Mistweaver hotfix coming

Doesn’t matter if you care, I will tell you to shut up if you cross the line and dismiss what you said. Deal?

This is eternal palace logs, you got buffs in beginning of 8.3. This is irrelevant. I am aware MW was rather underperforming in 8.2. Which is why you go the buffs.

Still dominated by druids. Do you even check your own links?

It has never been because of healing. Go to WoWhead page on first N’zoth kill and see why they brought the healers they did.

" Limit used 2 tanks, 4 healers, and 14 DPS. The comp includes lots of classes with immunities - 4 Mages, 3 Paladins and 2 Hunters, all being rotated to soak Harvest Thoughts from the Thought Harvester adds."

h ttps://www.wowhead.com/news=311010/complexity-limit-claims-world-first-mythic-nzoth-the-corruptor-kill

Method used 6 balance druids in Kil’Jaeden. Doesn’t mean they were top tier dps, simply the utility they had was great for that particular boss. Same goes for divine shield.

You can shutup yourself because i simply dont care about what you request me to do. As simple as that.

Do you even read what i said? IM talking about RAIDING not M+ WAKE UP

for further explanation to even the most simple or non existent minds to understand :

https ://www.warcraftlogs. com/zone/statistics/23/#metric=hps&dataset=100
https ://www.warcraftlogs. com/zone/statistics/22#metric=hps&dataset=100
https ://www.warcraftlogs. com/zone/statistics/21#metric=hps&dataset=100

Now do you understand what priest pala favoritism is and that comment comes from someone who actually mains priest.

Well the theme of “holy healing” is large but slow heals, and “nature healing” is sustained and fast healing. This has pretty much been the case. Now, when it comes to sustained healing, you usually need one. You could have 1 druid and 3 other healers picked between priest and paladin and it would work perfectly. One more strength of nature healers is ability to heal on the move, however movement intensive fights have not been common in BfA raids. Which is precisely why Druids shine in M+ as movement has zero impact on their performance, whether they are DPSing or healing.

I am fine if they gimp monks to be always in melee range like paladins and nerf their ranged healing, but improve their dps and fistweaving. You can’t have both.

I don’t main a monk, but glad to hear about listening to feedback before applying a massive change.

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Why not? Ideally for me both upwelling/rising mist would have sinilar output with rising nist/fistweaving having slightly more due to more skill required and being in melee is generally more dangerous. It adds diversity and currently its very viable to have this happen with hot cap.

I mean if its truly a choice, as in choosing fistweaving weakens your ranged healing and picking ranged healing truly weakens fistweaving, then its fine. But as it stands its not the case. Having access to both is going to be most visible in pvp and highest content however, which we see in streams. MW is currently dominating in MDI and high level arenas, where every tool of the spec is utilized.

Thanks for not implementing this hotfix. Was just starting to enjoy mistweaver with Rising Mist in M+. Surely a cap on the number of Enveloping Mists/Renewing Mists, similar to glimmer for pala would be a viable method of nerfing the silly raid haste build without spoiling the fun of the rest of the MW players.
Hope you find a solution!



Here is the change we’re working on for the next scheduled weekly maintenance (very early April 29 in this region):

  • Rising Mist can now extend a heal-over-time effect by up to 100% of its original duration.
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First off - I’d like to just say thanks to Blizzard for listening to the outcry and walking back the initial nerf; I was somewhat disparaging in my last comment and glad to see I was wrong.

I’m still not convinced by how playable this leaves Rising Mist versus Upwelling, but I think it’s likely to make the talent noncompetitive. It absolutely kills the Enveloping Mist stacking play style (and rightly so), but it also significantly impacts the Renewing Mist blanketing which will undoubtedly have both large throughput and mana ramifications as we have to lean on other spells to supplement the lost healing.

It’s hard to determine from logs, but I think the only thing making the spec truly broken is the ability to maintain 100% uptime on raid-wide (or near raid-wide) Enveloping Mist.

If Enveloping Mist is removed from Rising Mist extension (or target capped to, e.g. 2 for tanks), then the spec defaults to raid-wide Renewing Mist supplemented by Vivify during periods of heavy damage. I think this would still leave Monk as the strongest healer (and rightly so given that it brings almost negative utility across all healers), but not leagues ahead of everything else and would also diminish the benefit/need to stack incredible amounts of haste.

