Mistweaver hotfix coming


It is just signal to players, that rather then fixing corrutpion, team will bend classes around it.

Which means that rather then fixing covenants, they are more inclined to gut classes in SL.

At least we know what to expect :slight_smile:

It’s not feedback it’s whining. “WHAA! But i wanna be OPeeeee!”

Blizzard has been ignoring Mistweaver Feedback (Feedback that would change the spec on a larger scale) since they introduced the bad version of Mistweaver in Legion, which was so bad that over half of our spells were factually useless and broken in Raids and Mythic +. And instead of reworking the spec like people wanted they gave us bandaid fixes in BfA.

And so far Shadowlands doesn’t look good for Mistweaver.

It is not about the change but about the form.

Somebody bought ferrari and took it to tractor race, stomping on everybody. Logical thing would be ban ferrari right?

Wrong, according to blizzard the solution is to limit speed of all racing vehicles to 50%. That sure solves everything!

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Nah, it has been many times like this. I’ve mained MW continuously since 5.0 when they were first introduced. Sure, there were good times, there were bad times but never it has been broken to the point of being unviable in any form of content. But always there were some people being all like “I’m not OP anymore?! Why, i’m quitting now!” (they did not actually quit)

Since you mained MW for so long, can you name patches that monk was actually OP besides the 3 last months?

I play since WoD and that was the first time ive seen them as you called it “op” and im not playing it anymore.

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In 5.3 MW wasn’t even ridiculously OP it was almost an immortal GOD! :laughing: …and then WoD came. :unamused:

Yet from then till now you have a Hpala leaving his BACONS yes bacons on tank, in WoD if you recall and being top healer even if AFK, dont recall in legion and now the glimmer mess that lasted a whole raid patch.

Yet MW is op for 3 long months!

I speak about patches i was actually playing, before that im sure there was many times the Hpala god and his priest buddy dominated again.

Yet pre glimmer holy paladin was trash tier.

can we just remove monks? I think that’s a way more effective way to balance this.

Says the DH.


So… because the top tier, top-geared Mistweavers can exploit your broken Corruption system and stack their HoTs to infinity you are now breaking everybody’s kneecaps? Why not adopt some PvP elements and change it so that the duration extension on the same buff gets diminishing returns after a couple stacks?

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That is their point, they nerf specs by looking at the top players in the world. Just like they nerfed disc priest due to being overpowered in progression raiding in the hands of skilled players.

Highly disappointed. I think this has been mentioned but the higher skill cap of executing this build along with the insane specific high gear requirements made this finally feel like a rewarding spec.
This was extremely punishing for a mistake however if you nailed it you were rewarded with the spoils.

Now we can be pushed back down under the glass ceiling again and be 10-15% behind all other specs. I’m fine with a nerf however a straight forward breaking of the talent is not the way to go. The attempted 50% heal buff to the talent looks big as it’s 50% but as many of you know 50% of nothing is nothing. I honestly wish blizzard would engage with the player base and test these major changes to a playstyle. Also having played this build i can tell you that extending 2 seconds breaks it entirely nerfing down to 3 seconds would cause alot to drop off and lower the hps of this build and possibly been a better option.

I understand that the game needs to be balanced but please look at the data outside of this build. Monks are capped so much more in comparison with other classes.

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I think it’s time for me to roll a paladin. Played disc in EP, got nerfed. Now I rolled monk and it’s getting nerfed too…

I don’t think rising mist was at all designed to keep hots indefinitely or be the best meta, i guess it was planned more like a disc atonement mechanic - for those players who’d like to add unnecessary complication level to their gameplay

I think it’s time for me to roll a paladin. After playing disc in EP only to get nerfed and now this, just as I’m finally getting my monk geared to heal in M+ decently, the only fun way to play monk is getting destroyed, maybe it’s time blizz looked at paladins doing as much damage as DPS in dungeons…

Unnecessary complication that felt fun and rewarding - at least to me. I didn’t have as much fun in M+ and Raids as I had with Fistweaving (granted, I am a casual PvEr). They wanted to make Rising Mists viable, and now they are curbstomping it for -everybody- because the top 1% have the itemlevel and the practice to exploit the game’s halfhearted mechanics. Stands to reason that the talent is not the root of the problem here, no?

…because apparently having to press one single button to top all the hps meters is not good enough for some people :laughing:
(but in all seriousness i’m actually looking forward to become even better EF sprinkler in shadowlands)