Mistweaver hotfix coming

You could have chosen to solve this problem in a decent way like for instance to cap the max amount of RM (similar to glimmer) , but you chose to revert a change made for reviving a dead talent, bringing it back to hell.

A perfect example on how you are balancing your classes nowadays. It is difficult to find a class to play the entire expansion without you changing mechanics every one/two patches.

Given the alt friendliness of this expansion, this is not really lovely.
Get a grip with you class development, it is rolling down the hill

We’re iterating on this change at this time, and holding off making the change previously listed here until we’ve tested other possible solutions.

Thank you!


thank you blissard for destroying pvp mistweaver by introducing crane into pve and then making it crap . now its basic healbot with op cocoon . gg

Surprised to hear a positive response and consideration of a different change.

Please do the cap on enveloping mist (I’d suggest 5) and renewing mist (8). This way both playstyles are viable (with rising mist having slighter output in raids at the cost of higher skill and apm) but do not have degenerate numbers.

So glad to hear they considered the feedback and are adjusting. This is huge.

What game are you playing?

Who are you and what have you done to the blizzard of the past 4 years?.. and yeah don’t leave you can stay!

Thanks for this blizzard, having a build being fun is cool and if there is like 3-5 people that managed to break the thing the answer shouldn’t be to smash the spec for others.

From the multiple suggestions I’ve read that could work as possible fixes :-

  1. Rising sun kick extends the duration of renewing mists and essence font by 4 seconds, it also extends enveloping mists duration by 2 seconds.

  2. Rising sun kick extends the duration of renewing mists and essence font by 4 seconds

  3. Enveloping mists cannot affect more than X number of targets

  4. Renewing mists and Enveloping mists cannot affect more than X number of targets

  5. Renewing mists, Enveloping mists and Essence font cannot affect more than X number of targets

  6. Once a certain number of targets is reached, the effectiveness of enveloping mists is reduced on all targets by each new instance of the hot

  7. Once a certain number of targets is reached, the effectiveness of renewing mists and enveloping mists is reduced on all targets by each new instance of each HoT independently of the other HoTs.

  8. Once a certain number of targets is reached, the effectiveness of renewing mists, enveloping mists and essence font is reduced on all targets by each new instance of each HoT independently of the other HoTs.

Clarification for suggestions 6-8 : for example at up to 5 targets with the HoT, the HoT heals at 100% effectiveness, at 6 targets it heals for 95% effectiveness, 7 targets 90% effectiveness probably until It reaches 50% and doesn’t go below or something like that.

Hope these suggestions help, personally I prefer one of the 6-8 suggestions because they change nothing but be a balance change, this way the style is the same but instead of pulling 400k hps on some bosses it’ll be 150-200k which is inline with other healers.

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Boooooooo! Nerf fistweaving!

Putting a DR on high haste instead of having it completely linear would probably solve it all.

And cause a backlash from all casters just to" balance" their beloved Hpala again?
Nah they rather nerf it to the ground i guess xD

Crit also has a pretty strong DR :smiley: having >100% crit is worthless - historically, haste breakpoints were a thing. Having a DR on very high haste levels (let’s say letting it kick in at 80% and letting everything below that alone) for all classes would not really cause trouble. Basically MWs would stack haste until this predefined % of haste rating and go for crit/vers if above that. Same for Holy Paladins.

The important thing is to not ruin a spec only because a handful of people with unreasonably good gear managed to break it.

You forgot to include payed right before unreasonably good gear :stuck_out_tongue:

Main sourse of corruption besides chests are the BoE’s since at least 1/5 is corrupted, while the normal gear is 50+/1 corrupted ration. For me at least

As long as its not an all time favorite spoiled healer like pala/priest, it doesnt matter if spec goes to ruin.

I beg you just set target cap on Enveloping Mist, don’t mess with duration!

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Lol. Before making this post I made sure to check it to confirm and I was right. Druid has always been the “favorite” healer.

MoP best healer for challenge runs: Druid

WoD best healer for challenge runs: Druid

Druid had a solid place in Legion mythic+, vying for best spot with paladins

Same in BfA, before coming of monks with haste spam, Druid was one of the top healers.

On top of that, due to their unique HoT style, resto druid has never been a bad pick in raids, providing sustained heal that has been boosted heavily by their mastery for 2 expansions, confirmed to have their mastery untouched in SL.

So tell me about this “favored” healer spot. Starting from vanilla, resto druid was never, ever a bad spec and always had a spot in pretty much all content.

Actually, this is how most games are balanced. Its not even hard to reach this breakpoint, specially in mythic+, where you have less buffs to maintain. Once you get your HoT’s on 5 people, you never have to heal again until end of the combat.

I know you have issues, bigtime ones since youre hiding in another account to blabla in the forums…

But anyways i will inform you im talking about raids, NOT m+ or challenge modes.

I have already said above druud is the favorite over there.

Indeed, but nobody is even remotely close to hapala/priest.
You see it doesnt matter if druid now actually performs good even in raids, while the current raiding content was first released the healers was pala/priest.

Wanna argue with the obvious for a reason of… Unknown?

Roses are red
Violets are blue

Rdruid whines about monk while all top keys are being done by Rdruids.

It amazes me how the heck the n1 pick of the whole BFA tier rdruid YOU in disguise came to whine about monks that became a solid choise in raiding for 3 months. Just 3 months.

Frankly, you need to shut up about people’s accounts. Its none of your business and unlike you no one wants to show their epeen all the time. I will just leaves these here then:

h ttps://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/24#metric=hps&dataset=95&class=Healers

h ttps://www.wowprogress.com/mythic_plus_score_healer/

Show me priest paladin favor.

World of Warcraft, patch 8.3, Ny’alotha

h ttps://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/24#metric=hps&dataset=95&class=Healers

What game are you playing?

Nobody cares what you think i need to do. Specially me.

When youre comparing a class to others be sure to check the max performance of the class because rdruid atm is n2, thats why you whine because you demand your way to the top. As said above it will be done at the end of the exp with max haste+mastery %% corruptions

There ya go
https ://www.warcraftlogs. com/zone/statistics/24#metric=hps&dataset=100&class=Healers

Checking healers in wow progress for m+… Let me enlight you.
https ://raider. io/mythic-plus-rankings/season-bfa-4/all/world/leaderboards

Check all first world first 100 + kills this and previous expcs and find me when a pala/priest was mission. That is blizz’s favoritism.

He’s mostly complaining over the fact that mistweaver has never been at the top at anything throughout BFA.

M+ has always been druid. Mistweaver is a strong speed runner with conflict and strife but they have no brez, so you’re basically forced to pair a dk with them.

In raids hpala and disco have dominated. Mistweaver never have been that spec a raid team is really looking forward to recruit and have on their team. The ones that have a permanent spot in mythic raid groups are basically long term mains that are good with it, and likely have no other monks for the debuff.

While for an hpala and disc priest it’s something you could perform at 50% percentile and still be a valuable asset for progress due to your naturally passive dps, strong healing and Dr.