buffs like this guy:

Output wise I think is ok for mw but the mana cost of some of the spells is too expensive, would like 35% ish mana cost off EM and vivify atleast

And they just don’t understand how crazy something like a 35% mana reduction is. It would push Mistweaver over the edge and make us by far the strongest spec. If anything, I can understand a 5-10% reduction to Envm and Vivify but I don’t feel like it’s needed… but 35%? are you actually crazy? No offense.

To sum it up:

People ask for buffs while playing the spec sub-optimally, while doing content where your class has no actual impact on the success of your raid group. I am not against people asking for buffs for specs, I’m against people asking for buffs for a spec they don’t put any effort into playing well, for content the game is not balanced around. Especially when you actually think about how closely balanced the healer specs are right now. People act like the difference between MW and rsham/disc/pala are like night and day, when it’s actually a difference that’s barely noticeable and won’t matter for almost anyone.

Literally every single top raider and theorycrafter will tell you that the player matters far more than the class.

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