Mistweaver buff request

We suck in PvP, I agree.

MW is not “outdone by literally every other healer every single fight”.

There is no data that backs up the claim that MW is somehow bad, or markedly lower in power than another healer. It’s literally just feelycrafting by bad players lol

I am only talking about PvE here… I completely agree that MW is hot garbage in PvP. It is by far the worst spec in the game for PvP right now.

Check wow logs for mythic raiding, for every mistweaver on every single fight there is 20 priest/paladins/shammies unless you’re on sun-king.

There is data, check logs for healing specs. In every single HPS parse comparison outside of sun-king monk is 2nd to worst or the worst healer you can bring.(except on shriekwing and hungering, paladin and shammy got dunked on one of the fights each putting us in the 3rd worst spot.) We’re also never even close to the dps of other healers if you compare the logs.


“HPS parse”

You do realize that in terms of HPS, the healer specs are within like 5% of eachother, right?

Another thing you fail to realize is that MW is underrepresented. The entire class as a whole is just super underplayed, so obviously that’s going to skew the statistics as well.

The reality is that MW is more than fine for every kind of content. X healer being better in some aspects does not make MW bad. Stop acting like we “need buffs” for content that you don’t play. Stop acting like MW isn’t viable when you have never stepped foot in a Mythic raid or a key higher than a 15, and therefore have no idea how our class actually performs at those levels. This goes for everyone in that situation, not you specifically Brainblast.

People think you’re going to add wipes or hold your guild back just because you don’t play a fotm spec, and it’s so ridiculous

WOW is not just about Mythic raiding some people have life you know work etc. Calling someone a bad player is very rude. I saw your first comment before you edited. Anyways no point to argue with you… I am happy you have no problem at all. GL


Okay, so you think the game should be balanced around Heroic and not Mythic? Do you think that would be good for the game?

Calling someone bad might be a bit rude, but you are bad and you should not be asking for buffs when you don’t play the part of the game that classes are balanced around.

The thing is, I did quite some RBG’s with my guild, yes I’m very on par with the other healers. can’t complain too much sometimes I’m top healer sometimes I’m bot it shuffles around per map and that’s totally fine, but when we look at damage done I’m struggling to get like 80K when they have around 300k ez…that is one of my biggest gripes atm (and you know, some more survivability would be nice).

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But I am not talking about PvP. I know we suck in PvP (as I have said). I am only talking about PvE

To be honest man, it’s about Mistweaver in general. It’s unrepresented and the fact you are harsh to other players is just insanely sad. Be happy that people participate in the conversation eventho half the people rerolled. Don’t be a nerd. :slight_smile:

People are complaining about MW in PvE for no reason. Ofc I’m going to be harsh when they don’t listen to a word other people are saying. They ignore everything they don’t want to hear, and only listen to whatever fits their own narrative about “how bad the spec is”

Everbody has an opinion my friend. No need to bash someone’s head in for having one how they feel about a class. It’s not because you have an opinion it’s 100% accurate or someone elses in inacurate. :slight_smile:

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How is your comment relevant to this topic? People obviously have a good reason to post something they are no happy about their class. You are basically ignoring the fact that so many MW monks bring up the same issues with the spec, how are they ignoring what they don’t want to hear?
It’s obvious that everyone in this thread wants improvements to our spec, if Blizzard listens it would even benefit you : )Don’t you want to be more powerful?

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I have a MW main and a resto shammy alt, both 60 and both doing m+ relative to their item level. I can easily finish a m+ with my Shaman without drinking, finishing bosses at 100% mana, and still find time to do decent DPS in the group. I can not do the same at all with the MW, i usually have to drink at least at some point even with prideful (although prideful does help alot), and even trying to push dps doesnt seem to result in much. Would be nice if after casting essence font your next vivify cost no mana, just to get us that double mastery buff for a reduced cost, and stop essence font always feeling a waste of mana


I’m literally doing +17’s and +18’s and I rarely go completely oom.

There is a difference between being unhappy with the class, and unjustifiedly calling for buffs or screaming about not being good enough or even “unviable” like so many people are doing.

You can want changes and reworks, but the spec is more than fine for all PvE content.

I think you’re quite delusional and shouldn’t be be calling out people when they feel like it’s undertuned. Compared to other healers it just simply is undertuned and should get some buffs. Stop being some kind of etlitist nerd and act normal. My god, feels every year that goes by, people are getting worse in attitude because they suddenly feel ‘good’ at the game. While you’re just a dog. Stop reflecting your negative emotions on others. It’s not because you feel horrible irl that you should feel superior in any way or form in the game because you killed a few bosses on a higher difficulty or completed a higher key. Just sad af my friend.


How often do you need to drink in dungeon? I was watching Zmok on Twitch he was playing on HPal in +20 Plaguefall, and it was rare situation when his mana drops under 70%.
What do you think how MW will scale with expansion progress? Is any stat rating bust will pull its HPS or HPM dramatically?

You call me delusional, but at no point have you come up with an actual counter-argument to a word I’ve said. You’re just whining about the class being “undertuned” with absolutely nothing to back it up… not to mention you are posting from an alt instead of your Mistweaver :slight_smile:

Hard to say, but I generally drink whenever I can. If I have time to drink after a pack, I do it. MW has a lot of mobility, so you can roll ahead to the next pack and drink for a while. The only time I actually need to sit for more than 5 seconds is before a few specific packs in some keys.

Most of the time I just drink while my group catches up and starts pulling.

As for scaling and stats, I have no idea. It’s not something I have looked into.

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I’m just calling you out, because you’re a spaz to other mw’s. You can see my profile whenever you want my friend. I just go through the forums read the ideas and input people have on certain classes. :slight_smile: but it seems like you enjoy being delusional, guess nerds, remain nerds :slight_smile:


Ah, the classic “you are a nerd because I have no argument” got it.

Calling me delusional because you refuse to see that you are wrong, kekw. Imagine thinking MW isn’t viable in your HC raids. If you want me to help with your performance and go over some logs with you, then just send them my way. You can even whisper me in-game if your want your identity to remain hidden.

And your profile does not show your Mistweaver :wink: