MM Hunter: We demand buffs and compensation - Blizzard

Always the rating rant. Not everyone cares about achieving a high rating. I only do rated with an irl m8 with different alts and messing about to cap our conquest. Not going for higher ratings doesn’t mean you can’t. We play about the most unviable comps you can imagine and always do double dps in 2’s. So yes, that won’t get you very high rating.

Hunters are hilarious.

REEEEEEE I lose 1k dps by taking wailing arrow REEEEEE!

Why do you deplete keys? Is it that 1k dps lower or the fact that at a stage you didn’t stop casts efficiently and ran out of buttons? I bet its going to be option 2 most of the time but all you care about is deeps.

Hunters dps is more than fine, its very good. What they lack is decent defensives. What kills me dents my team mates and they have more buttons to survive and a far greater base health pool.


Not going for higher ratings doesn’t mean you can’t.

Not getting azz kicked by actually competent players also doesn’t mean you can’t.

ever sinds double tap got removed all i see is complaining hunters
they acting like it’s the end of the world

Atleast hunters have mobilty and the dps
look at demo warlock The raids are full of move out of this and move out of this
They can’t stand still and cast most of the time . Hunters can use abilties while moving The hunter pet is better then the demons
Warlock have to sacrife sould shard to empower to heal demon even more . And there leech shield got nerfed to .They don’t have a pet that can heal themself And drain life healing is a joke
We may not be perfect But i take the hunter class over the warlock with all three specs feeling like a joke

What are you talking about? This is about MM hunter witch have to cast aimed shot all the time. And you said our pets are better? Again MM hunter dosent use pets. I dont want to be rude, but man you dont even know what are u talking about. And again i dont want to be rude, but man… i saw your hunter on wowarmory its full blue/green fresh 70 do u really know anything about our problems? ITs not about the casual solo stuff but the high level keys.


I just got 70 like yesterday you clown
and i got a life besides this game You think i spend the whole day in wow ?

You’re completely within your right to add your opinion but in this case the issues involve high level content like mythic raiding and m+ 20+ keys. If you just dinged 70, you clearly have no idea what the impact on hunters is that do serious content. These changes aren’t very impactful on casual or low-level players but at cutting edge content, this change is massive in the completely wrong direction. Even with mobility, the dps of hunter is sub-par at best now and with some of the worst survivability in the game with the only group utility being BL (which evokers,shamans or mages can do at a much higher return on investment), hunters are simply in a terrible state.

I’m not one of these high key players I speak for me who and people that never cared for best gear every patch and high key mythics And don’t reallty care for pvp
I never used dt myself Just another button
We could use some buffs . But losing DT isn’t the end of the world stop making a drama like hunters are the worst class now
warlock and retri pala have it worse

Don’t you understand the absurdity of what you say? No one will blame you if you are a full casual, but to form an opinion about things you don’t even see or care. For example im not playing high ranked pvp, so I don’t form an opinion on it. Who is the clown here?


Who comment here and doesn’t agree with OP has to say, you are a bunch of clowns, we are talking here about competitive not your 15+ keys. Your +15 keys can be done with 3 hunter DPS

Dude you are pathetic please you have 2.1K RIO on your main and you dare to say hunters are hilarious ? Dude like i said what keys you do there can be done with 3 Hunters DPS with no problem. We comment here about 21-22 keys and over.

Please stop commenting you are pathetic and you make me laugh

Er, no I don’t. And you may be talking about 21-22 keys but thats a number you pulled out of your backside. Different people are talking about different things, and mostly they are talking about how badly hunters perform in keys they’ve never seen.

Go please on my raider IO account and press click on my main and you will see what keys i didn’t seen i’m talking about :slight_smile:

Literally your first post in this thread was to crap on me and then decide what “we all” are talking about.


Go post a lottery in general or something, at least thats stupid and amusing instead of just stupid.

You paparazzi or what to follow every move i make on forum :))

You pathetic, you post on hunter subforum without even knowing why we demand buffs and saying we are laughable.

My “friend”, some players like to push mythic + and don t like to be murdered by blizzard for no reasons.

You comment on my every thread. If i go now and make a discussion thread your first to post lol. I don t need fans and paparazzi on wow forum ty

It’s called having a memory, I’m not a goldfish.

And since yours is lacking. You came here to crap on me, not the other way around.

I know why you demand buffs, I have a hunter, their survivability is terrible. But as usual, thats all lost in the double tap screeching and sweaty simming about losing 1k dps to take wailing arrow.

I logged onto the hunter discord the other day for the first time. It’s 800 posts a day of noise, its like they cloned you.

Dude you re so pathetic i have no words to describe how pathetic u are really.

U forgot to mention talent swap. Hunters don t bring anything to groups in +20 except BL and with the lose of double tap and talent tree they don t even do bursts AOE. I explained to you like a child now, you understand???

Hunter was bad even before but now is disaster.

This not apply to 15 keys what u doing now, 3 hunters can be dps in your 15 key :slight_smile: .

Yawn. Look in the mirror Mr “lottery” thread.

Switch subject, very good tactic =)) should i browse your forum posts and also pick a random subject that have nothing to do with this post?