MM hunters - PVP

Good job with buffing this broken class furthermore, not only are they perma rooting an entire battleground (WITHOUT DR) and spitting instant 1.5k+ shots unlimitedly whilst backpedalling and jumping from 40+ yards.

Guess the two classes on the top. :slight_smile:

DMG reduction when? Currently its back to worse then a private server experience.


These guys are fkn broke xD

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You pay them money for this game. Even if you stop supporting them with your money they probably won’t do anything. Because those devs who cared for the game and who were able to create a game we love are not working for Blizzard anymore. You can see the level of their designers by those class designs we see in SOD. We all need to face the reality. They just capitalize on our nostalgia feelings, and they don’t create cool games, just sell what have been done many years ago by other people.

P.S. They don’t even read this forum. Try US, not like u have more chances to be heard.


I suppose you playing druid. Yesterday I faced balance druid who I killed but he killed me after with dots. I attacked 0.5 second first so we fight almost equally 1vs1. He focused only me, I focused only him. My pet was far so it wasn’t in fight for the most time, the length of the fight was around 5-6 second.

What is the difference why we have problems with MM hunters but not druids? Hunters have nothing but kite+kill abilities, this is the class mechanic. You have stealth/healing/moonking armored form and your instant no mana hits with 2+k people suffering since phase2. And you are completely immune to slow if you know about shapeshifting. So druid can kill hunter in 5-6 second and hunter have no ability to defend himself from it. And you can sleep a pet. Why are you crying?
Your hybrid killing pure dps class pretty easily.

And btw, 1.5k+ shots is CRITICAL strike which is not 100%, has 6second cd (without Lock and Load), requires Serpent Sting (which is easily could be dispelled) for full potential and without crit it hits 400-500… what a damage, jeez, like 2 ticks of SWP of shadowpriest with no effort… need a nerf right now!

Pure damage classes can’t do damage, right?

Yeah Hunters were always in top in BG’s every single expansion, are you that clueless?

We have no healing, no real defensives and we have a deadzone. Plenty to counter.

Git gud.

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Yeah its completely fine for hunters to have their entire dmg toolkit to be instant from 40+ yards with zero counter play possible.

Druids, Locks, Shamans, Mages all have to cast their high hitting abilitites (which are on shorter range)
And BTW yes, 1.5k+ shots are CRITICAL which for an agility user shouldn’t be to much of a deal, how much crit do you have with 50 gear? 20-25%?
Don’t tell me that spamming instant chimeras just from trap proccing (which once again doesn’t DR like any other CC) and then instant aimed shots are balanced at any level.

MM is squishy and 0 skill based, insta aimed was a mistake and hope to see it removed p4

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Its fair, when the mage blink in hunters are dead 99% of the times

Traps are fairly easy to avoid.

Instant Aimed shot that requires the Hunter to be standing completely still in PvP for a length of time before it becomes instant.

Druid Locks Shamans and Mages that ALL have far better defensives than a Hunter does AND have the ability to heal?

MM Hunter is very strong (always has been) but saying it has zero counterplay is just wrong. You honestly have no clue what you’re talking about.

Far better defensives?

Being pushed back for a 2 sec cast for abt 6 sec due to the hunter’s and pet’s attack speed you mean?

Yes aimed shot requires to stand still, currently works in shadowmeld as well.

Yes I must be clueless, I played back in 2006 classic, reached 2k+ multiple times in arenas :slight_smile:
The burst meta where they spam back to back chimeras have nothing to do with the class as well as instant aimed shots, its a clown fiesta version with little to no counterplay as one gets smacked quicker than a heals cast duration.

But protect this 0 skill involved pvp environment where 2 abilitys not only kill you but does overkill.

90 Mana 30 yd range
1.5 sec cast
Requires Druid
Requires level 18

Forces the enemy target to sleep for up to 20 sec. Any damage will awaken the target. Only one target can be forced to hibernate at a time. Only works on Beasts and Dragonkin.

So only horde can have good racials for PvP like stun resist, fear remove, damage increase, attack speed increase but alliance can’t even stay still in stealth?

Chimera shot is still much stronger than Aimed Shot, why do you even complain about ability which crits for 1k like you dont have Starsurge, omagad.

Spamming Starsurge with no brain is OK for you, but spamming Chimera somehow is not. You arguments are weak, and freaking 6 yards difference is a three steps…

20% crit chance with a good gear. It’s still not 100%, and 1.5k damage is still not a big hit in case you forgot we have shamans who can instashot you from 100 to 0 with immune to slow so you can’t even kite them.

MM hunters was irrelevant in phase1 and phase2 while you was spamming your starsurge left and right and didn’t complain about that, but now MM finally got deserved buff which is still not oneshot shamans or priests and you start to think 1.5k damage chitshot from a pure dps class is somehow imbalanced… and still have no arguments why.

Again. How pressing starsurge requires skill, but pressing chimera is not?

If you think hunters requires no skill - you probably never played hunter and just listened to stories from a forum.

Yeah no counterplay against 1500 critical hit with 4-5k hp pulls for a class who can heal, sleep, run, stealth, attack in distance 0-8 yards, and making same or more damage.


in Classic sure not in SoD. Blink in and get a big melee hit to the face.

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Mm hunters hit like a wet noodle in melee compared to ranged, and most mages know to stand in the deadzone

20% with 3 set and PvP gear. Don’t think you can go much higher than that without buffs.

Thanks for the feedback.

Who said I experienced my issues on druid tho? :slight_smile:

Starsurge crits 1k tops, Chimera crits 2k - can you see the difference?

Yes shamans can shot you IF THEIR 5% proccs - aside from that they have ZERO pushback resistance meaning against hunters like you, they die before being able to cast anything.
Oh and lava burst have 30yard range, how much is the range on aimed and chimera? 40 or 42 yard?

But good try, love how you defend your broken spec.

Starsurge crits 1k top. Yes. In phase2 :slight_smile:
Chimera, on the other hand, do not crit 2k. Never. So probably your numbers just made up.

Ofc you love it, because I succeed in that. You started with 1.5k chimera, now we have 2k chimera, next post gonna be 3k?

y i love that now my frost nova deep freeze rewards the hunter with an instant aimed shot to nuke me afterwards

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Why you stay in his range? Fight close ,mages and sps have always been an anti- hunter classes

Why do you staying in range of hunter’s attack btw?

MM is nothing compared to many other classes! Just stand on them! really that simple