Mistweaver buff request

A little bit over the top or?

2-3 things…

Make 1-2 Spells/def (FB/Cocoon/Port) usebar while in cc
Make AtotM a smartheal and hit 2-3 mates :slight_smile:
Change Mana costs

Reminder to Blizz that we’re not complaining about raw healing output, we’re complaining about sustaining that output over a longer (3+ mins) fight.

Output is fine, but our mana pool is atrocious if we don’t jump through hoops and commit to fistweaving; which has its own downsides and isn’t always appropriate for the situation.

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bump coz we need them buffs

I started playing Mw with SL and I really enjoyed the playstyle - until I was raiding.

It feels like Mw is broken. When reading your skills you think you have to go with Renewing mists on targets and use vivify however you don’t heal anything that way.

Just spam EF and SJW until you are oom - that’s boring as hell… There‘s so much potential in the class mechanics itself I’m really sad to see it not being used.

Another bump to see changes done to the Mistweaver as it is really fun to play unless people die while you are healing them or you are simply oom.

I recently rerolled to resto shaman for PVP and the difference is crazy
Only at 170 ilvl and 13% vers i already have better survivability and even DMG than my MW monk at 203 ilvl and 27% vers.
And also i dont even have to care about mana since shaman doesnt use any.


I just found out that father of Mistweaver Chris Kaleiki has left blizzard. So we’re hopeless. I don’t think that other gamedesigners have vision of the spec.

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or may be we have more chance someone takes the class and makes it works because it is clear the Mistweaver Father was not doing an amazing job … I hope the MOP MW come back… it was so fuuuunn… or even the legion with the clouds… anything was better than the current OOM version!

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MoP won’t come back because Mistweaver was Chris’s creation, he mentioned it in the video https://youtu.be/iznL9e12iYI
We don’t know their inner workings, maybe all other gamedesigners were against having one more healer class, to balance it. And now they have to deal with thing which was pushed by a single gamedesigner.

Getting one-shot in a stun from 100% to 0% in 2.5 seconds by a sub rogue as a MW monk is so much fun. You cannot even react, you are dead in a blink of an eye. Great balance…

Or balance druids hitting me with a 8,996 starsurge and a 22,204 full moon out of stealth, one-shotting me in 1.5 seconds. Amazing…

These are not exaggerations. This happens on a daily basis. Every. Single. Time.


Blizzard plz, its actually really sad to play MW Monk right now… its a lot fun for me playing him. But you have no chance to get a inv in high content, cause you are a bloody MW Monk.
And this silent acreemet witch is in everbodys head, makes it just not satisfying playing him… plz help us to get INVs again.
its not the Mana, its not the heal output, its probably just the dmg we literally not have!

Sry to say that, but everyone who plays monk and cry about mana, just need to change his heal style! thats all. We have so many different styles to heal, witch is real fun. But its going to be not fun, when you get no inv…


you’re lv50, what content are you talking about?

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I don’t think we play the same game lol. Mana problem is a big issue. I don’t spam any spells.

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MW has been my main an still is. I am extremely sad about them right now. We are bad in Mythic+ , Raiding (revival is a joke) let’s not talk about PVP. I don’t get invite for anything cause I play MW. In mythic+ I get OOM before we pull the first boss If I am lucky and we get pride it’s ok… No I don’t spam like crazy still can’t save enough mana. Yu’lon is very weak as well the fact that I have to put enveloping mist on people to heal them is a joke even with mana tea. Statue nerf is bad too. Every time when I sign up for groups LF healer they decline and change the title LF for resto shaman. Give monks some love Blizzard please. We still have the weak BFA playstyle without LUCID. I would not force fistweaving some monks love the pure mw style too.


buff the base health and let us use cocoon while stunned

pvp i unplayable as mistweaver rn

Another player who doesn’t know how to play the spec whines about the spec being bad

You are literally missing the basics of the spec, but whine about how bad it is.

:slight_smile: WoW forums.

What do you mean by the basics of the spec. Don’t tell me you have more mana sustain than other healers.

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You are not pressing your buttons. Mana tea, renewing mist, chi burst, thunder focused tea… you are not pressing them nearly enough… your gear is unenchanted, and you are using a life cocoon conduit for some reason.

and while upwelling is viable, it’s not nearly as good as rising mist.

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First of all, thanks for spending your time to check my build out. The conduit was for some casual pvp with my friends. My gear is always enchanted and if it happens not to show up on armoury its probably because I just got a new piece.
You don’t have to be rude about my comment, everyone has their opinions.
Also if you didn’t see, there is a whole thread of mistweavers here that share the same opinion about a huge problem with our spec. This is especially true when compared to other healing classes.
What are you even doing here if you have no problems with your spec, this is not the place to be elitist. Have a good day.


The funny thing is that pretty much all of the people complaining fit this criteria in some way:

They have no idea how to play the spec.

They only do heroic where class composition literally does not matter in any way.

They haven’t adjusted to the Mistweaver changes and are still to relying on Lucid/Claw.

Just because several other people in here share the same opinion, it does not make it true. The facts remain; the people complaining about the spec have no business doing so when they are absolutely terrible at it. Try actually learning how to play the spec before you whine about being “mana starved” or having “low hps and DPS”

The problems people have with the spec are just the results of them being bad at it. If you come into a forum and whine about MW being underpowered despite the fact that you have no idea how to actually play the spec, then you’re honestly kinda dumb. People do a few Heroic raids and play like absolute monkeys and then cry “bad spec”. If you only do Heroic then you have no right to complain about a spec in a game that’s balanced around Mythic.

Asking for changes or a rework is more than fine in my opinion. Asking for buffs for a spec you’re terrible at? Why? what is the point?

How can you say your class is balanced when there is less than 20 mistweavers at 2100 ranking right now in both 2v2 and 3v3’s combined, there is more tank monks at 2100 in 2’s than mistweavers in 2’s and 3’s combined. But the class is fine right?
We die fast, we don’t have the best HPS output and once caught in a stun we die.

As for pve mythic raids, if you’re not on sun-king a monk is outdone by literally every other healer every fight. In mythic raiding damage mitigation is just as important as healing done and we have one single target strong mitigation spell that we can use on others, compare that to priests that can place aoe mitigation or build up shields to deal with a mechanic.
We have no niche as a healer, every role a mistweaver can fill in M+ or raiding can be filled by another class but the other classes usually have alot more utility. Need a melle tank? Paladin is your best choice, need a dps healer? go priest they can mitigate alot of damage too. Want a turret healer? Pick a shammy they bring lots of utility with totems and heavy raid healing. Need a mobile spot healer? Druid

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