MM hunter is ruined

All MM hunter had in PvP was Double Tap, by removing it without giving us anything good in exchange I dunno what the arena battle plan a of MM hunter could possibly be now.

I guess that now I have one less activity to enjoy in the game because I won’t be doing more arenas any time soon.

Fix MM hunter in PvP.


I tried it in Battlegrounds and all MM has now is sustained damage. Which is good, but in a heavy burst game it isn’t enough. Our defense is mostly being ranged and kiting, which considering the mobility of some melee is not very efficient, defense CDs aren’t great either (but ok, we aren’t supposed to be tanky).

The Double Tap + Rapid Fire burst was strong, but it was easily counterable by CCing the MM Hunter or using a def CD. And there are plenty of specs that have higher burst on top of other advantages.

I’m not going to reroll or say that the spec is “killed” by this change, but it is an unnecessary change that nerfs an average PvP spec.


Double Tap had to go because it promoted ape gameplay.
However, not giving hunters anything to compensate was a stupid move.

In my opinion, they should bring the design closer to what it was in Cata/MoP, with Chimaera Shot basically just being an instant cast Aimed Shot with a short CD, and the small self healing perks: 3% on Chimaera Shot and 5% on Disengage I believe it was.

I also remember Hunters having 2 charges of Deterrence, rather than one 8 second turtle. And deterrence could be Glyphed to reflect enemy spells.


they are fixed right now.


its good that Double tap got deleted.

now we need to delete feign death.

all in all, I play the smallest violin for the most brainless gameplay in pvp that is that class.


It’s on a CD, it has a GCD and requires you to get the initial aimed shot off. How is it brainless compared to something like lock and load which is complete random burst with instant aimed shots?

If anyone is brainless it would be people who don’t understand how to use their defensives during small kill windows.

Garbage change by garbage company.


MM huntar cry rivers… priceless :sweat_smile::rofl::joy:


Who does not like getting pierced through the skull by an Aimed Shot.

A pity that this sort of attitude of “they killed me so serves them right” makes up for half of any PvP balancing debates. Haven’t seen a single mention of MM overperforming on any of the PvP forums. And it’s not overrepresented in PvP, which it would have been if it was OP. The easy playstyle makes MM a viable fotm candidate.

Ah well. Out of curiosity, which spec do you two play in PvP? Wondering what spec you have to play to have MM make you salty…


Outlaw Rogue and Arcane Mage.

and what?

If it was a purely PvP change, then that seems quite bizarre to me. They have had “pvp sliders” for years now, so just make it work as in normal WoW, that is 2 casts of aimed or rapid, but each cast has some coefficient less reduced power…so you still get a damage increase due to the speed and burst of the cast and no CD between the two, but it doesn’t affect the actual normal game, that is the non PvP part. Seems utterly bizarre to me that the change was due to a PvP , but they have issued no logic or statement unlike a lot of the other changes/nerfs in the patch notes.

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Sweet. Now just put deadzone back in and I can start feeling something other than pure contempt for hunter players.

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You didn’t read what I said at all, but sure…I guess this was about PvP afterall.

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Sure thing bud, but with readiness, incast aimeds, chimera, silence shot, different drs on scatter and freezing trap. And of course mobility of all other classes will be deleted by 2 or even 3.

:comet: :comet: :comet: :comet: :comet: :comet: :comet: :comet: :comet: :comet: :comet: :comet: :comet:

They deserved. Justice has been done.

Thank you BLizzard. For listening.

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yeah its pretty bad move by blizz

instead of fixing double tap they just delete it

  • they could of nerfed it to 50% or made it a 2minute cd


(i went from 2064 rating to 1700 ish, its still playable but 3 second casts on aimed shot while mages and other spell casters have LESS cast time and do more damage per cast )
its clearly not balanced

  • before you comment on MM hunt, try playing one in pvp this patch and then come here to make a comment, try hard casting a 3 second aimed shot in arena

I love licking salty hunter tears, let me straight licking them from under your eyes. Imagine me as a big pink lickitung getting all that yummy salty tears on my tongue now i make that homerface yummy

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I so enjoy reading the comments, the psychology of people, its brilliant!
All those people, if they played MM hunter, would make one thread after the other complaining. Now they died by an MM hunter most likely in 2 secs, and they are enjoying the nerf.
I was playing spriest, like a year ago, I had hard time doing damage and with rogues. When I switched to MM hunter, and I was able to win over some rogues and other classes, I am guilty I got satisfaction too. Its basic human psychology.
Now I am back to spriest, hope I will manage to do it justice. Hunter suit me for my kind of mindset.
If rogues get a serious nerf, watch the new threads complaining.


I always love the sneaky “exaggeration for effect” on forums.

Aimed shot isn’t a 3 second cast.

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:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

This here! The very truth. Why did you feel guilt? BLizzard simply says “play MM huntar” and greys out all other class’ specs. You have done the right thing.