TL;DR - Need some time to reflect on this proposal, but think it’s still the wrong direction - leave the talent as it is but remove or target cap Enveloping.

Edit:- The other consideration here is what this does to the skill cap of the spec, which on the face of it would seem to increase it significantly for the average player. You will now need to account for when in the fight a damage spike is going to occur and plan a substantial time ahead to have as many hots out as you can in order to derive any benefit from the talent. Even if the healing comes out as on par with Upwelling or even slightly ahead, it’s probably not going to be the go-to choice just for the sake of this added complexity.

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From where I’m standing, this change is fine for M+. It allows me to keep Renewing up on the whole group for long enough to matter, and while I will have to recast enveloping mist more often, in an M+, that’s ok too. It will not impact my playstyle much, Rising Mist will - as far as I can tell - remain competitive in Mythic+.

So for M+ it generally remains unchanged so that’s good. For raids it seems you’re making it sort of disc priest where you can prepare renewing mists and enveloping mists like 30 seconds beforehand and vivify cleave. Haven’t done the math but from an initial analysis I’d say you’re able to have out 6 renewing mists out to cleave from if you prepare it 30 seconds prior.

Since you won’t have issues extending it I’d say you use TFT on first for extra duration, 2 right after, 3 (9 sécs after), 4 (+9), 5(+9). And 6 right 6 seconds after damage hits. As far as I know this should provide just slightly more HPS than upwelling build with 6 vivify cleaves + rising mist heal + renewing mist hot. More if you use essence font between that wait time after damage hits and the 6 second window, giving you stronger vivify on your main target, as well as aoe heal.

Seems like a balanced way to contribute damage and slightly more hps due to higher activity and skill required. However I believe it won’t be the preferred build in a few bosses unless you can execute it perfectly. I feel this change is okay.

Please consider making rising mist proc mastery instead if doing that arbitrary low heal, as mastery in its current iteration it’s quite boring and very irrelevant.

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You do realise the nerf was to stop people from stacking haste to keep 100% uptime on enveloping mists right? You’re right this’ll make very little difference in mythic plus but it’s about stopping people from pulling 200-400k hps.

Your class dominated by a huge margin EP that became utterly broken, yet they did let you guys be top of the line with a huge margin from the rest and almost twice output as monks had:

https ://www.warcraftlogs. com/zone/statistics/23#metric=hps&dataset=100

Now my question to you is, while you had you whole EP tier to have such ridicusly high output compared to others + a DR, why monk cant have same treatment in the last tier of the xpc?

Do i have to mention that monk was never a progress healer because of no DR? You guys and discs are always the first, then after a while monks had a chance?

Im seeing blizzard being biased towards you and my new class, priest. Since Classic xD

Almost every class and spec had a tier in the label of god mode. By your logic blizzard is biased towards everyone and thus making it the norm. Get off your horse please :slight_smile: there is no thing as 100% balanced and you had your time to enjoy the god mode label.

[quote=“Ðauntess-outland, post:158, topic:143581”] there is no thing as 100% balanced and you had your time to enjoy the god mode label.

You didnt read, i do not main monk nowadays.

Indeed they had their time, 3 months while they did let others dominate a whole xpc and a godmode whole tier.

How about logging with your main and telling us your opinion instead of hiding behind a low level alt :slight_smile:

Why would my opinion hold any different validity just because I change my posting character? I mean it’s my opinion as a player, regardless of class/spec.

And no, I don’t heal at all. I main a warrior as of recently when I returned to my roots. Hunter in BoD/EP. Shaman in legion. I do a bit of everything to be fair.


Still though doesnt change the fact Hpala dominated whole tier with insane output + damage + DR, Disc dominated whole expc, monk dominated the 2 last months. After the palas/discs defeated nzoth the first month.

Clearly you did not read my post, or my thoughts on this change.

i dont understand whats so hard about giving it the glimmer treatment , this is still gonna kill the build , if ppl wanna play it after this build they will be oom 30% into the fight. plz just use your brain and give the HOTS a numbercap and not an extention cap , everything will be solved and it will do reasonable numbers. 5 on EM and 10 on RM ? djeez

or atleast make it so that the 100% extention only works on EM , EM was the problem , not the other hots.

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